Database Class Reference

Database defines the top-level database object, which is the unit of self-contained storage and recovery. More...

#include <Database.h>

Inheritance diagram for Database:

ClosableObject TraceSource SegmentMap StatsSource SynchMonitoredObject List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual ~Database ()
const ConfigMapgetConfigMap () const
SharedCache getCache () const
SharedSegmentFactory getSegmentFactory () const
SharedSegment getDataSegment () const
SharedSegment getTempSegment () const
SharedCheckpointThread getCheckpointThread () const
virtual SharedSegment getSegmentById (SegmentId segmentId, SharedSegment pDataSegment)
 Finds a segment by its SegmentId.
virtual void writeStats (StatsTarget &target)
 Writes a current stats snapshot to a StatsTarget.
SharedLogicalTxnLog getTxnLog () const
const & 
getTypeFactory () const
bool isRecoveryRequired () const
bool shouldForceTxns () const
bool areSnapshotsEnabled () const
void recoverOnline ()
void recover (LogicalTxnParticipantFactory &txnParticipantFactory)
void checkpointImpl (CheckpointType=CHECKPOINT_FLUSH_ALL)
void requestCheckpoint (CheckpointType checkpointType, bool async)
 Receives request for a checkpoint.
void deallocateOldPages (TxnId oldestLabelCsn)
 Deallocates old snapshot pages that are no longer referenced by any active transactions, as well as active labels marking snapshots in time.
void setLastCommittedTxnId (TxnId txnId)
 Saves the id of the last committed transaction.
TxnId getLastCommittedTxnId ()
the id of the last committed, write transaction

TxnId initiateBackup (const std::string &backupFilePathname, bool checkSpaceRequirements, FileSize spacePadding, TxnId lowerBoundCsn, const std::string &compressionProgram, FileSize &dataDeviceSize, const volatile bool &aborted)
 Initiates a backup of the data segment.
void completeBackup (TxnId lowerBoundCsn, TxnId upperBoundCsn, const volatile bool &aborted)
 Completes the remainder of a backup by backing up the data pages that have allocationCsn's in between two specified bounds.
void abortBackup ()
 Aborts a backup that may or may not have been previously initiated.
void restoreFromBackup (const std::string &backupFilePathname, FileSize newSize, const std::string &compressionProgram, TxnId lowerBoundCsn, TxnId upperBoundCsn, const volatile bool &aborted)
 Restores the data segment from a backup file.
bool isClosed () const
whether the object has been closed

void close ()
 Closes this object, releasing any unallocated resources.
virtual void initTraceSource (SharedTraceTarget pTraceTarget, std::string name)
 For use when initialization has to be deferred until after construction.
void trace (TraceLevel level, std::string message) const
 Records a trace message.
bool isTracing () const
true iff tracing is enabled for this source

bool isTracingLevel (TraceLevel level) const
 Determines whether a particular level is being traced.
TraceTargetgetTraceTarget () const
the TraceTarget for this source

SharedTraceTarget getSharedTraceTarget () const
the SharedTraceTarget for this source

std::string getTraceSourceName () const
 Gets the name of this source.
void setTraceSourceName (std::string const &n)
 Sets the name of this source.
TraceLevel getMinimumTraceLevel () const
void disableTracing ()

Static Public Member Functions

static SharedDatabase newDatabase (SharedCache pCache, ConfigMap const &configMap, DeviceMode openMode, SharedTraceTarget pTraceTarget, SharedPseudoUuidGenerator pUuidGenerator=SharedPseudoUuidGenerator())

Static Public Attributes

static ParamName paramDatabaseDir
static ParamName paramResourceDir
static ParamName paramForceTxns
static ParamName paramDisableSnapshots
static ParamName paramDatabasePrefix
static ParamName paramTempPrefix
static ParamName paramShadowLogPrefix
static ParamName paramTxnLogPrefix
static ParamName paramInitSizeSuffix
static ParamName paramMaxSizeSuffix
static ParamName paramIncSizeSuffix
static ParamVal valLogAllocLinear
static ParamVal valLogAllocCircular
static const SegmentId DEFAULT_DATA_SEGMENT_ID
static const SegmentId TEMP_SEGMENT_ID

Protected Attributes

bool needsClose
StrictMutex mutex
LocalCondition condition

Private Member Functions

 Database (SharedCache pCache, ConfigMap const &configMap, DeviceMode openMode, SharedTraceTarget pTraceTarget, SharedPseudoUuidGenerator pUuidGenerator)
virtual void closeImpl ()
 Must be implemented by derived class to release any resources.
void init ()
void createTxnLog (DeviceMode)
SharedSegment createTxnLogSegment (DeviceMode, PageId)
SharedSegment createShadowLog (DeviceMode)
void createDataDevice (LinearDeviceSegmentParams &)
void createDataSegment (SharedSegment, LinearDeviceSegmentParams &)
void createTempSegment ()
void allocateHeader ()
void writeHeader ()
void loadHeader (bool)
void closeDevices ()
void deleteLogs ()
void openSegments ()
void prepareForRecovery ()
void recoverPhysical (CheckpointType)
void readDeviceParams (std::string paramNamePrefix, DeviceMode deviceMode, LinearDeviceSegmentParams &deviceParams)
void cleanupBackupRestore (bool isBackup)

Private Attributes

DeviceId dataDeviceId
SharedRandomAccessDevice pDataDevice
DeviceId tempDeviceId
DeviceId shadowDeviceId
DeviceId txnLogDeviceId
std::string dataDeviceName
std::string tempDeviceName
std::string shadowDeviceName
std::string txnLogDeviceName
SharedCache pCache
SharedSegmentFactory pSegmentFactory
SharedSegment pHeaderSegment
SharedSegment pDataSegment
SharedSegment pTempSegment
SharedLogicalTxnLog pTxnLog
PageId headerPageId1
PageId headerPageId2
DatabaseHeader header
bool forceTxns
bool disableSnapshots
bool recoveryRequired
DeviceMode openMode
ConfigMap configMap
StandardTypeDescriptorFactory typeFactory
SharedCheckpointThread pCheckpointThread
SharedPseudoUuidGenerator pUuidGenerator
uint nCheckpointsStat
 Cumulative counter cleared whenever writeStats is called.
uint nCheckpoints
 Cumulative counter.
bool disableDeallocateOld
SharedSegPageBackupRestoreDevice pBackupRestoreDevice
 Device used to read and write the backup file during backup and restore.
SegmentAccessor scratchAccessor
 Scratch accessor used during backup and restore.

Detailed Description

Database defines the top-level database object, which is the unit of self-contained storage and recovery.

Definition at line 49 of file Database.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Database::Database ( SharedCache  pCache,
ConfigMap const &  configMap,
DeviceMode  openMode,
SharedTraceTarget  pTraceTarget,
SharedPseudoUuidGenerator  pUuidGenerator 
) [explicit, private]

Definition at line 96 of file Database.cpp.

References disableDeallocateOld, and openMode.

Referenced by newDatabase().

00102     : TraceSource(pTraceTarget,"database"),
00103       pCache(pCacheInit),
00104       configMap(configMapInit),
00105       pUuidGenerator(pUuidGeneratorInit)
00106 {
00107     openMode = openModeInit;
00108     disableDeallocateOld = false;
00109 }

Database::~Database (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 242 of file Database.cpp.

00243 {
00244 }

Member Function Documentation

void Database::closeImpl (  )  [private, virtual]

Must be implemented by derived class to release any resources.

Implements ClosableObject.

Definition at line 246 of file Database.cpp.

References areSnapshotsEnabled(), checkpointImpl(), closeDevices(), deleteLogs(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::freeTempPages(), header, isRecoveryRequired(), pCheckpointThread, pDataSegment, pTempSegment, pTxnLog, TRACE_INFO, and DatabaseHeader::versionNumber.

00247 {
00248     FENNEL_TRACE(
00249         TRACE_INFO,
00250         "closing database");
00251     if (pCheckpointThread) {
00252         pCheckpointThread->close();
00253     }
00255     // Free any leftover temp pages used for page versioning
00256     if (pDataSegment && areSnapshotsEnabled()) {
00257         VersionedRandomAllocationSegment *pVersionedRandomSegment =
00258             SegmentFactory::dynamicCast<VersionedRandomAllocationSegment *>(
00259                 pDataSegment);
00260         pVersionedRandomSegment->freeTempPages();
00261     }
00263     // Verify that no garbage temp pages remain allocated.
00264     if (pTempSegment) {
00265         assert(pTempSegment->getAllocatedSizeInPages() == 0);
00266     }
00268     if (isRecoveryRequired()) {
00269         closeDevices();
00270     } else {
00271         // NOTE jvs 14-Nov-2006:  In case we're auto-closing after
00272         // a failed startup, skip checkpoint if we don't have
00273         // everything we need for it.
00274         if (pTxnLog && pDataSegment) {
00275             checkpointImpl();
00276         }
00277         closeDevices();
00278         deleteLogs();
00279     }
00280     FENNEL_TRACE(
00281         TRACE_INFO,
00282         "database closed; page version = "
00283         << header.versionNumber);
00284 }

void Database::init (  )  [private]

Definition at line 111 of file Database.cpp.

References configMap, DeviceMode::create, dataDeviceId, dataDeviceName, disableSnapshots, FileSystem::doesFileExist(), forceTxns, ConfigMap::getBoolParam(), Segment::getLinearPageId(), TraceSource::getSharedTraceTarget(), ConfigMap::getStringParam(), header, headerPageId1, headerPageId2, DatabaseHeader::MAGIC_NUMBER, StoredNode::magicNumber, nCheckpoints, nCheckpointsStat, SegmentFactory::newSegmentFactory(), openMode, openSegments(), paramDatabaseDir, paramDisableSnapshots, paramForceTxns, paramResourceDir, prepareForRecovery(), pSegmentFactory, recoveryRequired, shadowDeviceId, shadowDeviceName, tempDeviceId, tempDeviceName, txnLogDeviceId, txnLogDeviceName, and DatabaseHeader::versionNumber.

00112 {
00113     forceTxns = configMap.getBoolParam(paramForceTxns);
00114     disableSnapshots = configMap.getBoolParam(paramDisableSnapshots);
00116     // NOTE:  do this early in case other initialization throws exceptions
00117     // (and to prevent thread-safety issues later on)
00118     std::string resourceDir = configMap.getStringParam(paramResourceDir);
00119     if (resourceDir == "") {
00120         // If we weren't told explicitly where to find resources, make sure
00121         // we can rely on an environment variable setting.  TODO:
00122         // instead of pre-checking this, get information back from
00123         // FennelResource to tell us whether it was successfully initialized.
00124         assert(getenv("FENNEL_HOME"));
00125     } else {
00126         FennelResource::setResourceFileLocation(resourceDir);
00127     }
00128     FennelResource::instance();
00130     dataDeviceId = DeviceId(1);
00131     shadowDeviceId = DeviceId(2);
00132     txnLogDeviceId = DeviceId(3);
00133     tempDeviceId = DeviceId(4);
00135     headerPageId1 = Segment::getLinearPageId(0);
00136     headerPageId2 = Segment::getLinearPageId(1);
00138     header.versionNumber = SegVersionNum(0);
00139     recoveryRequired = false;
00141     // REVIEW:  Have to do this so that later assignments from header to stored
00142     // data work correctly.  But it breaks encapsulation.  Find a better way.
00143     header.magicNumber = DatabaseHeader::MAGIC_NUMBER;
00145     // TODO:  use boost filesystem library for platform-independent path
00146     // manipulation
00147     std::string databaseDir = configMap.getStringParam(paramDatabaseDir);
00148     // TODO:  real excn
00149     assert(databaseDir != "");
00151     dataDeviceName = databaseDir + "/db.dat";
00152     shadowDeviceName = databaseDir + "/shadowlog.dat";
00153     txnLogDeviceName = databaseDir + "/txnlog.dat";
00154     tempDeviceName = databaseDir + "/temp.dat";
00156     nCheckpoints = nCheckpointsStat = 0;
00158     pSegmentFactory = SegmentFactory::newSegmentFactory(
00159         configMap,getSharedTraceTarget());
00161     if (!openMode.create) {
00162         // TODO:  real excn
00163         assert(FileSystem::doesFileExist(dataDeviceName.c_str()));
00164         if (FileSystem::doesFileExist(shadowDeviceName.c_str())) {
00165             prepareForRecovery();
00166             return;
00167         }
00168     }
00170     openSegments();
00171 }

void Database::createTxnLog ( DeviceMode   )  [private]

Definition at line 382 of file Database.cpp.

References createTxnLogSegment(), header, LogicalTxnLog::newLogicalTxnLog(), NULL_PAGE_ID, DatabaseHeader::onlineUuid, pCache, pSegmentFactory, pTxnLog, and DatabaseHeader::txnLogCheckpointMemento.

Referenced by openSegments().

00383 {
00384     SharedSegment pTxnLogSegment = createTxnLogSegment(
00385         txnLogMode,NULL_PAGE_ID);
00386     SegmentAccessor segmentAccessor(pTxnLogSegment,pCache);
00387     pTxnLog = LogicalTxnLog::newLogicalTxnLog(
00388         segmentAccessor,
00389         header.onlineUuid,
00390         pSegmentFactory);
00391     pTxnLog->checkpoint(header.txnLogCheckpointMemento);
00392 }

SharedSegment Database::createTxnLogSegment ( DeviceMode  ,
) [private]

Definition at line 347 of file Database.cpp.

References LinearDeviceSegmentParams::firstBlockId, forceTxns, MAXU, LinearDeviceSegmentParams::nPagesAllocated, LinearDeviceSegmentParams::nPagesIncrement, LinearDeviceSegmentParams::nPagesMax, LinearDeviceSegmentParams::nPagesMin, paramTxnLogPrefix, pCache, pCheckpointThread, pSegmentFactory, readDeviceParams(), CompoundId::setBlockNum(), CompoundId::setDeviceId(), txnLogDeviceId, and txnLogDeviceName.

Referenced by createTxnLog(), and recover().

00349 {
00350     SharedRandomAccessDevice pTxnLogDevice(
00351         new RandomAccessFileDevice(txnLogDeviceName,txnLogMode));
00352     pCache->registerDevice(txnLogDeviceId,pTxnLogDevice);
00354     LinearDeviceSegmentParams deviceParams;
00355     readDeviceParams(paramTxnLogPrefix,txnLogMode,deviceParams);
00356     CompoundId::setDeviceId(deviceParams.firstBlockId,txnLogDeviceId);
00357     CompoundId::setBlockNum(deviceParams.firstBlockId,0);
00358     if (forceTxns) {
00359         deviceParams.nPagesAllocated = 0;
00360     } else {
00361         deviceParams.nPagesAllocated = MAXU;
00362         deviceParams.nPagesIncrement = 0;
00363         deviceParams.nPagesMax = deviceParams.nPagesMin;
00364     }
00366     SharedSegment pLinearSegment =
00367         pSegmentFactory->newLinearDeviceSegment(
00368             pCache,
00369             deviceParams);
00371     SharedSegment pTxnLogSegment;
00372     if (forceTxns) {
00373         pTxnLogSegment = pLinearSegment;
00374     } else {
00375         pTxnLogSegment = pSegmentFactory->newCircularSegment(
00376             pLinearSegment,pCheckpointThread,oldestPageId);
00377     }
00379     return pTxnLogSegment;
00380 }

SharedSegment Database::createShadowLog ( DeviceMode   )  [private]

Definition at line 394 of file Database.cpp.

References DeviceMode::create, LinearDeviceSegmentParams::firstBlockId, forceTxns, header, MAXU, LinearDeviceSegmentParams::nPagesAllocated, LinearDeviceSegmentParams::nPagesIncrement, LinearDeviceSegmentParams::nPagesMax, LinearDeviceSegmentParams::nPagesMin, NULL_PAGE_ID, paramShadowLogPrefix, pCache, pCheckpointThread, pSegmentFactory, readDeviceParams(), CompoundId::setBlockNum(), CompoundId::setDeviceId(), shadowDeviceId, shadowDeviceName, and DatabaseHeader::shadowRecoveryPageId.

Referenced by openSegments(), and prepareForRecovery().

00395 {
00396     SharedRandomAccessDevice pShadowDevice(
00397         new RandomAccessFileDevice(shadowDeviceName,shadowLogMode));
00398     pCache->registerDevice(shadowDeviceId,pShadowDevice);
00400     LinearDeviceSegmentParams deviceParams;
00401     readDeviceParams(paramShadowLogPrefix,shadowLogMode,deviceParams);
00402     CompoundId::setDeviceId(deviceParams.firstBlockId,shadowDeviceId);
00403     CompoundId::setBlockNum(deviceParams.firstBlockId,0);
00405     if (forceTxns) {
00406         if (shadowLogMode.create) {
00407             // start allocating from beginning of device
00408             deviceParams.nPagesAllocated = 0;
00409         } else {
00410             // treat entire device as pre-allocated because we're
00411             // going to scan it during recovery
00412             deviceParams.nPagesAllocated = MAXU;
00413         }
00414     } else {
00415         deviceParams.nPagesAllocated = MAXU;
00416         deviceParams.nPagesIncrement = 0;
00417         deviceParams.nPagesMax = deviceParams.nPagesMin;
00418     }
00420     SharedSegment pShadowSegment =
00421         pSegmentFactory->newLinearDeviceSegment(
00422             pCache,
00423             deviceParams);
00425     PageId oldestPageId = NULL_PAGE_ID;
00426     if (!shadowLogMode.create) {
00427         oldestPageId = header.shadowRecoveryPageId;
00428     }
00430     if (!forceTxns) {
00431         pShadowSegment = pSegmentFactory->newCircularSegment(
00432             pShadowSegment,
00433             pCheckpointThread,
00434             oldestPageId);
00435     }
00437     return pSegmentFactory->newWALSegment(pShadowSegment);
00438 }

void Database::createDataDevice ( LinearDeviceSegmentParams  )  [private]

Definition at line 440 of file Database.cpp.

References dataDeviceId, dataDeviceName, LinearDeviceSegmentParams::nPagesMin, openMode, paramDatabasePrefix, pCache, pDataDevice, readDeviceParams(), and shouldForceTxns().

Referenced by openSegments(), and prepareForRecovery().

00441 {
00442     readDeviceParams(paramDatabasePrefix,openMode,deviceParams);
00444     FileSize initialSize = FileSize(0);
00445     if (shouldForceTxns()) {
00446         // include +2 for the database header pages
00447         initialSize = (deviceParams.nPagesMin + 2) * pCache->getPageSize();
00448     }
00450     pDataDevice =
00451         SharedRandomAccessDevice(
00452             new RandomAccessFileDevice(
00453                 dataDeviceName,
00454                 openMode,
00455                 initialSize));
00456     pCache->registerDevice(dataDeviceId,pDataDevice);
00457 }

void Database::createDataSegment ( SharedSegment  ,
) [private]

Definition at line 459 of file Database.cpp.

References areSnapshotsEnabled(), DeviceMode::create, dataDeviceId, LinearDeviceSegmentParams::firstBlockId, header, MAXU, LinearDeviceSegmentParams::nPagesAllocated, DatabaseHeader::onlineUuid, openMode, pCache, pDataSegment, pSegmentFactory, pTempSegment, pVersionedSegment, recoveryRequired, CompoundId::setBlockNum(), CompoundId::setDeviceId(), and DatabaseHeader::versionNumber.

Referenced by openSegments(), and prepareForRecovery().

00462 {
00463     // first data BlockId is located after the two database header pages
00464     CompoundId::setDeviceId(deviceParams.firstBlockId,dataDeviceId);
00465     CompoundId::setBlockNum(deviceParams.firstBlockId,2);
00467     deviceParams.nPagesAllocated = MAXU;
00469     SharedSegment pDataDeviceSegment =
00470         pSegmentFactory->newLinearDeviceSegment(
00471             pCache,
00472             deviceParams);
00474     SharedSegment pVersionedDataSegment =
00475         pSegmentFactory->newVersionedSegment(
00476             pDataDeviceSegment,
00477             pShadowLogSegment,
00478             header.onlineUuid,
00479             header.versionNumber + (recoveryRequired ? 0 : 1));
00481     pVersionedSegment = SegmentFactory::dynamicCast<VersionedSegment *>(
00482         pVersionedDataSegment);
00484     // If recovery is required, defer initializing the data segment for use
00485     // until after recovery has completed.
00486     if (areSnapshotsEnabled()) {
00487         pDataSegment =
00488             pSegmentFactory->newVersionedRandomAllocationSegment(
00489                 pVersionedDataSegment,
00490                 pTempSegment,
00491                 openMode.create,
00492                 recoveryRequired);
00493     } else {
00494         pDataSegment =
00495             pSegmentFactory->newRandomAllocationSegment(
00496                 pVersionedDataSegment,
00497                 openMode.create,
00498                 recoveryRequired);
00499     }
00500 }

void Database::createTempSegment (  )  [private]

Definition at line 502 of file Database.cpp.

References DeviceMode::create, FileSystem::doesFileExist(), openMode, paramTempPrefix, pCache, pSegmentFactory, pTempSegment, readDeviceParams(), CompoundId::setBlockNum(), CompoundId::setDeviceId(), shouldForceTxns(), tempDeviceId, and tempDeviceName.

Referenced by openSegments(), and prepareForRecovery().

00503 {
00504     // If the temp device file already exists, use it; otherwise, create it.
00505     // There's no point in recreating it on every startup.  But REVIEW:  sizing
00506     // issues.
00507     DeviceMode tempMode = openMode;
00508     tempMode.create = !FileSystem::doesFileExist(tempDeviceName.c_str());
00510     LinearDeviceSegmentParams deviceParams;
00511     readDeviceParams(paramTempPrefix,tempMode,deviceParams);
00512     FileSize initialSize = FileSize(0);
00513     if (shouldForceTxns()) {
00514         initialSize = deviceParams.nPagesMin * pCache->getPageSize();
00515     }
00517     SharedRandomAccessDevice pTempDevice(
00518         new RandomAccessFileDevice(tempDeviceName,tempMode,initialSize));
00519     pCache->registerDevice(tempDeviceId,pTempDevice);
00521     // This forces the full device size to be used.
00522     tempMode.create = false;
00524     // no header for temp device
00525     CompoundId::setDeviceId(deviceParams.firstBlockId,tempDeviceId);
00526     CompoundId::setBlockNum(deviceParams.firstBlockId,0);
00528     SharedSegment pTempDeviceSegment =
00529         pSegmentFactory->newLinearDeviceSegment(
00530             pCache,
00531             deviceParams);
00533     // Reformat any existing temp data.
00534     pTempSegment =
00535         pSegmentFactory->newRandomAllocationSegment(
00536             pTempDeviceSegment,
00537             true);
00538 }

void Database::allocateHeader (  )  [private]

Definition at line 591 of file Database.cpp.

References SegNodeLock< Node >::allocatePage(), dataDeviceId, FIRST_TXN_ID, LinearDeviceSegmentParams::firstBlockId, SegNodeLock< Node >::getNodeForWrite(), header, headerPageId1, headerPageId2, pCache, pHeaderSegment, pSegmentFactory, pTxnLog, CompoundId::setBlockNum(), CompoundId::setDeviceId(), and SegPageLock::unlock().

Referenced by openSegments().

00592 {
00593     LinearDeviceSegmentParams deviceParams;
00594     CompoundId::setDeviceId(deviceParams.firstBlockId,dataDeviceId);
00595     CompoundId::setBlockNum(deviceParams.firstBlockId,0);
00596     pHeaderSegment =
00597         pSegmentFactory->newLinearDeviceSegment(
00598             pCache,
00599             deviceParams);
00601     SegmentAccessor segmentAccessor(pHeaderSegment,pCache);
00602     DatabaseHeaderPageLock headerPageLock(segmentAccessor);
00604     PageId pageId;
00605     pTxnLog->setNextTxnId(FIRST_TXN_ID);
00606     pageId = headerPageLock.allocatePage();
00607     assert(pageId == headerPageId1);
00608     headerPageLock.getNodeForWrite() = header;
00609     pageId = headerPageLock.allocatePage();
00610     assert(pageId == headerPageId2);
00611     headerPageLock.getNodeForWrite() = header;
00612     headerPageLock.unlock();
00613     pHeaderSegment->checkpoint();
00614 }

void Database::writeHeader (  )  [private]

Definition at line 741 of file Database.cpp.

References SegNodeLock< Node >::getNodeForWrite(), SegPageLock::getPage(), header, headerPageId1, headerPageId2, SegPageLock::lockExclusive(), pCache, and pHeaderSegment.

Referenced by checkpointImpl(), prepareForRecovery(), and recoverPhysical().

00742 {
00743     // TODO:  crc
00745     // NOTE:  use synchronous writes to guarantee that first write completes
00746     // before second one starts (otherwise a crash could leave both copies
00747     // corrupted)
00749     SegmentAccessor segmentAccessor(pHeaderSegment,pCache);
00750     DatabaseHeaderPageLock headerPageLock(segmentAccessor);
00752     headerPageLock.lockExclusive(headerPageId1);
00753     headerPageLock.getNodeForWrite() = header;
00754     pCache->flushPage(headerPageLock.getPage(),false);
00756     headerPageLock.lockExclusive(headerPageId2);
00757     headerPageLock.getNodeForWrite() = header;
00758     pCache->flushPage(headerPageLock.getPage(),false);
00759 }

void Database::loadHeader ( bool   )  [private]

Definition at line 616 of file Database.cpp.

References SegNodeLock< Node >::checkMagicNumber(), dataDeviceId, LinearDeviceSegmentParams::firstBlockId, SegNodeLock< Node >::getNodeForRead(), header, headerPageId1, headerPageId2, SegPageLock::lockShared(), LogicalTxnLogCheckpointMemento::nextTxnId, LinearDeviceSegmentParams::nPagesAllocated, LinearDeviceSegmentParams::nPagesMax, pCache, pHeaderSegment, pSegmentFactory, pTxnLog, CompoundId::setBlockNum(), CompoundId::setDeviceId(), DatabaseHeader::txnLogCheckpointMemento, and DatabaseHeader::versionNumber.

Referenced by openSegments(), prepareForRecovery(), and restoreFromBackup().

00617 {
00618     LinearDeviceSegmentParams deviceParams;
00619     CompoundId::setDeviceId(deviceParams.firstBlockId,dataDeviceId);
00620     CompoundId::setBlockNum(deviceParams.firstBlockId,0);
00621     deviceParams.nPagesAllocated = 2;
00622     deviceParams.nPagesMax = 2;
00623     pHeaderSegment =
00624         pSegmentFactory->newLinearDeviceSegment(
00625             pCache,
00626             deviceParams);
00628     SegmentAccessor segmentAccessor(pHeaderSegment,pCache);
00629     DatabaseHeaderPageLock headerPageLock1(segmentAccessor);
00630     headerPageLock1.lockShared(headerPageId1);
00631     if (!headerPageLock1.checkMagicNumber()) {
00632         throw DataFormatExcn();
00633     }
00635     DatabaseHeaderPageLock headerPageLock2(segmentAccessor);
00636     headerPageLock2.lockShared(headerPageId2);
00637     if (!headerPageLock2.checkMagicNumber()) {
00638         throw DataFormatExcn();
00639     }
00641     DatabaseHeader const &header1 = headerPageLock1.getNodeForRead();
00642     DatabaseHeader const &header2 = headerPageLock2.getNodeForRead();
00643     if (recovery) {
00644         // TODO:  crc
00645         if (header2.versionNumber < header1.versionNumber) {
00646             header = header2;
00647         } else {
00648             header = header1;
00649         }
00650     } else {
00651         assert(header1.versionNumber == header2.versionNumber);
00652         // REVIEW:  should assert other fields equal as well?
00653         header = header1;
00654     }
00655     if (pTxnLog) {
00656         TxnId nextTxnId = header.txnLogCheckpointMemento.nextTxnId;
00657         pTxnLog->setNextTxnId(nextTxnId);
00658     }
00659 }

void Database::closeDevices (  )  [private]

Definition at line 286 of file Database.cpp.

References dataDeviceId, pCache, pDataSegment, pHeaderSegment, pTempSegment, pTxnLog, pVersionedSegment, shadowDeviceId, tempDeviceId, and txnLogDeviceId.

Referenced by closeImpl(), and recover().

00287 {
00288     pVersionedSegment = NULL;
00289     pTxnLog.reset();
00290     // REVIEW: have to explicitly close in case someone (like a recovery
00291     // factory) else still has a segment reference; should probably find a
00292     // better way to deal with this
00293     if (pDataSegment) {
00294         pDataSegment->close();
00295         pDataSegment.reset();
00296     }
00297     pHeaderSegment.reset();
00298     if (pTempSegment) {
00299         pTempSegment->close();
00300         pTempSegment.reset();
00301     }
00303     // for incomplete recovery or startup, these devices may not have been
00304     // opened yet
00305     if (pCache) {
00306         if (pCache->getDevice(txnLogDeviceId)) {
00307             pCache->unregisterDevice(txnLogDeviceId);
00308         }
00309         if (pCache->getDevice(shadowDeviceId)) {
00310             pCache->unregisterDevice(shadowDeviceId);
00311         }
00312         if (pCache->getDevice(dataDeviceId)) {
00313             pCache->unregisterDevice(dataDeviceId);
00314         }
00315         if (pCache->getDevice(tempDeviceId)) {
00316             pCache->unregisterDevice(tempDeviceId);
00317         }
00318     }
00319 }

void Database::deleteLogs (  )  [private]

Definition at line 321 of file Database.cpp.

References FileSystem::remove(), shadowDeviceName, and txnLogDeviceName.

Referenced by closeImpl(), and recover().

00322 {
00323     FileSystem::remove(shadowDeviceName.c_str());
00324     FileSystem::remove(txnLogDeviceName.c_str());
00326     // TODO jvs 25-June-2005:  here and in LogicalRecoveryLog, we should
00327     // be using ConfigMap to determine where to store txn logs
00328     // instead of current_path()
00329     directory_iterator end_itr;
00330     for (directory_iterator itr(current_path()); itr != end_itr; ++itr) {
00331         std::string filename = itr->path().filename();
00332         // TODO jvs 25-June-2005:  encapsulate filename parsing in
00333         // LogicalRecoveryLog
00334         if (filename.length() < 4) {
00335             continue;
00336         }
00337         if (filename.substr(0, 3) != "txn") {
00338             continue;
00339         }
00340         if (filename.substr(filename.length() - 4, 4) != ".dat") {
00341             continue;
00342         }
00343         FileSystem::remove(filename.c_str());
00344     }
00345 }

void Database::openSegments (  )  [private]

Definition at line 186 of file Database.cpp.

References allocateHeader(), checkpointImpl(), DeviceMode::create, createDataDevice(), createDataSegment(), createShadowLog(), createTempSegment(), createTxnLog(), DeviceMode::direct, header, loadHeader(), DatabaseHeader::onlineUuid, openMode, pCheckpointThread, pUuidGenerator, TRACE_INFO, and DatabaseHeader::versionNumber.

Referenced by init(), and recover().

00187 {
00188 #ifdef NDEBUG
00189     FENNEL_TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "Fennel build:  --with-optimization");
00190 #else
00191     FENNEL_TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "Fennel build:  --without-optimization");
00192 #endif
00193     FENNEL_TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "opening database; process ID = " << getpid());
00195     pCheckpointThread = SharedCheckpointThread(
00196         new CheckpointThread(*this),
00197         ClosableObjectDestructor());
00199     createTempSegment();
00201     pUuidGenerator->generateUuid(header.onlineUuid);
00202     FENNEL_TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "online UUID = " << header.onlineUuid);
00204     DeviceMode txnLogMode = openMode;
00205     txnLogMode.create = true;
00206 = true;
00207     createTxnLog(txnLogMode);
00209     LinearDeviceSegmentParams dataDeviceParams;
00210     createDataDevice(dataDeviceParams);
00212     if (openMode.create) {
00213         // online UUID will be written out by allocateHeader
00214         allocateHeader();
00215     } else {
00216         PseudoUuid newOnlineUuid = header.onlineUuid;
00217         loadHeader(false);
00218         // overwrite old online UUID; new one will be written out
00219         // by checkpoint below
00220         header.onlineUuid = newOnlineUuid;
00221     }
00223     DeviceMode shadowMode = openMode;
00224     shadowMode.create = true;
00225 = true;
00227     SharedSegment pShadowLogSegment = createShadowLog(shadowMode);
00228     createDataSegment(pShadowLogSegment, dataDeviceParams);
00230     FENNEL_TRACE(
00231         TRACE_INFO,
00232         "database opened; page version = "
00233         << header.versionNumber);
00235     if (!openMode.create) {
00236         checkpointImpl();
00237     }
00239     pCheckpointThread->start();
00240 }

void Database::prepareForRecovery (  )  [private]

Definition at line 173 of file Database.cpp.

References createDataDevice(), createDataSegment(), createShadowLog(), createTempSegment(), loadHeader(), openMode, recoveryRequired, TRACE_WARNING, and writeHeader().

Referenced by init().

00174 {
00175     FENNEL_TRACE(TRACE_WARNING, "recovery required");
00176     recoveryRequired = true;
00177     createTempSegment();
00178     LinearDeviceSegmentParams dataDeviceParams;
00179     createDataDevice(dataDeviceParams);
00180     loadHeader(true);
00181     writeHeader();
00182     SharedSegment pShadowLogSegment = createShadowLog(openMode);
00183     createDataSegment(pShadowLogSegment,dataDeviceParams);
00184 }

void Database::recoverPhysical ( CheckpointType   )  [private]

Definition at line 819 of file Database.cpp.

References CHECKPOINT_FLUSH_AND_UNMAP, DeviceMode::create, VersionedSegment::deallocateCheckpointedLog(), VersionedSegment::getVersionNumber(), header, isRecoveryRequired(), NULL_PAGE_ID, openMode, pDataSegment, pVersionedSegment, VersionedSegment::recover(), recoveryRequired, DatabaseHeader::shadowRecoveryPageId, TRACE_INFO, DatabaseHeader::versionNumber, and writeHeader().

Referenced by recover(), and recoverOnline().

00820 {
00821     assert(!openMode.create);
00822     assert(isRecoveryRequired());
00823     recoveryRequired = false;
00825     FENNEL_TRACE(
00826         TRACE_INFO,
00827         "recovery beginning; page version = "
00828         << header.versionNumber);
00830     if (header.shadowRecoveryPageId != NULL_PAGE_ID) {
00831         pVersionedSegment->recover(
00832             pDataSegment,
00833             header.shadowRecoveryPageId,
00834             header.versionNumber);
00835         pDataSegment->checkpoint(checkpointType);
00836         header.versionNumber = pVersionedSegment->getVersionNumber();
00837         header.shadowRecoveryPageId = NULL_PAGE_ID;
00838         writeHeader();
00839         pVersionedSegment->deallocateCheckpointedLog(
00840             CHECKPOINT_FLUSH_AND_UNMAP);
00841     }
00842 }

void Database::readDeviceParams ( std::string  paramNamePrefix,
DeviceMode  deviceMode,
LinearDeviceSegmentParams deviceParams 
) [private]

Definition at line 849 of file Database.cpp.

References configMap, DeviceMode::create, ConfigMap::getIntParam(), ConfigMap::isParamSet(), MAXU, LinearDeviceSegmentParams::nPagesAllocated, LinearDeviceSegmentParams::nPagesIncrement, LinearDeviceSegmentParams::nPagesMax, LinearDeviceSegmentParams::nPagesMin, paramIncSizeSuffix, paramInitSizeSuffix, and paramMaxSizeSuffix.

Referenced by createDataDevice(), createShadowLog(), createTempSegment(), and createTxnLogSegment().

00853 {
00854     deviceParams.nPagesMin = configMap.getIntParam(
00855         paramNamePrefix + paramInitSizeSuffix);
00856     if (configMap.isParamSet(paramNamePrefix + paramIncSizeSuffix)) {
00857         deviceParams.nPagesIncrement = configMap.getIntParam(
00858             paramNamePrefix + paramIncSizeSuffix);
00859     }
00860     deviceParams.nPagesMax = configMap.getIntParam(
00861         paramNamePrefix + paramMaxSizeSuffix);
00862     if (!deviceParams.nPagesMax) {
00863         deviceParams.nPagesMax = MAXU;
00864     }
00865     if (deviceMode.create) {
00866         deviceParams.nPagesAllocated = 0;
00867     } else {
00868         deviceParams.nPagesAllocated = MAXU;
00869     }
00870 }

void Database::cleanupBackupRestore ( bool  isBackup  )  [private]

Definition at line 1233 of file Database.cpp.

References disableDeallocateOld, pBackupRestoreDevice, pCheckpointThread, SegmentAccessor::pSegment, SegmentAccessor::reset(), and scratchAccessor.

Referenced by abortBackup(), completeBackup(), initiateBackup(), and restoreFromBackup().

01234 {
01235     if (pBackupRestoreDevice) {
01236         pBackupRestoreDevice.reset();
01237     }
01238     if (scratchAccessor.pSegment) {
01239         scratchAccessor.reset();
01240     }
01241     if (isBackup) {
01242         SXMutexSharedGuard actionMutexGuard(
01243             pCheckpointThread->getActionMutex());
01244         disableDeallocateOld = false;
01245     }
01246 }

SharedDatabase Database::newDatabase ( SharedCache  pCache,
ConfigMap const &  configMap,
DeviceMode  openMode,
SharedTraceTarget  pTraceTarget,
SharedPseudoUuidGenerator  pUuidGenerator = SharedPseudoUuidGenerator() 
) [static]

Definition at line 76 of file Database.cpp.

References Database().

Referenced by BackupRestoreTest::createSnapshotData(), DatabaseTest::loadDatabase(), BTreeTxnTest::testCaseSetUp(), DatabaseTest::testCreateEmpty(), BTreeTxnTest::testTxns(), and CmdInterpreter::visit().

00082 {
00083     if (!pUuidGenerator) {
00084         pUuidGenerator.reset(new PseudoUuidGenerator());
00085     }
00086     SharedDatabase pDb =
00087         SharedDatabase(
00088             new Database(
00089                 pCacheInit, configMapInit, openModeInit, pTraceTarget,
00090                 pUuidGenerator),
00091             ClosableObjectDestructor());
00092     pDb->init();
00093     return pDb;
00094 }

const ConfigMap & Database::getConfigMap (  )  const

Definition at line 540 of file Database.cpp.

References configMap.

00541 {
00542     return configMap;
00543 }

SharedCache Database::getCache (  )  const

Definition at line 545 of file Database.cpp.

References pCache.

00546 {
00547     return pCache;
00548 }

SharedSegmentFactory Database::getSegmentFactory (  )  const

Definition at line 581 of file Database.cpp.

References pSegmentFactory.

00582 {
00583     return pSegmentFactory;
00584 }

SharedSegment Database::getDataSegment (  )  const

Definition at line 550 of file Database.cpp.

References pDataSegment.

Referenced by getSegmentById().

00551 {
00552     return pDataSegment;
00553 }

SharedSegment Database::getTempSegment (  )  const

Definition at line 555 of file Database.cpp.

References pTempSegment.

Referenced by getSegmentById().

00556 {
00557     return pTempSegment;
00558 }

SharedCheckpointThread Database::getCheckpointThread (  )  const

Definition at line 560 of file Database.cpp.

References pCheckpointThread.

00561 {
00562     return pCheckpointThread;
00563 }

SharedSegment Database::getSegmentById ( SegmentId  segmentId,
SharedSegment  pDataSegment 
) [virtual]

Finds a segment by its SegmentId.

segmentId the SegmentId to find
pDataSegment the specific segment associated with a statement, if a specific segment must be used
loaded segment, or a singular SharedSegment if not found

Implements SegmentMap.

Definition at line 565 of file Database.cpp.

References DEFAULT_DATA_SEGMENT_ID, getDataSegment(), getTempSegment(), and TEMP_SEGMENT_ID.

00568 {
00569     if (segmentId == TEMP_SEGMENT_ID) {
00570         return getTempSegment();
00571     } else {
00572         assert(segmentId == DEFAULT_DATA_SEGMENT_ID);
00573         if (pDataSegment) {
00574             return pDataSegment;
00575         } else {
00576             return getDataSegment();
00577         }
00578     }
00579 }

void Database::writeStats ( StatsTarget target  )  [virtual]

Writes a current stats snapshot to a StatsTarget.

target receives the stats

Implements StatsSource.

Definition at line 877 of file Database.cpp.

References SynchMonitoredObject::mutex, nCheckpoints, nCheckpointsStat, pCache, pDataSegment, pTempSegment, and StatsTarget::writeCounter().

00878 {
00879     pCache->writeStats(target);
00881     StrictMutexGuard mutexGuard(mutex);
00882     target.writeCounter(
00883         "DatabaseCheckpoints", nCheckpointsStat);
00884     target.writeCounter(
00885         "DatabaseCheckpointsSinceInit", nCheckpoints);
00886     if (pDataSegment) {
00887         target.writeCounter(
00888             "DatabasePagesAllocated", pDataSegment->getAllocatedSizeInPages());
00889         // +2 for the database header pages
00890         target.writeCounter(
00891             "DatabasePagesOccupiedHighWaterSinceInit",
00892             pDataSegment->getNumPagesOccupiedHighWater() + 2);
00893         target.writeCounter(
00894             "DatabasePagesExtendedSinceInit",
00895             pDataSegment->getNumPagesExtended());
00896     }
00897     if (pTempSegment) {
00898         target.writeCounter(
00899             "TempPagesAllocated", pTempSegment->getAllocatedSizeInPages());
00900         target.writeCounter(
00901             "TempPagesOccupiedHighWaterSinceInit",
00902             pTempSegment->getNumPagesOccupiedHighWater());
00903         target.writeCounter(
00904             "TempPagesExtendedSinceInit",
00905             pTempSegment->getNumPagesExtended());
00906     }
00907     nCheckpointsStat = 0;
00908 }

SharedLogicalTxnLog Database::getTxnLog (  )  const

Definition at line 586 of file Database.cpp.

References pTxnLog.

00587 {
00588     return pTxnLog;
00589 }

StoredTypeDescriptorFactory const & Database::getTypeFactory (  )  const

Definition at line 872 of file Database.cpp.

References typeFactory.

00873 {
00874     return typeFactory;
00875 }

bool Database::isRecoveryRequired (  )  const

Definition at line 844 of file Database.cpp.

References recoveryRequired.

Referenced by checkpointImpl(), closeImpl(), and recoverPhysical().

00845 {
00846     return recoveryRequired;
00847 }

bool Database::shouldForceTxns (  )  const

Definition at line 910 of file Database.cpp.

References forceTxns.

Referenced by createDataDevice(), and createTempSegment().

00911 {
00912     return forceTxns;
00913 }

bool Database::areSnapshotsEnabled (  )  const

Definition at line 915 of file Database.cpp.

References disableSnapshots, and forceTxns.

Referenced by closeImpl(), createDataSegment(), initiateBackup(), and restoreFromBackup().

00916 {
00917     return (forceTxns && !disableSnapshots);
00918 }

void Database::recoverOnline (  ) 

Definition at line 761 of file Database.cpp.

References CHECKPOINT_FLUSH_ALL, checkpointImpl(), forceTxns, VersionedSegment::getOnlineRecoveryPageId(), header, VersionedSegment::prepareOnlineRecovery(), pVersionedSegment, recoverPhysical(), recoveryRequired, and DatabaseHeader::shadowRecoveryPageId.

00762 {
00763     // REVIEW jvs 8-Aug-2006:  This procedure has one questionable aspect,
00764     // which is that it leaves images of newly allocated pages in cache.
00765     // Updated pages are handled by recovery from the log, but newly allocated
00766     // pages are not.  They will be clean, so they shouldn't really cause any
00767     // trouble, but their presence could be, at a minimum, confusing.
00769     assert(forceTxns);
00770     header.shadowRecoveryPageId =
00771         pVersionedSegment->getOnlineRecoveryPageId();
00772     pVersionedSegment->prepareOnlineRecovery();
00773     recoveryRequired = true;
00775     // after recovery, flush recovered data pages; no need to discard them
00776     recoverPhysical(CHECKPOINT_FLUSH_ALL);
00778     // this will bump up version number to be used by further page writes
00779     checkpointImpl(CHECKPOINT_FLUSH_ALL);
00780 }

void Database::recover ( LogicalTxnParticipantFactory txnParticipantFactory  ) 

Definition at line 782 of file Database.cpp.

References CHECKPOINT_FLUSH_AND_UNMAP, closeDevices(), createTxnLogSegment(), deleteLogs(), CompoundId::getPageId(), header, LogicalTxnLogCheckpointMemento::logPosition, LogicalRecoveryLog::newLogicalRecoveryLog(), DatabaseHeader::onlineUuid, openMode, openSegments(), pCache, pSegmentFactory, recoverPhysical(), SegmentAccessor::reset(), SegStreamPosition::segByteId, TRACE_INFO, and DatabaseHeader::txnLogCheckpointMemento.

00784 {
00785     recoverPhysical(CHECKPOINT_FLUSH_AND_UNMAP);
00787     // REVIEW:  are shadows being correctly logged during recovery?  They have
00788     // to be, otherwise we can't re-recover after a failed recovery.
00790     // TODO:  encapsulate memento->PageId translation in txn somewhere
00791     SharedSegment pTxnLogSegment = createTxnLogSegment(
00792         openMode,
00793         CompoundId::getPageId(
00794             header.txnLogCheckpointMemento.logPosition.segByteId));
00796     SegmentAccessor logSegmentAccessor(pTxnLogSegment,pCache);
00798     SharedLogicalRecoveryLog pRecoveryLog =
00799         LogicalRecoveryLog::newLogicalRecoveryLog(
00800             txnParticipantFactory,
00801             logSegmentAccessor,
00802             header.onlineUuid,
00803             pSegmentFactory);
00804     logSegmentAccessor.reset();
00806     pRecoveryLog->recover(header.txnLogCheckpointMemento);
00807     assert(pRecoveryLog.unique());
00808     pRecoveryLog.reset();
00809     assert(pTxnLogSegment.unique());
00810     pTxnLogSegment.reset();
00812     closeDevices();
00813     deleteLogs();
00814     FENNEL_TRACE(TRACE_INFO, "recovery completed");
00816     openSegments();
00817 }

void Database::checkpointImpl ( CheckpointType  = CHECKPOINT_FLUSH_ALL  ) 

Definition at line 666 of file Database.cpp.

References CHECKPOINT_DISCARD, CHECKPOINT_FLUSH_FUZZY, SynchMonitoredObject::condition, VersionedSegment::deallocateCheckpointedLog(), forceTxns, VersionedSegment::getOnlineRecoveryPageId(), VersionedSegment::getRecoveryPageId(), VersionedSegment::getVersionNumber(), header, isRecoveryRequired(), SynchMonitoredObject::mutex, nCheckpoints, nCheckpointsStat, pDataSegment, pTxnLog, pVersionedSegment, recoveryRequired, DatabaseHeader::shadowRecoveryPageId, DatabaseHeader::txnLogCheckpointMemento, DatabaseHeader::versionNumber, and writeHeader().

Referenced by closeImpl(), openSegments(), recoverOnline(), and CheckpointThread::run().

00667 {
00668     assert(!isRecoveryRequired());
00670     if (checkpointType == CHECKPOINT_DISCARD) {
00671         recoveryRequired = true;
00672         // NOTE jvs 6-Mar-2006:  record this BEFORE anything else,
00673         // since pDataSegment->checkpoint(CHECKPOINT_DISCARD) will
00674         // destroy it
00675         header.shadowRecoveryPageId =
00676             pVersionedSegment->getOnlineRecoveryPageId();
00677         pDataSegment->checkpoint(checkpointType);
00678         if (!forceTxns) {
00679             // REVIEW jvs 8-Mar-2006:  I put in the forceTxns test
00680             // because when forceTxn is true, we actually use
00681             // CHECKPOINT_DISCARD for rollback, and there we DON'T
00682             // want to remove the other uncommitted transactions,
00683             // which is a side-effect of LogicalTxnLog::checkpoint(DISCARD).
00684             // Really, for forceTxns, we shouldn't be using
00685             // LogicalTxnLog at all.  And we should discriminate
00686             // between CHECKPOINT_DISCARD used to simulate a crash in
00687             // tests and CHECKPOINT_DISCARD used to implement rollback
00688             // as part of forceTxns.
00689             LogicalTxnLogCheckpointMemento crashMemento;
00690             pTxnLog->checkpoint(crashMemento,checkpointType);
00691         }
00692         return;
00693     }
00695     header.versionNumber = pVersionedSegment->getVersionNumber();
00696     if (checkpointType == CHECKPOINT_FLUSH_FUZZY) {
00697         header.versionNumber--;
00698     }
00699     pDataSegment->checkpoint(checkpointType);
00700     header.shadowRecoveryPageId = pVersionedSegment->getRecoveryPageId();
00701     pTxnLog->checkpoint(
00702         header.txnLogCheckpointMemento,
00703         checkpointType);
00704     writeHeader();
00705     pVersionedSegment->deallocateCheckpointedLog(checkpointType);
00706     pTxnLog->deallocateCheckpointedLog(
00707         header.txnLogCheckpointMemento,checkpointType);
00709     StrictMutexGuard mutexGuard(mutex);
00710     // TODO:  provide a counter which records the amount of data flushed by the
00711     // checkpoint
00712     ++nCheckpointsStat;
00713     ++nCheckpoints;
00714     condition.notify_all();
00715 }

void Database::requestCheckpoint ( CheckpointType  checkpointType,
bool  async 

Receives request for a checkpoint.

async if true, just schedule checkpoint and return; if false, wait for completion

Definition at line 717 of file Database.cpp.

References CHECKPOINT_FLUSH_ALL, CHECKPOINT_FLUSH_FUZZY, SynchMonitoredObject::condition, forceTxns, SynchMonitoredObject::mutex, nCheckpoints, and pCheckpointThread.

Referenced by deallocateOldPages().

00718 {
00719     StrictMutexGuard mutexGuard(mutex);
00720     uint nCheckpointsBefore = nCheckpoints;
00721     mutexGuard.unlock();
00723     if (forceTxns && (checkpointType == CHECKPOINT_FLUSH_FUZZY)) {
00724         // fuzzy checkpoints aren't meaningful in forceTxns mode,
00725         // so treat them as sharp
00726         checkpointType = CHECKPOINT_FLUSH_ALL;
00727     }
00729     pCheckpointThread->requestCheckpoint(checkpointType);
00731     if (async) {
00732         return;
00733     }
00735     mutexGuard.lock();
00736     while (nCheckpoints == nCheckpointsBefore) {
00737         condition.wait(mutexGuard);
00738     }
00739 }

void Database::deallocateOldPages ( TxnId  oldestLabelCsn  ) 

Deallocates old snapshot pages that are no longer referenced by any active transactions, as well as active labels marking snapshots in time.

oldestLabelCsn the csn of the oldest active label; set to NULL_TXN_ID if there are no active labels

Definition at line 920 of file Database.cpp.

References CHECKPOINT_FLUSH_ALL, VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::deallocateOldPages(), disableDeallocateOld, VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::getOldPageIds(), min(), NULL_TXN_ID, pCheckpointThread, pDataSegment, pTxnLog, and requestCheckpoint().

00921 {
00922     uint iSegAlloc = 0;
00923     ExtentNum extentNum = 0;
00924     // REVIEW zfong 3/12/07 - Determine a good value for numPages.  This
00925     // corresponds to the number of pages we will deallocate during a single
00926     // iteration.  We will be holding the checkpoint mutex for the duration
00927     // of an iteration so we don't want to make the value too big.  But at
00928     // the same time, we don't want to make it too small either, because it
00929     // would then require a large number of iterations to clean out all old
00930     // pages.
00931     uint numPages = 100;
00933     // Determine the oldest active txnId.
00934     TxnId oldestActiveTxnId = pTxnLog->getOldestActiveTxnId();
00936     // Take the minimum of the oldest active txnId and the
00937     // oldest active label + 1, if there are any active labels.
00938     // +1 because txns using that label will have ids bigger than that
00939     // label's csn.
00940     TxnId oldestTxnId;
00941     if (oldestLabelCsn == NULL_TXN_ID) {
00942         oldestTxnId = oldestActiveTxnId;
00943     } else {
00944         oldestTxnId = std::min(oldestActiveTxnId, oldestLabelCsn + 1);
00945     }
00947     // Gather a batch of old pageIds and then deallocate them.  After each
00948     // deallocation, issue a checkpoint to flush the modified allocation
00949     // node pages.  Continue this in a loop until we've read through all
00950     // allocation node pages.
00952     PageSet oldPageSet;
00953     VersionedRandomAllocationSegment *pVersionedRandomSegment =
00954         SegmentFactory::dynamicCast<VersionedRandomAllocationSegment *>(
00955             pDataSegment);
00956     bool morePages = true;
00957     do {
00958         morePages =
00959             pVersionedRandomSegment->getOldPageIds(
00960                 iSegAlloc,
00961                 extentNum,
00962                 oldestTxnId,
00963                 numPages,
00964                 oldPageSet);
00966         // Hold the checkpoint mutex while deallocating old pages, if there
00967         // are pages to deallocate.
00968         if (!oldPageSet.empty()) {
00969             SXMutexSharedGuard actionMutexGuard(
00970                 pCheckpointThread->getActionMutex());
00971             if (disableDeallocateOld) {
00972                 return;
00973             }
00974             pVersionedRandomSegment->deallocateOldPages(
00975                 oldPageSet,
00976                 oldestTxnId);
00978             actionMutexGuard.unlock();
00979             requestCheckpoint(CHECKPOINT_FLUSH_ALL, false);
00980             oldPageSet.clear();
00981         }
00982     } while (morePages);
00983 }

void Database::setLastCommittedTxnId ( TxnId  txnId  ) 

Saves the id of the last committed transaction.

txnId id of the last committed transaction

TxnId Database::getLastCommittedTxnId (  ) 

the id of the last committed, write transaction

Definition at line 661 of file Database.cpp.

References header, LogicalTxnLogCheckpointMemento::nextTxnId, and DatabaseHeader::txnLogCheckpointMemento.

Referenced by initiateBackup(), and restoreFromBackup().

00662 {
00663     return header.txnLogCheckpointMemento.nextTxnId - 1;
00664 }

TxnId Database::initiateBackup ( const std::string &  backupFilePathname,
bool  checkSpaceRequirements,
FileSize  spacePadding,
TxnId  lowerBoundCsn,
const std::string &  compressionProgram,
FileSize dataDeviceSize,
const volatile bool &  aborted 

Initiates a backup of the data segment.

Backs up the header pages and the allocation node pages.

backupFilePathname pathname of the backup file
checkSpaceRequirements if true, make sure file system space is available to perform the backup of data pages
spacePadding if non-zero, the amount of padding to add to the space requirements for the backup to proceed
lowerBoundCsn the lower bound allocation csn that determines which pages need to be backed up; if the lower bound is set to NULL_TXN_ID, then that indicates that there is no lower bound; otherwise, the lower bound is exclusive
compressionProgram if non-empty string, the name of the program used to compress the backup file
dataDeviceSize returns the size of the data device in bytes
aborted reference to a flag indicating whether the backup should be aborted
the txnId of the last committed write txn at the start of the backup; i.e., the upper bound allocationCsn for the backup

Definition at line 985 of file Database.cpp.

References areSnapshotsEnabled(), cleanupBackupRestore(), disableDeallocateOld, FileSystem::getDiskFreeSpace(), getLastCommittedTxnId(), headerPageId1, headerPageId2, SegPageBackupRestoreDevice::newSegPageBackupRestoreDevice(), pBackupRestoreDevice, pCache, pCheckpointThread, pDataDevice, pDataSegment, pHeaderSegment, pSegmentFactory, scratchAccessor, and TRACE_FINE.

00993 {
00994     FENNEL_TRACE(TRACE_FINE, "Started Fennel metadata backup");
00996     // Snapshots must be enabled
00997     if (!areSnapshotsEnabled()) {
00998         throw FennelExcn(
00999             FennelResource::instance().unsupportedOperation("System backup"));
01000     }
01002     // Hold the checkpoint mutex while backing up the header and allocation
01003     // node pages
01004     SXMutexSharedGuard actionMutexGuard(pCheckpointThread->getActionMutex());
01006     // Another backup should not have already been initiated
01007     assert(!disableDeallocateOld);
01008     assert(pBackupRestoreDevice == NULL);
01010     // The upper bound csn for this backup is the txnId of the last committed,
01011     // write txn.  Note that the next txnId to be assigned may be a larger
01012     // value because of read-only txns.  But we don't care about read-only
01013     // txns.  We just want the txnId that's in sync with what's reflected in
01014     // the header.
01015     TxnId upperBoundCsn = getLastCommittedTxnId();
01017     disableDeallocateOld = true;
01018     dataDeviceSize = pDataDevice->getSizeInBytes();
01020     // Use the prefetch setting to determine how many scratch pages to
01021     // allocate.  Note that these scratch pages are not being accounted
01022     // for in the resource governor and come from the reserve pool that
01023     // the resource governor currently sets aside.
01024     uint nScratchPages, rate;
01025     pCache->getPrefetchParams(nScratchPages, rate);
01027     scratchAccessor = pSegmentFactory->newScratchSegment(pCache);
01028     pBackupRestoreDevice =
01029         SegPageBackupRestoreDevice::newSegPageBackupRestoreDevice(
01030              backupFilePathname,
01031 #ifdef __MSVC__
01032              "wb",
01033 #else
01034              "w",
01035 #endif
01036              compressionProgram,
01037              nScratchPages,
01038              2,
01039              scratchAccessor,
01040              pCache->getDeviceAccessScheduler(*pDataDevice),
01041              pDataDevice);
01042     VersionedRandomAllocationSegment *pVRSegment =
01043         SegmentFactory::dynamicCast<VersionedRandomAllocationSegment *>(
01044             pDataSegment);
01046     try {
01047         pBackupRestoreDevice->backupPage(
01048             pHeaderSegment->translatePageId(headerPageId1));
01049         pBackupRestoreDevice->backupPage(
01050             pHeaderSegment->translatePageId(headerPageId2));
01051         // First wait for writes of the header pages to complete before backing
01052         // up the allocation node pages.
01053         pBackupRestoreDevice->waitForPendingWrites();
01054         BlockNum nDataPages =
01055             pVRSegment->backupAllocationNodes(
01056                 pBackupRestoreDevice,
01057                 checkSpaceRequirements,
01058                 lowerBoundCsn,
01059                 upperBoundCsn,
01060                 aborted);
01062         // Verify space if specified, now that we know how many data pages
01063         // will be backed up
01064         if (checkSpaceRequirements) {
01065             FileSize spaceAvailable;
01066             FileSystem::getDiskFreeSpace(
01067                 backupFilePathname.c_str(),
01068                 spaceAvailable);
01069             FileSize spaceRequired =
01070                 nDataPages * pDataSegment->getFullPageSize();
01071             // TODO zfong 9/16/08 - Revisit the compression factor after more
01072             // testing.  Set conservatively to 5, for now.
01073             if (compressionProgram.length() != 0) {
01074                 spaceRequired /= 5;
01075             }
01076             spaceRequired += spacePadding;
01077             if (spaceAvailable < spaceRequired) {
01078                 throw FennelExcn(FennelResource::instance().outOfBackupSpace());
01079             }
01080         }
01081     } catch (...) {
01082         cleanupBackupRestore(true);
01083         // abort exception takes precedence
01084         if (aborted) {
01085             FENNEL_TRACE(TRACE_FINE, "abort detected");
01086             throw AbortExcn();
01087         } else {
01088             throw;
01089         }
01090     }
01092     FENNEL_TRACE(TRACE_FINE, "Finished Fennel metadata backup");
01093     return upperBoundCsn;
01094 }

void Database::completeBackup ( TxnId  lowerBoundCsn,
TxnId  upperBoundCsn,
const volatile bool &  aborted 

Completes the remainder of a backup by backing up the data pages that have allocationCsn's in between two specified bounds.

If the lower bound is set to NULL_TXN_ID, then that indicates that there is no lower bound; otherwise, the lower bound is exclusive. There must always be an upper bound and it is inclusive.

lowerBoundCsn the lower bound allocation csn
upperBoundCsn the upper bound allocation csn
aborted reference to a flag indicating whether the backup should be aborted

Definition at line 1096 of file Database.cpp.

References VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::backupDataPages(), cleanupBackupRestore(), disableDeallocateOld, pBackupRestoreDevice, pDataSegment, and TRACE_FINE.

01100 {
01101     FENNEL_TRACE(TRACE_FINE, "Started Fennel data page backup");
01102     assert(disableDeallocateOld);
01103     assert(pBackupRestoreDevice != NULL);
01105     VersionedRandomAllocationSegment *pVRSegment =
01106         SegmentFactory::dynamicCast<VersionedRandomAllocationSegment *>(
01107             pDataSegment);
01108     try {
01109         pVRSegment->backupDataPages(
01110             pBackupRestoreDevice,
01111             lowerBoundCsn,
01112             upperBoundCsn,
01113             aborted);
01114         cleanupBackupRestore(true);
01115     } catch (...) {
01116         cleanupBackupRestore(true);
01117         // abort exception takes precedence
01118         if (aborted) {
01119             FENNEL_TRACE(TRACE_FINE, "abort detected");
01120             throw AbortExcn();
01121         } else {
01122             throw;
01123         }
01124     }
01126     FENNEL_TRACE(TRACE_FINE, "Finished Fennel data page backup");
01127 }

void Database::abortBackup (  ) 

Aborts a backup that may or may not have been previously initiated.

This is necessary to perform cleanup on the backup in case an error occurred after the backup was initiated, but before there was a chance to complete it.

Definition at line 1129 of file Database.cpp.

References cleanupBackupRestore(), and TRACE_FINE.

01130 {
01131     FENNEL_TRACE(TRACE_FINE, "Aborting Fennel backup");
01132     cleanupBackupRestore(true);
01133 }

void Database::restoreFromBackup ( const std::string &  backupFilePathname,
FileSize  newSize,
const std::string &  compressionProgram,
TxnId  lowerBoundCsn,
TxnId  upperBoundCsn,
const volatile bool &  aborted 

Restores the data segment from a backup file.

The data pages in the backup file correspond to pages with allocationCsn's in between a lower and upper bound. If the lower bound is set to NULL_TXN_ID, then that indicates that there is no lower bound; otherwise, the lower bound is exclusive. There must always be an upper bound and it is inclusive.

backupFilePathname pathname of the backup file
newSize the size the data segment will be extended to by the restore
compressionProgram if non-empty string, the name of the program used to compress the backup file
lowerBoundCsn the lower bound allocation csn
upperBoundCsn the upper bound allocation csn
aborted reference to a flag indicating whether the restore should be aborted

Definition at line 1135 of file Database.cpp.

References areSnapshotsEnabled(), CHECKPOINT_FLUSH_AND_UNMAP, cleanupBackupRestore(), getLastCommittedTxnId(), header, headerPageId1, headerPageId2, loadHeader(), SegPageBackupRestoreDevice::newSegPageBackupRestoreDevice(), NULL_PAGE_ID, NULL_TXN_ID, DatabaseHeader::onlineUuid, pBackupRestoreDevice, pCache, pDataDevice, pDataSegment, pHeaderSegment, pSegmentFactory, pVersionedSegment, VersionedSegment::recover(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::restoreFromBackup(), scratchAccessor, TRACE_FINE, and DatabaseHeader::versionNumber.

01142 {
01143     FENNEL_TRACE(TRACE_FINE, "Started Fennel restore");
01145     // Snapshots must be enabled
01146     if (!areSnapshotsEnabled()) {
01147         throw FennelExcn(
01148             FennelResource::instance().unsupportedOperation("System restore"));
01149     }
01151     // Verify that the last committed csn in the database header matches the
01152     // lower bound csn.
01153     if (lowerBoundCsn != NULL_TXN_ID) {
01154         TxnId headerTxnId = getLastCommittedTxnId();
01155         if (headerTxnId != lowerBoundCsn) {
01156             throw FennelExcn(
01157                 FennelResource::instance().mismatchedRestore());
01158         }
01159     }
01161     pDataDevice->setSizeInBytes(newSize);
01163     VersionedRandomAllocationSegment *pVRSegment =
01164         SegmentFactory::dynamicCast<VersionedRandomAllocationSegment *>(
01165             pDataSegment);
01167     uint nScratchPages, rate;
01168     pCache->getPrefetchParams(nScratchPages, rate);
01170     scratchAccessor =
01171         pSegmentFactory->newScratchSegment(pCache);
01172     pBackupRestoreDevice =
01173         SegPageBackupRestoreDevice::newSegPageBackupRestoreDevice(
01174              backupFilePathname,
01175 #ifdef __MSVC__
01176              "rb",
01177 #else
01178              "r",
01179 #endif
01180              compressionProgram,
01181              nScratchPages,
01182              0,
01183              scratchAccessor,
01184              pCache->getDeviceAccessScheduler(*pDataDevice),
01185              pDataDevice);
01187     // Flush and unmap pages from the cache that will be restored, i.e., any
01188     // VersionedRandomAllocationSegment or database header pages, including
01189     // the header page just read above.  We need to unmap these pages to
01190     // ensure that the restore doesn't read old pages.
01191     MappedPageListenerPredicate dataPredicate(*pVRSegment);
01192     pCache->checkpointPages(dataPredicate, CHECKPOINT_FLUSH_AND_UNMAP);
01193     MappedPageListenerPredicate headerPredicate(*pHeaderSegment);
01194     pCache->checkpointPages(headerPredicate, CHECKPOINT_FLUSH_AND_UNMAP);
01196     try {
01197         // Restore the rest of the pages, including the database header pages
01198         pBackupRestoreDevice->restorePage(
01199             pHeaderSegment->translatePageId(headerPageId1));
01200         pBackupRestoreDevice->restorePage(
01201             pHeaderSegment->translatePageId(headerPageId2));
01202         pVRSegment->restoreFromBackup(
01203             pBackupRestoreDevice,
01204             lowerBoundCsn,
01205             upperBoundCsn,
01206             aborted);
01207         cleanupBackupRestore(false);
01208     } catch (...) {
01209         cleanupBackupRestore(false);
01210         // abort exception takes precedence
01211         if (aborted) {
01212             FENNEL_TRACE(TRACE_FINE, "abort detected");
01213             throw AbortExcn();
01214         } else {
01215             throw;
01216         }
01217     }
01219     // Reload the header pages so future checkpoints will flush the
01220     // restored data.  Issue a recover call on the versioned segment
01221     // to reset the version number and online uuid to the values that are
01222     // now in the header.
01223     loadHeader(false);
01224     pVersionedSegment->recover(
01225         pDataSegment,
01226         NULL_PAGE_ID,
01227         header.versionNumber,
01228         header.onlineUuid);
01230     FENNEL_TRACE(TRACE_FINE, "Finished Fennel restore");
01231 }

bool ClosableObject::isClosed (  )  const [inline, inherited]

whether the object has been closed

Definition at line 58 of file ClosableObject.h.

00059     {
00060         return !needsClose;
00061     }

void ClosableObject::close (  )  [inherited]

Closes this object, releasing any unallocated resources.

Reimplemented in CollectExecStream, CorrelationJoinExecStream, LcsClusterAppendExecStream, and LcsClusterReplaceExecStream.

Definition at line 39 of file ClosableObject.cpp.

References ClosableObject::closeImpl(), and ClosableObject::needsClose.

Referenced by CacheImpl< PageT, VictimPolicyT >::allocatePages(), LcsRowScanBaseExecStream::closeImpl(), ExecStreamGraphImpl::closeImpl(), FlatFileBuffer::open(), ClosableObjectDestructor::operator()(), and Segment::~Segment().

00040 {
00041     if (!needsClose) {
00042         return;
00043     }
00044     needsClose = false;
00045     closeImpl();
00046 }

void TraceSource::initTraceSource ( SharedTraceTarget  pTraceTarget,
std::string  name 
) [virtual, inherited]

For use when initialization has to be deferred until after construction.

pTraceTarget the TraceTarget to which messages will be sent
name the name of this source

Definition at line 46 of file TraceSource.cpp.

References TraceSource::isTracing(), TraceSource::minimumLevel, TraceSource::name, TraceSource::pTraceTarget, and TRACE_OFF.

Referenced by TestBase::beforeTestCase(), TestBase::TestBase(), and TraceSource::TraceSource().

00049 {
00050     assert(!pTraceTarget.get());
00052     pTraceTarget = pTraceTargetInit;
00053     name = nameInit;
00054     if (isTracing()) {
00055         minimumLevel = pTraceTarget->getSourceTraceLevel(name);
00056     } else {
00057         minimumLevel = TRACE_OFF;
00058     }
00059 }

void TraceSource::trace ( TraceLevel  level,
std::string  message 
) const [inherited]

Records a trace message.

Normally only called via FENNEL_TRACE.

level severity level of event being trace
message the text of the message

Definition at line 61 of file TraceSource.cpp.

References TraceSource::getTraceTarget(), TraceSource::isTracing(), TraceSource::name, and TraceTarget::notifyTrace().

Referenced by Calculator::exec(), and ExecStreamScheduler::traceStreamBufferContents().

00062 {
00063     if (isTracing()) {
00064         getTraceTarget().notifyTrace(name,level,message);
00065     }
00066 }

bool TraceSource::isTracing (  )  const [inline, inherited]

true iff tracing is enabled for this source

Definition at line 88 of file TraceSource.h.

Referenced by TraceSource::initTraceSource(), CalcExecStream::prepare(), and TraceSource::trace().

00089     {
00090         return pTraceTarget.get() ? true : false;
00091     }

bool TraceSource::isTracingLevel ( TraceLevel  level  )  const [inline, inherited]

Determines whether a particular level is being traced.

level trace level to test
true iff tracing is enabled for the given level

Definition at line 100 of file TraceSource.h.

Referenced by ExecStreamScheduler::addGraph(), SimpleExecStreamGovernor::assignCachePages(), SimpleExecStreamGovernor::distributeCachePages(), Calculator::exec(), ExecStreamScheduler::ExecStreamScheduler(), LcsClusterNodeWriter::getLastClusterPageForWrite(), LcsClusterNodeWriter::moveFromTempToIndex(), JavaSinkExecStream::stuffByteBuffer(), and ExecStreamScheduler::traceStreamBuffers().

00101     {
00102         return level >= minimumLevel;
00103     }

TraceTarget& TraceSource::getTraceTarget (  )  const [inline, inherited]

the TraceTarget for this source

Definition at line 108 of file TraceSource.h.

Referenced by TraceSource::trace().

00109     {
00110         assert(isTracing());
00111         return *(pTraceTarget.get());
00112     }

SharedTraceTarget TraceSource::getSharedTraceTarget (  )  const [inline, inherited]

the SharedTraceTarget for this source

Definition at line 117 of file TraceSource.h.

Referenced by init(), LcsClusterAppendExecStream::initLoad(), and CalcExecStream::prepare().

00118     {
00119         return pTraceTarget;
00120     }

std::string TraceSource::getTraceSourceName (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Gets the name of this source.

Useful to construct nested names for subcomponents that are also TraceSources.

the name

Definition at line 127 of file TraceSource.h.

Referenced by LcsClusterAppendExecStream::initLoad().

00128     {
00129         return name;
00130     }

void TraceSource::setTraceSourceName ( std::string const &  n  )  [inline, inherited]

Sets the name of this source.

Useful to construct dynamic names for fine-grained filtering.

Definition at line 136 of file TraceSource.h.

00137     {
00138         name = n;
00139     }

TraceLevel TraceSource::getMinimumTraceLevel (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Definition at line 141 of file TraceSource.h.

00142     {
00143         return minimumLevel;
00144     }

void TraceSource::disableTracing (  )  [inherited]

Definition at line 68 of file TraceSource.cpp.

References TraceSource::minimumLevel, TraceSource::pTraceTarget, and TRACE_OFF.

Referenced by TestBase::afterTestCase().

00069 {
00070     pTraceTarget.reset();
00071     minimumLevel = TRACE_OFF;
00072 }

Member Data Documentation

DeviceId Database::dataDeviceId [private]

Definition at line 57 of file Database.h.

Referenced by allocateHeader(), closeDevices(), createDataDevice(), createDataSegment(), init(), and loadHeader().

SharedRandomAccessDevice Database::pDataDevice [private]

Definition at line 59 of file Database.h.

Referenced by createDataDevice(), initiateBackup(), and restoreFromBackup().

DeviceId Database::tempDeviceId [private]

Definition at line 61 of file Database.h.

Referenced by closeDevices(), createTempSegment(), and init().

DeviceId Database::shadowDeviceId [private]

Definition at line 63 of file Database.h.

Referenced by closeDevices(), createShadowLog(), and init().

DeviceId Database::txnLogDeviceId [private]

Definition at line 65 of file Database.h.

Referenced by closeDevices(), createTxnLogSegment(), and init().

std::string Database::dataDeviceName [private]

Definition at line 67 of file Database.h.

Referenced by createDataDevice(), and init().

std::string Database::tempDeviceName [private]

Definition at line 69 of file Database.h.

Referenced by createTempSegment(), and init().

std::string Database::shadowDeviceName [private]

Definition at line 71 of file Database.h.

Referenced by createShadowLog(), deleteLogs(), and init().

std::string Database::txnLogDeviceName [private]

Definition at line 73 of file Database.h.

Referenced by createTxnLogSegment(), deleteLogs(), and init().

SharedCache Database::pCache [private]

Definition at line 75 of file Database.h.

Referenced by allocateHeader(), closeDevices(), createDataDevice(), createDataSegment(), createShadowLog(), createTempSegment(), createTxnLog(), createTxnLogSegment(), getCache(), initiateBackup(), loadHeader(), recover(), restoreFromBackup(), writeHeader(), and writeStats().

SharedSegmentFactory Database::pSegmentFactory [private]

Definition at line 77 of file Database.h.

Referenced by allocateHeader(), createDataSegment(), createShadowLog(), createTempSegment(), createTxnLog(), createTxnLogSegment(), getSegmentFactory(), init(), initiateBackup(), loadHeader(), recover(), and restoreFromBackup().

SharedSegment Database::pHeaderSegment [private]

Definition at line 79 of file Database.h.

Referenced by allocateHeader(), closeDevices(), initiateBackup(), loadHeader(), restoreFromBackup(), and writeHeader().

SharedSegment Database::pDataSegment [private]

Definition at line 81 of file Database.h.

Referenced by checkpointImpl(), closeDevices(), closeImpl(), completeBackup(), createDataSegment(), deallocateOldPages(), getDataSegment(), initiateBackup(), recoverPhysical(), restoreFromBackup(), and writeStats().

SharedSegment Database::pTempSegment [private]

Definition at line 83 of file Database.h.

Referenced by closeDevices(), closeImpl(), createDataSegment(), createTempSegment(), getTempSegment(), and writeStats().

VersionedSegment* Database::pVersionedSegment [private]

Definition at line 85 of file Database.h.

Referenced by checkpointImpl(), closeDevices(), createDataSegment(), recoverOnline(), recoverPhysical(), and restoreFromBackup().

SharedLogicalTxnLog Database::pTxnLog [private]

Definition at line 87 of file Database.h.

Referenced by allocateHeader(), checkpointImpl(), closeDevices(), closeImpl(), createTxnLog(), deallocateOldPages(), getTxnLog(), and loadHeader().

PageId Database::headerPageId1 [private]

Definition at line 89 of file Database.h.

Referenced by allocateHeader(), init(), initiateBackup(), loadHeader(), restoreFromBackup(), and writeHeader().

PageId Database::headerPageId2 [private]

Definition at line 91 of file Database.h.

Referenced by allocateHeader(), init(), initiateBackup(), loadHeader(), restoreFromBackup(), and writeHeader().

DatabaseHeader Database::header [private]

Definition at line 93 of file Database.h.

Referenced by allocateHeader(), checkpointImpl(), closeImpl(), createDataSegment(), createShadowLog(), createTxnLog(), getLastCommittedTxnId(), init(), loadHeader(), openSegments(), recover(), recoverOnline(), recoverPhysical(), restoreFromBackup(), and writeHeader().

LogicalTxnParticipantFactory* Database::pTxnParticipantFactory [private]

Definition at line 95 of file Database.h.

bool Database::forceTxns [private]

Definition at line 97 of file Database.h.

Referenced by areSnapshotsEnabled(), checkpointImpl(), createShadowLog(), createTxnLogSegment(), init(), recoverOnline(), requestCheckpoint(), and shouldForceTxns().

bool Database::disableSnapshots [private]

Definition at line 99 of file Database.h.

Referenced by areSnapshotsEnabled(), and init().

bool Database::recoveryRequired [private]

Definition at line 101 of file Database.h.

Referenced by checkpointImpl(), createDataSegment(), init(), isRecoveryRequired(), prepareForRecovery(), recoverOnline(), and recoverPhysical().

DeviceMode Database::openMode [private]

Definition at line 103 of file Database.h.

Referenced by createDataDevice(), createDataSegment(), createTempSegment(), Database(), init(), openSegments(), prepareForRecovery(), recover(), and recoverPhysical().

ConfigMap Database::configMap [private]

Definition at line 105 of file Database.h.

Referenced by getConfigMap(), init(), and readDeviceParams().

StandardTypeDescriptorFactory Database::typeFactory [private]

Definition at line 107 of file Database.h.

Referenced by getTypeFactory().

SharedCheckpointThread Database::pCheckpointThread [private]

Definition at line 109 of file Database.h.

Referenced by cleanupBackupRestore(), closeImpl(), createShadowLog(), createTxnLogSegment(), deallocateOldPages(), getCheckpointThread(), initiateBackup(), openSegments(), and requestCheckpoint().

SharedPseudoUuidGenerator Database::pUuidGenerator [private]

Definition at line 111 of file Database.h.

Referenced by openSegments().

uint Database::nCheckpointsStat [private]

Cumulative counter cleared whenever writeStats is called.

Definition at line 116 of file Database.h.

Referenced by checkpointImpl(), init(), and writeStats().

uint Database::nCheckpoints [private]

Cumulative counter.

Definition at line 121 of file Database.h.

Referenced by checkpointImpl(), init(), requestCheckpoint(), and writeStats().

bool Database::disableDeallocateOld [private]


Definition at line 126 of file Database.h.

Referenced by cleanupBackupRestore(), completeBackup(), Database(), deallocateOldPages(), and initiateBackup().

SharedSegPageBackupRestoreDevice Database::pBackupRestoreDevice [private]

Device used to read and write the backup file during backup and restore.

Definition at line 131 of file Database.h.

Referenced by cleanupBackupRestore(), completeBackup(), initiateBackup(), and restoreFromBackup().

SegmentAccessor Database::scratchAccessor [private]

Scratch accessor used during backup and restore.

Definition at line 136 of file Database.h.

Referenced by cleanupBackupRestore(), initiateBackup(), and restoreFromBackup().

ParamName Database::paramDatabaseDir [static]

Definition at line 190 of file Database.h.

Referenced by DatabaseTest::DatabaseTest(), init(), BackupRestoreTest::testBackupCleanup(), BTreeTxnTest::testCaseSetUp(), and BackupRestoreTest::testHeaderBackupRestore().

ParamName Database::paramResourceDir [static]

Definition at line 191 of file Database.h.

Referenced by init().

ParamName Database::paramForceTxns [static]

Definition at line 192 of file Database.h.

Referenced by init().

ParamName Database::paramDisableSnapshots [static]

Definition at line 193 of file Database.h.

Referenced by init().

ParamName Database::paramDatabasePrefix [static]

Definition at line 194 of file Database.h.

Referenced by createDataDevice().

ParamName Database::paramTempPrefix [static]

Definition at line 195 of file Database.h.

Referenced by createTempSegment().

ParamName Database::paramShadowLogPrefix [static]

Definition at line 196 of file Database.h.

Referenced by createShadowLog().

ParamName Database::paramTxnLogPrefix [static]

Definition at line 197 of file Database.h.

Referenced by createTxnLogSegment().

ParamName Database::paramInitSizeSuffix [static]

Definition at line 198 of file Database.h.

Referenced by readDeviceParams().

ParamName Database::paramMaxSizeSuffix [static]

Definition at line 199 of file Database.h.

Referenced by readDeviceParams().

ParamName Database::paramIncSizeSuffix [static]

Definition at line 200 of file Database.h.

Referenced by readDeviceParams().

ParamVal Database::valLogAllocLinear [static]

Definition at line 202 of file Database.h.

ParamVal Database::valLogAllocCircular [static]

Definition at line 203 of file Database.h.

const SegmentId Database::DEFAULT_DATA_SEGMENT_ID [static]

Definition at line 205 of file Database.h.

Referenced by getSegmentById().

const SegmentId Database::TEMP_SEGMENT_ID [static]

Definition at line 206 of file Database.h.

Referenced by getSegmentById(), ExecStreamFactory::implementSortWithBTree(), and ExecStreamFactory::readBTreeParams().

bool ClosableObject::needsClose [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 44 of file ClosableObject.h.

Referenced by SegStreamAllocation::beginWrite(), ExecStreamGraphImpl::clear(), ClosableObject::ClosableObject(), ClosableObject::close(), FlatFileBuffer::open(), ExecStreamGraphImpl::open(), ExecStream::open(), and ClosableObject::~ClosableObject().

StrictMutex SynchMonitoredObject::mutex [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 38 of file SynchMonitoredObject.h.

Referenced by ParallelExecStreamScheduler::abort(), LogicalTxnLog::checkpoint(), checkpointImpl(), CheckpointThread::closeImpl(), LogicalTxnLog::commitTxn(), ParallelExecStreamScheduler::executeManager(), ParallelExecStreamScheduler::executeTask(), LogicalTxnLog::getOldestActiveTxnId(), LogicalTxnLog::newLogicalTxn(), ParallelExecStreamScheduler::readStream(), SXMutex::release(), GroupLock::release(), requestCheckpoint(), CheckpointThread::requestCheckpoint(), LogicalTxnLog::rollbackTxn(), TimerThread::run(), CheckpointThread::run(), ThreadPoolBase::runPooledThread(), SXMutex::setSchedulingPolicy(), TimerThread::signalImmediate(), ParallelExecStreamScheduler::signalSentinel(), ThreadPoolBase::start(), TimerThread::stop(), ThreadPoolBase::stop(), ParallelExecStreamScheduler::stop(), ThreadPool< RandomAccessRequest >::submitTask(), ParallelExecStreamScheduler::tryExecuteManager(), ParallelExecStreamScheduler::tryExecuteTask(), SXMutex::tryUpgrade(), SXMutex::waitFor(), GroupLock::waitFor(), and writeStats().

LocalCondition SynchMonitoredObject::condition [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 39 of file SynchMonitoredObject.h.

Referenced by ParallelExecStreamScheduler::abort(), checkpointImpl(), CheckpointThread::closeImpl(), LogicalTxnLog::commitTxnWithGroup(), ParallelExecStreamScheduler::executeTask(), ParallelExecStreamScheduler::readStream(), SXMutex::release(), GroupLock::release(), requestCheckpoint(), CheckpointThread::requestCheckpoint(), TimerThread::run(), CheckpointThread::run(), ThreadPoolBase::runPooledThread(), TimerThread::signalImmediate(), TimerThread::stop(), ThreadPoolBase::stop(), ParallelExecStreamScheduler::stop(), ThreadPool< RandomAccessRequest >::submitTask(), ParallelExecStreamScheduler::tryExecuteManager(), ParallelExecStreamScheduler::tryExecuteTask(), SXMutex::waitFor(), and GroupLock::waitFor().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Mon Jun 22 04:00:29 2009 for Fennel by  doxygen 1.5.1