AbortExcn | Exception class for aborted execution |
AggComputer | Abstract base class representing computation of a single aggregate function over a collection of scalar values all having the same group key |
AggInvocation | AggInvocation represents one call to an aggregate function |
AioLinuxScheduler | AioLinuxScheduler implements DeviceAccessScheduler via Linux-specific kernel-mode libaio calls |
AioPollingScheduler | AioPollingScheduler implements DeviceAccessScheduler via Unix aio calls and threads which poll for completion |
AioSignalHandlerThread | |
AioSignalScheduler | AioSignalScheduler implements DeviceAccessScheduler via Unix aio calls and threads which run a signal handler |
AtomicCounter | AtomicCounter wraps STL support for atomic increment/decrement |
AttributeAccessor | AttributeAccessor defines how to efficiently unmarshal the value of an attribute from a stored tuple |
AttributeAccessorImpl | AttributeAccessorImpl is a common base for all implementations of the AttributeAccessor interface |
AutoBacktrace | AutoBacktrace provides a handler that intercepts fatal errors, prints a backtrace, and passes on the fatal error to other handlers |
Backtrace | A Backtrace represents a backtrace of the run-time stack |
Backtrace::LibraryInfo | |
BacktraceTest | |
BackupRestorePage | Random access request binding for I/O requests issued during backup/restore |
BackupRestoreTest | Unit test for backup and restore of database header pages and a VersionedRandomAllocationSegment |
BackupRestoreTest::TestNode | |
BarrierExecStream | BarrierExecStream is a synchronizing barrier to wait for the completion of several upstream producers and generate a status output for the downstream consumer |
BarrierExecStreamParams | BarrierExecStreamParams defines parameters for BarrierExecStream |
BernoulliRng | BernoulliRng produces a series of values with a Bernoulli distribution |
BernoulliSamplingExecStream | BernoulliSamplingExecStream implements TABLESAMPLE BERNOULLI |
BernoulliSamplingExecStreamGenerator | Bernoulli sampling data generator |
BernoulliSamplingExecStreamParams | BernoulliSamplingExecStreamParams defines parameters for BernoulliSamplingExecStream |
BinaryType | |
BitAccessor | BitAccessor accesses NOT NULL bit attributes |
BitmapInput | Structure containing information about the constructed bitmaps corresponding the inputs and expected result |
BoolAnd | |
BoolEqual | |
BoolGreater | |
BoolGreaterEqual | |
BoolInstruction | |
BoolInstructionRegister | |
BoolIs | |
BoolIsNot | |
BoolIsNotNull | |
BoolIsNull | |
BoolLess | |
BoolLessEqual | |
BoolMove | |
BoolNativeEqual< TMPLT > | |
BoolNativeGreater< TMPLT > | |
BoolNativeGreaterEqual< TMPLT > | |
BoolNativeInstruction< TMPLT > | Support for operators that return booleans, i.e |
BoolNativeInstructionRegister | |
BoolNativeIsNotNull< TMPLT > | |
BoolNativeIsNull< TMPLT > | |
BoolNativeLess< TMPLT > | |
BoolNativeLessEqual< TMPLT > | |
BoolNativeNotEqual< TMPLT > | |
BoolNot | |
BoolNotEqual | |
BoolOr | |
BoolPointerEqual< PTR_TYPE > | |
BoolPointerGreater< PTR_TYPE > | |
BoolPointerGreaterEqual< PTR_TYPE > | |
BoolPointerInstruction< PTR_TYPE > | Support for operators that return booleans, i.e |
BoolPointerInstructionRegister | |
BoolPointerIsNotNull< PTR_TYPE > | |
BoolPointerIsNull< PTR_TYPE > | |
BoolPointerLess< PTR_TYPE > | |
BoolPointerLessEqual< PTR_TYPE > | |
BoolPointerNotEqual< PTR_TYPE > | |
BoolRef | |
BoolToNull | |
BTreeAccessBase | BTreeAccessBase is a base for classes which access BTree contents |
BTreeBuilder | BTreeBuilder implements bulk load for BTrees |
BTreeBuildLevel | BTreeBuildLevel is subordinate to BTreeBuilder |
BTreeCompactNodeAccessor | BTreeCompactNodeAccessor maintains the data on a BTreeNode as a compact array of fixed-length entries, with all free space contiguous at the end of the page |
BTreeDescriptor | BTreeDescriptor defines the information required for accessing a BTree |
BTreeDuplicateKeyExcn | Exception class for duplicate keys encountered during insert or update |
BTreeExecStream | BTreeExecStream is a common base for ExecStream implementations which access BTrees |
BTreeExecStreamParams | BTreeExecStreamParams defines parameters common to implementations of BTreeExecStream |
BTreeHeapNodeAccessor | BTreeHeapNodeAccessor maintains the data on a BTreeNode using a standard indirection scheme |
BTreeInsertExecStream | BTreeInsertExecStream inserts tuples into a BTree, reading them from an upstream stream producer |
BTreeInsertExecStreamParams | BTreeInserterParams defines parameters for instantiating a BTreeInserter |
BTreeKeyedNodeAccessor< NodeAccessor, KeyAccessor > | BTreeKeyedNodeAccessor is a template for implementing some of the virtual methods in the BTreeNodeAccessor interface |
BTreeLeafReader | BTreeLeafReader extends BTreeReader by only doing reads of leaf pages in a btree |
BTreeNode | Header stored on each page of a BTree |
BTreeNodeAccessor | BTreeNodeAccessor is an abstract base class for accessing the sorted tuple data stored on a BTreeNode |
BTreeNonLeafReader | BTreeNonLeafReader extends BTreeReader by only doing reads of non-leaf pages in a btree |
BTreeOwnerRootMap | |
BTreeParams | BTreeParams defines parameters used when accessing btrees |
BTreePrefetchSearchExecStream | BTreePrefetchSearchExecStream extends BTreeSearchExecStream by pre-fetching index leaf pages |
BTreePrefetchSearchExecStreamParams | BTreePrefetchSearchExecStreamParams defines parameters for instantiating a BTreePrefetchSearchExecStream |
BTreePrefetchSearchKey | Structure used to store the search key information that was used to locate a pre-fetched btree leaf page |
BTreeReader | BTreeReader provides read-only access to the contents of a BTree |
BTreeReader::NullPageStack | Dummy stack implementation used when we don't care about keeping track of PageId's on the way down |
BTreeReadersTest | This test unit tests the BTreeNonLeafReader and BTreeLeafReader classes |
BTreeReadersTest::LeafRecord | |
BTreeReadExecStream | BTreeReadExecStream is an abstract base class for ExecStream implementations which project a stream of tuples via a BTreeReader |
BTreeReadExecStreamParams | BTreeReadExecStreamParams defines parameters for instantiating a BTreeReadExecStream |
BTreeRecoveryFactory | BTreeRecoveryFactory implements the LogicalTxnParticipantFactory interface by constructing BTreeWriters to be used for recovery |
BTreeScanExecStream | BTreeScanExecStream reads all data from a BTree |
BTreeScanExecStreamParams | BTreeScanExecStreamParams defines parameters for instantiating a BTreeScanExecStream |
BTreeSearchExecStream | BTreeSearchExecStream reads keys from a child and returns matching tuples in the BTree |
BTreeSearchExecStreamParams | BTreeSearchExecStreamParams defines parameters for instantiating a BTreeSearchExecStream |
BTreeSearchKeyParameter | Structure used to store information about dynamic parameters used in the btree search |
BTreeSearchUniqueExecStream | BTreeSearchUniqueExecStream is a specialization of BTreeSearchExecStream for the case where it is known that each search is guaranteed to find at most one match |
BTreeSortExecStream | BTreeSortExecStream sorts its input stream according to a parameterized key and returns the sorted data as its output, using a BTree to accomplish the sort |
BTreeSortExecStreamParams | BTreeSortExecStreamParams defines parameters for instantiating a BTreeSortExecStream |
BTreeStatistics | BTreeStatistics is used to return information about the tree computed as a side-effect of verification |
BTreeTest | |
BTreeTest::Record | |
BTreeTxnTest | |
BTreeTxnTest::Record | |
BTreeTxnTest::TestThreadData | |
BTreeVerifier | BTreeVerifier checks BTree integrity |
BTreeWriter | BTreeWriter extends BTreeReader to provide read-write access to the contents of a BTree |
ByteArrayInputStream | ByteArrayInputStream implements the ByteInputStream interface by reading data from an existing fixed-size array of bytes |
ByteArrayOutputStream | ByteArrayOutputStream implements the ByteOutputStream interface by writing data to an existing fixed-size array of bytes |
ByteBuffer | ByteBuffer allows access to an array of buffers as a single memory space |
ByteInputStream | ByteInputStream defines an interface for reading from a stream of bytes |
ByteOutputStream | ByteOutputStream defines an interface for writing to a stream of bytes |
ByteStream | ByteStream is a common base class for ByteInputStream and ByteOutputStream |
ByteStreamMarker | ByteStreamMarker is an opaque position within a ByteStream |
ByteWindow< IndexT > | ByteWindow represents a window into a large array of bytes |
Cache | Cache defines an abstract interface for caching pages of devices |
CacheAccessor | CacheAccessor defines the subset of the Cache interface used for accessing cache pages |
CacheAllocator | CacheAllocator defines an interface for allocating memory pages to be used by the cache |
CacheImpl< PageT, VictimPolicyT > | CacheImpl is a template implementation of the Cache interface |
CachePage | CachePage is a descriptor for the state of a page of cache memory |
CacheParams | CacheParams defines parameters used to instantiate a Cache |
CacheStats | CacheStats defines performance/activity statistics collected by the cache; these can be obtained as a snapshot from Cache::collectStats() |
CacheTest | CacheTest exercises the entire Cache interface in both single-threaded and multi-threaded modes |
CacheTestBase | CacheTestBase is a common base for any test which depends on the Cache interface |
CalcAssembler | The CalcAssembler is responsible for taking a textual representation of a calculator program and forming a calculator |
CalcAssemblerException | A CalcAssemblerException represents a exception generated by the CalcAssembler while assembling a calculator program |
CalcAssemblerTest | |
CalcAssemblerTestCase | |
CalcCastTest | |
CalcChecker | |
CalcExcn | Exception class for errors encountered during calculator execution |
CalcExecStream | CalcExecStream reads tuples from a child stream and performs calculations of SQL expressions |
CalcExecStreamParams | CalcExecStreamParams defines parameters for instantiating a CalcExecStream |
CalcExecStreamTestSuite | CalcExecStreamTestSuite tests the CalcExecStream |
CalcExtCastTest | |
CalcExtContextTest | |
CalcExtDateTimeTest | |
CalcExtDynamicVariableTest | |
CalcExtMathTest | |
CalcExtRegExpTest | |
CalcExtStringTest | |
CalcExtWinAggFuncTest | |
CalcInit | |
CalcInstFactoryTest | |
CalcLexer | CalcLexer is the scanner class used by the assembler to tokenize a calculator program |
CalcMessage | An object for passing warning and error messages from execution |
CalcMiscTest | |
CalcTestInfo< T > | |
CalcTokenUnion | CalcTokenUnion is an union of the possible basic types that a token/expression can be in the calculator grammar |
CalcTokenValue | CalcTokenValue is the data type of the sematic values of the tokens |
Calculator | |
CalcYYLocType | CalcYYLocType provides the location of the token or expression being parsed |
CartesianJoinExecStream | CartesianJoinExecStream produces the Cartesian product of two input streams |
CartesianJoinExecStreamParams | CartesianJoinExecStreamParams defines parameters for instantiating a CartesianJoinExecStream |
CastCast< RESULT_T, SOURCE_T > | |
CastInstruction< RESULT_T, SOURCE_T > | Instructions that cast between types |
CastInstructionRegister | |
CharType | |
CheckpointProvider | CheckpointProvider defines an interface for requesting a checkpoint |
CheckpointThread | CheckpointThread is dedicated to listening for checkpoint requests and carrying them out |
CircularBuffer< T > | A circular buffer containing a maximum of N entries of type T |
CircularBufferIter< T > | Iterator over a circular buffer |
CircularSegment | CircularSegment implements circular page allocation in terms of an underlying LINEAR_ALLOCATION segment |
ClosableObject | ClosableObject is a common base for all classes which require a close() method to be called before destruction (e.g |
ClosableObjectDestructor | A destructor functor for use as the "D" parameter to a boost::shared_ptr constructor |
ClusterPageData | Information about the cluster page |
CmdInterpreter | CmdInterpreter interprets command objects received via JNI from Farrago |
CmdInterpreter::DbHandle | Handle type for a database |
CmdInterpreter::ExecutionHandle | Handle type for storing execution state information |
CmdInterpreter::StreamGraphHandle | |
CmdInterpreter::TxnHandle | Handle type which combines a database with a txn |
CollectExecStream | CollectExecStream reads all tuples from a child stream and collects them into a single tuple which is written to one output tuple |
CollectExecStreamParams | CollectExecStreamParams defines parameters for instantiating a CollectExecStream |
CollectExecStreamTestSuite | Test Suite for the collect/uncollect xo's |
ColumnGenerator< T > | Column generator |
CompositeExecStreamGenerator | Generates a result set consisting of columns each generated by its own generator |
CompoundId | CompoundId is a collection of static methods for manipulating PageIds, BlockIds, and SegByteIds |
ConduitExecStream | ConduitExecStream is an abstract base for any ExecStream with exactly one input and one output |
ConduitExecStreamParams | ConduitExecStreamParams defines parameters for ConduitExecStream |
ConfigMap | ConfigMap defines a simple container for configuration parameter/value pairs |
ConfluenceExecStream | ConfluenceExecStream is an abstract base for any ExecStream with multiple inputs and exactly one output |
ConfluenceExecStreamParams | ConfluenceExecStreamParams defines parameters for ConfluenceExecStream |
ConstColumnGenerator | Constant column generator |
ConstExecStreamGenerator | |
CopyExecStream | CopyExecStream is an adapter for converting the output of a BUFPROV_PRODUCER producer stream for use by a BUFPROF_CONSUMER consumer stream |
CopyExecStreamParams | CopyExecStreamParams defines parameters for CopyExecStream |
Correlation | Mapping an id to an left input column |
CorrelationJoinExecStream | CorrelationJoinExecStream produces a join of two input streams |
CorrelationJoinExecStreamParams | CorrelationJoinExecStreamParams defines parameters for instantiating a CorrelationJoinExecStream |
CorrelationJoinExecStreamTestSuite | |
CountAggComputer | CountAggComputer is an abstract base for computing COUNT() |
CountNullableAggComputer | CountNullableAggComputer computes COUNT(X), which does not count tuples for which X IS NULL |
CountStarAggComputer | CountStarAggComputer computes COUNT(*), which counts tuples without regard for null values |
CrcSegInputStream | CrcSegInputStream extends SegInputStream by verifying checksum information on each page read |
CrcSegOutputStream | CrcSegOutputStream extends SegOutputStream by stamping each page with a CRC/PseudoUuid/PageId combination |
Database | Database defines the top-level database object, which is the unit of self-contained storage and recovery |
DatabaseHeader | Header stored in the first two pages of a Database data file |
DatabaseTest | |
DatabaseTest::TestNode | |
DataFormatExcn | Exception class for incompatible data format errors |
DataVisitor | Visitor interface for dump/check/repair functions |
DelegatingCacheAccessor | DelegatingCacheAccessor is a common base class for all implementations of CacheAccessor which delegate part of their behavior to another underlying CacheAccessor |
DelegatingSegment | DelegatingSegment is a common base class for all Segments which delegate part of their behavior to another underlying Segment |
DeviceAccessScheduler | DeviceAccessScheduler is an interface representing the ability to initiate access requests on devices and handle their completions asynchronously |
DeviceAccessSchedulerParams | DeviceAccessSchedulerParams defines parameters used to create a DeviceAccessScheduler |
DeviceDesign | |
DeviceIdPagePredicate | DeviceIdPagePredicate is an implementation of PagePredicate which returns true for pages mapped to a given DeviceId |
DeviceMode | |
DfsTreeExecStreamScheduler | DfsTreeExecStreamScheduler is a reference implementation of the ExecStreamScheduler interface |
DiffluenceExecStream | DiffluenceExecStream is an abstract base for any ExecStream with multiple outputs and exactly one input |
DiffluenceExecStreamParams | DiffluenceExecStreamParams defines parameters for DiffluenceExecStream |
DoubleBufferExecStream | DoubleBufferExecStream is an adapter for converting the output of an upstream BUFPROV_CONSUMER producer for use by a downstream BUFPROV_PRODUCER consumer, with support for the producer and consumer executing in parallel |
DoubleBufferExecStreamParams | DoubleBufferExecStreamParams defines parameters for DoubleBufferExecStream |
DupColumnGenerator | Duplicate column generator |
DupRepeatingSeqColumnGenerator | A duplicating repeating column sequence generator |
DynamicBuildLevel | |
DynamicDelegatingSegment | DynamicDelegatingSegment is similar to DelegatingSegment, except the delegating segment can be dynamically changed during the life of the segment |
DynamicParam | Dynamic parameters are parameters (physically tuples) shared amongst streams |
DynamicParamExecStreamGenerator | Outputs the value of a specified dynamic param, reinterpreted as int64_t |
DynamicParamManager | DynamicParamManager defines methods to allocate, access, and deallocate dynamic parameters |
EICtx | |
ErrorSource | ErrorSource is a common base for all classes that post row exceptions to an ErrorTarget |
ErrorTarget | ErrorTarget defines an interface for receiving Fennel row errors |
ExecStream | ExecStream defines an abstract base for all execution objects which process streams of data |
ExecStreamBufAccessor | ExecStreamBufAccessor defines access to the buffer memory via which ExecStreams transfer data |
ExecStreamBuilder | ExecStreamBuilder builds a prepared ExecStreamGraph from its Java representation |
ExecStreamDesign | |
ExecStreamEmbryo | ExecStreamEmbryo encapsulates the "embryonic" state of an ExecStream in which it has been created, and thus has a definite type, and also has all of its parameters defined; but its prepare() method has not yet been called |
ExecStreamFactory | ExecStreamFactory builds an ExecStreamEmbryo from the Java representation of a stream definition |
ExecStreamGovernor | ExecStreamGovernor defines an abstract base for determining resource allocation for an execution stream graph as well as the individual execution streams within the graph |
ExecStreamGovernorTest | Testcase for the exec stream resource governor |
ExecStreamGraph | An ExecStreamGraph is a directed graph representing dataflow among ExecStreams |
ExecStreamGraphEmbryo | ExecStreamGraphEmbryo encapsulates the "embryonic" state of an ExecStreamGraph as its constituent embryonic streams are built up |
ExecStreamGraphImpl | ExecStreamGraphImpl is an implementation for the ExecStreamGraph interface based on the boost graph template |
ExecStreamGraphImpl::DotEdgeRenderer | |
ExecStreamGraphImpl::DotGraphRenderer | |
ExecStreamGraphImpl::DotVertexRenderer | |
ExecStreamGraphImpl::DynamicParamInfo | |
ExecStreamGraphImpl::ExplicitEdgePredicate | |
ExecStreamHowTo | ExecStreamHowTo is a guide to writing new implementations of the ExecStream interface and plugging them into Farrago |
ExecStreamParams | Common parameters for instantiating any ExecStream |
ExecStreamQuantum | ExecStreamQuantum defines the quantum for scheduling of an ExecStream |
ExecStreamResourceKnobs | ExecStreamResourceKnobs is a structure that stores the settings of the different knobs that are used to determine exec stream resource allocation |
ExecStreamResourceQuantity | ExecStreamResourceQuantity quantifies various resources which can be allocated to an ExecStream |
ExecStreamResourceRequirements | Structure used to track the resource requirements for a single stream |
ExecStreamScheduler | ExecStreamScheduler defines an abstract base for controlling the scheduling of execution streams |
ExecStreamSubFactory | |
ExecStreamSubFactory_lu | |
ExecStreamTestBase | ExecStreamTestBase is a common base for tests of ExecStream implementations |
ExecStreamTestSuite | ExecStreamTestSuite tests various implementations of ExecStream |
ExecStreamUnitTestBase | ExecStreamUnitTestBase extends ExecStreamTestBase to be the common base of the unit tests of ExecStreams which assume a single stream graph |
ExtendedInstruction | Base class for all extended instructions |
ExtendedInstruction0 | Extended instruction which takes 0 parameters and is implemented using a functor |
ExtendedInstruction0Context | Extended instruction which takes 0 parameters and is implemented using a functor |
ExtendedInstruction1< T0 > | Extended instruction which takes 1 parameter and is implemented using a functor |
ExtendedInstruction1Context< T0 > | Extended instruction which takes 1 parameter and is implemented using a functor |
ExtendedInstruction2< T0, T1 > | Extended instruction which takes 2 parameters and is implemented using a functor |
ExtendedInstruction2Context< T0, T1 > | Extended instruction which takes 2 parameters and is implemented using a functor |
ExtendedInstruction3< T0, T1, T2 > | Extended instruction which takes 3 parameters and is implemented using a functor |
ExtendedInstruction3Context< T0, T1, T2 > | Extended instruction which takes 3 parameters and is implemented using a functor |
ExtendedInstruction4< T0, T1, T2, T3 > | Extended instruction which takes 4 parameters and is implemented using a functor |
ExtendedInstruction4Context< T0, T1, T2, T3 > | Extended instruction which takes 4 parameters and is implemented using a functor |
ExtendedInstruction5< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4 > | Extended instruction which takes 5 parameters and is implemented using a functor |
ExtendedInstruction5Context< T0, T1, T2, T3, T4 > | Extended instruction which takes 5 parameters and is implemented using a functor |
ExtendedInstructionContext | A abstract base class for Extended Instructions that wish to store context between exec() calls |
ExtendedInstructionDef | Describes an extended instruction |
ExtendedInstructionHowTo | |
ExtendedInstructionTable | A singleton mapping of ExtendedInstruction signatures to ExtendedInstruction functors |
ExtentAllocationNode | ExtentAllocationNode is the allocation map for one extent in a RandomAllocationSegment |
ExternalSortExecStream | ExternalSortExecStream sorts its input stream according to a parameterized key and returns the sorted data as its output |
ExternalSortExecStreamImpl | ExternalSortExecStreamImpl implements the ExternalSortExecStream interface |
ExternalSortExecStreamParams | ExternalSortExecStreamParams defines parameters for instantiating an ExternalSortExecStream |
ExternalSortExecStreamTest | |
ExternalSortFetchArray | Data structure used for array fetch when reading from substreams |
ExternalSortInfo | Global information shared with sorter sub-components |
ExternalSortMergeInfo | TODO: doc |
ExternalSortMerger | ExternalSortMerger manages the process of merging stored runs |
ExternalSortOutput | ExternalSortMerger marshals XO output buffers by fetching from a top-level ExternalSortSubStream |
ExternalSortRunAccessor | ExternalSortRunAccessor manages I/O for storing runs and reading them back |
ExternalSortRunLoader | ExternalSortRunLoader manages the state of a run as it is being loaded and sorted in memory |
ExternalSortSubStream | Fetch interface implemented by sorter subcomponents which return intermediate results |
ExternalSortTask | ExternalSortTask represents a task entry in the queue serviced by the parallel sorter's thread pool |
ExtRegExpContext | |
ExtremeAggComputer | ExtremeAggComputer computes MIN/MAX, ignoring null values but returning null if the input is empty |
FemVisitor | |
FennelExcn | Base class for all Fennel exceptions |
fennel::FennelResource | |
FileDevice | FileDevice is a base class for devices built atop the OS file system |
FileStatsTarget | FileStatsTarget implements the StatsTarget interface by writing to a simple text file |
FileSystem | FileSystem provides some static utility methods for manipulating the OS file system |
FixedBuildLevel | |
FixedOffsetVarWidthAccessor< network > | FixedOffsetVarWidthAccessor accesses the first variable-width attribute if it is NOT NULL |
FixedWidthAccessor | FixedWidthAccessor accesses NOT NULL fixed width attributes |
FixedWidthNetworkAccessor16 | FixedWidthNetworkAccessor16 accesses NOT NULL fixed width 16-bit attributes in network byte order |
FixedWidthNetworkAccessor32 | FixedWidthNetworkAccessor32 accesses NOT NULL fixed width 32-bit attributes in network byte order |
FixedWidthNetworkAccessor64 | FixedWidthNetworkAccessor64 accesses NOT NULL fixed width 64-bit attributes in network byte order |
FlatFileBuffer | FlatFileBuffer provides data for FlatFileExecStream |
FlatFileColumnDescriptor | Describes characteristics of a column to be parsed |
FlatFileColumnParseResult | Result of scanning for a column in a flat file format buffer |
FlatFileExecStream | FlatFileExecStream parses a text file and produces tuples according to a specified column format |
FlatFileExecStreamImpl | FlatFileExecStreamImpl implements the FlatFileExecStream interface |
FlatFileExecStreamParams | FlatFileExecStreamParams defines parameters for instantiating a FlatFileExecStream |
FlatFileExecStreamTest | |
FlatFileParser | This class parses fields and rows from a field delimited text buffer |
FlatFileRowDescriptor | Describes a vector of columns to be parsed |
FlatFileRowParseResult | Result of scanning for a row in a flat file format buffer |
foo | |
FtrsTableIndexWriter | |
FtrsTableIndexWriterParams | |
FtrsTableWriter | FtrsTableWriter performs inserts, updates, and deletes on the indexes making up a table |
FtrsTableWriterExecStream | FtrsTableWriterExecStream reads tuples from a child stream and uses them to write to all of the indexes making up a table (either INSERT or DEELETE depending on prepared parameters) |
FtrsTableWriterExecStreamParams | FtrsTableWriterExecStreamParams defines parameters for instantiating a FtrsTableWriterExecStream |
FtrsTableWriterFactory | FtrsTableWriterFactory implements the LogicalTxnParticipantFactory interface by constructing FtrsTableWriters to be used for recovery |
FtrsTableWriterParams | FtrsTableWriterParams defines parameters for instantiating a FtrsTableWriter |
FunctorExtendedInstructionDef< T > | Definition of an extended instruction based upon a functor |
FuzzyCheckpointSet | FuzzyCheckpointSet keeps track of dirty pages at the time of a checkpoint |
GroupLock | GroupLock is a synchronization object for enforcing mutual exclusion among an indefinite number of groups with indefinite cardinalities |
std::hash< fennel::OpaqueInteger< T, Dummy > > | |
InputData | Structure for passing input data corresponding to bitmap inputs and expected result |
Instruction | |
InstructionArgs | |
InstructionDescription | Description of an instruction |
InstructionFactory | Dynamically create Instruction objects given an InstructionDescription description of the desired Instruction |
InstructionRegister | Provide a method to register Instruction objects into the Instruction Factory |
InstructionSignature | |
IntegralNativeAnd< TMPLT > | |
IntegralNativeInstruction< TMPLT > | |
IntegralNativeInstruction_NotAnIntegralType< char > | |
IntegralNativeInstruction_NotAnIntegralType< int > | |
IntegralNativeInstruction_NotAnIntegralType< long > | |
IntegralNativeInstruction_NotAnIntegralType< long long > | |
IntegralNativeInstruction_NotAnIntegralType< short > | |
IntegralNativeInstruction_NotAnIntegralType< signed char > | |
IntegralNativeInstruction_NotAnIntegralType< unsigned char > | |
IntegralNativeInstruction_NotAnIntegralType< unsigned int > | |
IntegralNativeInstruction_NotAnIntegralType< unsigned long > | |
IntegralNativeInstruction_NotAnIntegralType< unsigned long long > | |
IntegralNativeInstruction_NotAnIntegralType< unsigned short > | |
IntegralNativeInstructionRegister | |
IntegralNativeMod< TMPLT > | |
IntegralNativeOr< TMPLT > | |
IntegralNativeShiftLeft< TMPLT > | |
IntegralNativeShiftRight< TMPLT > | |
IntegralPointerInstruction< PTR_TYPE > | PointerSizeT is the only valid result type defined for IntegralPointerInstruction |
IntegralPointerInstructionRegister | |
IntrusiveDListIter< T > | Iterator over an intrusive doubly-linked list |
IntrusiveDListNode | A link in an intrusive doubly-linked list |
IntrusiveList< T, DerivedListNode > | IntrusiveList is a singly-linked list which requires its elements to derive from IntrusiveListNode (endowing them with the required forward links) |
IntrusiveListIter< T, DerivedListNode > | IntrusiveListIter is the companion iterator for InstrusiveList |
IntrusiveListMutator< T, DerivedListNode > | IntrusiveListMutator is the companion mutator for InstrusiveList |
IntrusiveListNode | See class IntrusiveList for details |
IntrusiveTwoDListIter< ElementT, ReturnT > | Iterator over two intrusive doubly-linked lists |
InvalidParamExcn | Exception class for invalid parameter settings |
InvalidTypeException | Exception indicating an invalid type |
InvalidValueException< T > | Exception indicating a type/value mismatch |
IoCompletionPortScheduler | IoCompletionPortScheduler implements DeviceAccessScheduler via the Win32 IoCompletionPort facility |
IoCompletionPortThread | |
JavaErrorTarget | JavaErrorTarget implements ErrorTarget by calling back into the Farrago error handling facility |
JavaExcn | Exception class for wrapping Java exceptions |
JavaSinkExecStream | JavaSinkExecStream reads its tuples from an upstream execution object and pumps them into Java |
JavaSinkExecStreamParams | JavaSinkExecStreamParams defines parameters for instantiating a JavaSinkExecStream |
JavaThreadTracker | JavaThreadTracker implements ThreadTracker by attaching and detaching the Java environment |
JavaTraceTarget | JavaTraceTarget implements TraceTarget by calling back into the java.util.logging facility |
JavaTransformExecStream | JavaTransformExecStream represents a sequence of Java transforms encapsulated within a Fennel ExecStream |
JavaTransformExecStreamParams | |
JniEnvAutoRef | An implementation of JniEnvRef which can be used in contexts where no JNIEnv is available yet |
JniEnvRef | Wrapper for a JNIEnv pointer |
JniExceptionChecker | Helper for JniEnvRef |
JniLocalRefReaper | Guard for deleting a local ref automatically on unwind |
JniProxy | JniProxy is the virtual base class for all generated proxies |
JniProxyIter< T > | JniProxyIter is used to access a JniProxy by reference |
JniProxyVisitor | JniProxyVisitor is the base for all classes which need to visit one or more instances of JniProxy polymorphically |
JniProxyVisitTable< Visitor > | JniProxyVisitTable implements a template-driven dispatch table for binding proxy types to visit methods |
JniProxyVisitTable< Visitor >::VisitorMethodImpl< ProxyImpl > | Functor implementation binding a JniProxy subclass (instantiating ProxyImpl) to a Visitor::visit method |
JniProxyVisitTableBase | |
JniProxyVisitTableBase::VisitorMethod | Abstract functor for calling the correct visit method |
JniPseudoUuidGenerator | |
JniUtil | Static utility methods for dealing with JNI |
JniUtilParams | JniUtilParams defines parameters used to configure JniUtil |
Jump | |
JumpFalse | |
JumpInstruction | |
JumpInstructionRegister | |
JumpNotNull | |
JumpNull | |
JumpTrue | |
LbmBitOpExecStream | LbmBitOpExecStream is a base class for implementing bit operation execution streams that read from N input streams |
LbmBitOpExecStreamParams | LbmBitOpExecStreamParams defines parameters for instantiating a LbmBitOpExecStream |
LbmByteSegment | This class encapsulates a single byte segment, as opposed to a tuple which contains a set of them |
LbmChopperExecStream | LbmChopperExecStream splits up tuples whose decompressed representations are too large to fit into the memory of associated streams |
LbmChopperExecStreamParams | LbmChopperExecStreamParams defines parameters for instantiating a LbmChopperExecStream |
LbmDeletionIndexReader | LbmBTreeRidReader is a class for reading RIDs from a deletion index |
LbmEntry | Class implementing bitmap index entries |
LbmEntryDump | Class used to dump the contents of a LbmEntry |
LbmEntryInfo | Structure that associates a scratch buffer with each bitmap entry under construction |
LbmEntryTest | Testcase for LbmEntry class |
LbmExecStreamTestBase | LbmExecStreamTestBase is the base class for tests of bitmap exec streams |
LbmGeneratorExecStream | LbmGeneratorExecStream reads the column store clusters corresponding to the columns of an index, and creates bitmap entries for those rows |
LbmGeneratorExecStreamParams | |
LbmIntersectExecStream | LbmIntersectExecStream is the execution stream used to perform intersection on two or more bitmap stream inputs |
LbmIntersectExecStreamParams | LbmIntersectExecStreamParams defines parameters for instantiating a LbmIntersectExecStream |
LbmIntersectExecStreamTest | Testcase for Intersect exec stream |
LbmIterableRidReader | LbmIterableRidReader provides an iterator interface to a rid reader |
LbmLoadBitmapTest | Testcase for loading multiple clusters |
LbmMinusExecStream | LbmMinusExecStream is the execution stream that subtracts from the first bitmap input stream, the bitmap streams from the remaining inputs |
LbmMinusExecStreamParams | LbmMinusExecStreamParams defines parameters for instantiating a LbmMinusExecStream |
LbmMinusExecStreamTest | Testcase for Minus exec stream |
LbmNormalizerExecStream | The bitmap normalizer stream expands bitmap data to tuples |
LbmNormalizerExecStreamParams | This structure defines parameters for instantiating an LbmNormalizerExecStream |
LbmNormalizerExecStreamTest | Test case for LbmNormalizerExecStream |
LbmNumberStreamInput | Combines a NumberStream with other attributes used to make test data |
LbmReaderTest | Test for bitmap tuple and rid reader classes |
LbmRepeatingAggComputer | LbmRepeatingAggComputer is an aggregate computer that wraps another aggregate computer |
LbmRidReader | LbmRidReader provides an interface for reading RIDs from an input stream |
LbmRidReaderBase | LbmRidReaderBase provides an interace for reading RIDs from bit segments |
LbmSearchExecStream | LbmSearchExecStream is the execution stream used for scanning bitmap indexes |
LbmSearchExecStreamParams | LbmSearchExecStreamParams defines parameters for instantiating a LbmSearchExecStream |
LbmSearchTest | Testcase for scanning a single bitmap index using equality search on all index keys |
LbmSegment | Class implementing bitmap segments |
LbmSegmentReader | LbmSegmentReader provides the interace necessary to read bit segments |
LbmSegmentReaderBase | LbmSegmentReaderBase provides the base class for reading from bitmap segments |
LbmSegmentWriter | LbmSegmentWriter constructs a bitmap segment by utilizing LbmEntry to write out individual byte segments |
LbmSeqSegmentReader | LbmSeqSegmentReader provides the interace necessary to read byte segments sequentially |
LbmSingleTupleReader | LbmSingleTupleReader is a class satisyfing the bitmap tuple reader interface for a single input tuple |
LbmSortedAggExecStream | LbmSortedAggExecStream aggregates its input, producing tuples with aggregate computations as output |
LbmSortedAggExecStreamParams | LbmSortedAggExecStreamParams defines parameters for LbmSortedAggExecStream |
LbmSortedAggExecStreamTest | Test case for LbmSortedAggExecStream |
LbmSplicerExecStream | LbmSplicerExecStream takes as input a stream of bitmap entries |
LbmSplicerExecStreamParams | |
LbmSplicerExecStreamTest | Testcase for splicer exec stream |
LbmStreamTupleReader | LbmStreamTupleReader is a base class for reading bitmap tuples from an input stream |
LbmTupleReader | LbmTupleReader is an interface for reading bitmap tuples |
LbmTupleRidReader | LbmTupleRidReader is a class for reading rids from bitmap tuples |
LbmUnionExecStream | LbmUnionExecStream is the execution stream used to perform a union on a stream of overlapping bitmap tuple |
LbmUnionExecStreamParams | LbmUnionExecStreamParams defines parameters for instantiating a LbmUnionExecStream |
LbmUnionExecStreamTest | |
LbmUnionWorkspace | The union workspace merges byte segments |
LcsBatchDir | Batch directory representing each batch within a cluster |
LcsClusterAccessBase | LcsClusterAccessBase is a base for classes which access cluster pages |
LcsClusterAppendExecStream | Given a stream of tuples corresponding to the column values in a cluster, loads the cluster pages |
LcsClusterAppendExecStreamParams | |
LcsClusterAppendExecStreamTest | |
LcsClusterDump | Class used to dump the contents of a cluster page using fennel trace |
LcsClusterNode | Header stored on each page of a cluster |
LcsClusterNodeWriter | Constructs a cluster page, managing the amount of space currently in use on the page and determining the offsets where different elements are to be stored |
LcsClusterReader | Reads blocks from a single cluster |
LcsClusterReplaceExecStream | Given a stream of tuples corresponding to the column values in a cluster, creates a new cluster, replacing the pre-existing cluster with the new input tuples |
LcsClusterReplaceExecStreamParams | |
LcsClusterReplaceExecStreamTest | Test class for exercising LcsClusterReplaceExecStream |
LcsClusterScanDef | Represents a single cluster in a table cluster scan |
LcsClusterVerifier | LcsClusterVerifier is a class for verifying cluster pages |
LcsColumnReader | Reads RIDs from a single cluster |
LcsCompare | Theis class is passed to std::sort |
LcsCompareColKeyUsingOffsetIndex | This class implements the compare logic to sort the indices to the key offset vector, by comparing the data values stored at thse offsets |
LcsHash | LcsHash class is used by LcsclusterAppendExecStream |
LcsHashTable | LcsHashTable implements a hash table that fits the hash entries and the overflow nodes into one scratch buffer of size hashBlockSize |
LcsHashValOrd | This class implements the hash value ordinal which is the index into the hash value nodes array stored in LcsHashTable class |
LcsHashValueNode | LcsHashValNode contains information on every value inserted into the hash table |
LcsMultiClusterAppendTest | Testcase for loading multiple clusters |
LcsResidualColumnFilters | |
LcsResidualFilter | Local data structure for a column filter |
LcsRidRun | Structure representing a contiguous run of rids that need to be read |
LcsRowScanBaseExecStream | Implements basic elements required to scan clusters in an exec stream |
LcsRowScanBaseExecStreamParams | Indicates the clustered indexes that need to be read to scan a table and the columns from the clusters that need to be projected in the scan result |
LcsRowScanExecStream | Given a stream of RIDs, performs a table scan for those RIDs using the appropriate clustered indexes defined on the table |
LcsRowScanExecStreamParams | Parameters specific to the row scan execution stream, including the type of scan (full table scan versus specific rid reads) and whether residual filtering should be performed |
LcsRowScanExecStreamTest | Testcase for scanning multiple clusters |
LcsUndoType | Context for undoing the most recent insert into LcsHash |
LhxAggExecStream | LhxAggExecStream aggregates its input, producing tuples of aggregate function computations as output |
LhxAggExecStreamParams | LhxAggExecStreamParams defines parameters for SortedAggExecStream |
LhxAggExecStreamTest | |
LhxHashBlockAccessor | |
LhxHashDataAccessor | |
LhxHashGenerator | A hash function generator class that uses different seed values for each level, so that with the same key, different hash values are generated for different levels |
LhxHashInfo | Information common to all hash execution components: join, aggregate |
LhxHashKeyAccessor | |
LhxHashNodeAccessor | Class implementing the hash table used in Hybrid Hash Join |
LhxHashTable | |
LhxHashTableDump | Class to use to dump the content of a LhxHashTable |
LhxHashTableReader | |
LhxHashTableTest | Testcase for inserting into hash table |
LhxJoinExecStream | |
LhxJoinExecStreamParams | LhxJoinExecStream matches two input streams by using a hash table built from one of the inputs(usually the smaller input) |
LhxJoinExecStreamTest | |
LhxPartition | Classes to manage hash join partitions in memory and on disk |
LhxPartitionInfo | |
LhxPartitionReader | |
LhxPartitionWriter | |
LhxPlan | |
LibraryDesign | |
LinearDeviceSegment | LinearDeviceSegment is an implementation of Segment in terms of a contiguous range of pages of a single underlying RandomAccessDevice |
LinearDeviceSegmentParams | LinearDeviceSegmentParams defines initialization parameters for LinearDeviceSegment |
LinearDeviceSegmentTest | |
LinearViewSegment | LinearViewSegment is an implementation of Segment in terms of an underlying Segment, which must support the get/setPageSuccessor interface |
LinearViewSegmentTest | |
LocalConditionTest | |
Locale | |
LockHolderId | LockHolderId encapsulates the identity of an entity which can hold a lock, currently either a transaction or a thread |
LogicalRecoveryLog | LogicalRecoveryLog is the recovery-time counterpart to the online LogicalTxnLog |
LogicalRecoveryTxn | LogicalRecoveryTxn implements recovery for transactions previously logged via LogicalTxn |
LogicalTxn | LogicalTxn represents a transaction implemented via a logical logging strategy |
LogicalTxnActionHeader | Logged header for a single logical action |
LogicalTxnEventMemento | Log record describing a transaction event |
LogicalTxnLog | LogicalTxnLog defines the log structure used by LogicalTxn to record transaction data |
LogicalTxnLogCheckpointMemento | Global information recorded during LogicalTxnLog::checkpoint; this is all the information needed to begin recovery |
LogicalTxnParticipant | LogicalTxnParticipant defines an interface which must be implemented by any object which is to participate in a LogicalTxn |
LogicalTxnParticipantFactory | LogicalTxnParticipantFactory defines an interface for reconstructing instances of LogicalTxnParticipant during recovery |
LogicalTxnSavepoint | LogicalTxnSavepoint defines all state for a savepoint within a LogicalTxn |
LogicalTxnTest | |
LRUPage | |
LRUVictim | LRUVictim is the attributes class which must be a base for any CachePage type which will be cached using an LRUVictimPolicy |
LRUVictimPolicy< PageT > | LRUVictimPolicy implements the least-recently-used policy for cache victimization |
MappedPageListener | MappedPageListener defines an interface which allows a derived class to receive notifications of events on mapped pages |
MappedPageListenerPredicate | MappedPageListenerPredicate is an implementation of PagePredicate which returns true for pages with a given MappedPageListener |
MaxU | |
MergeExecStream | MergeExecStream produces the UNION ALL of any number of inputs |
MergeExecStreamParams | MergeExecStreamParams defines parameters for instantiating a MergeExecStream |
MixedDupColumnGenerator | Mixed Duplicate column generator |
MockConsumerExecStream | MockConsumerExecStream consumes data from a single input |
MockConsumerExecStreamParams | MockConsumerExecStreamParams defines parameters for MockConsumerExecStream |
MockProducerExecStream | MockProducerExecStream generates mock data |
MockProducerExecStreamGenerator | MockProducerExecStreamGenerator defines an interface for generating a data stream |
MockProducerExecStreamParams | MockProducerExecStreamParams defines parameters for MockProducerExecStream |
MockResourceExecStream | MockResourceExecStream is an exec stream that simply allocates scratch pages |
MockResourceExecStreamParams | |
MockSegPageEntryIterSource | A mock SegPageEntryIterSource that pre-fetches every other page, returning each page twice |
ModifiedAllocationNode | ModifiedAllocationNode is a structure that keeps track of the temporary page corresponding to a modified allocation node |
ModifiedPageEntry | ModifiedPageEntry is a structure that keeps track of the number of updates made to the page entry and extent entry corresponding to a page |
NativeAdd< TMPLT > | |
NativeDiv< TMPLT > | |
NativeInstruction< TMPLT > | |
NativeInstruction_NotANativeType< char > | |
NativeInstruction_NotANativeType< double > | |
NativeInstruction_NotANativeType< float > | |
NativeInstruction_NotANativeType< int > | |
NativeInstruction_NotANativeType< long > | |
NativeInstruction_NotANativeType< long long > | |
NativeInstruction_NotANativeType< short > | |
NativeInstruction_NotANativeType< signed char > | |
NativeInstruction_NotANativeType< unsigned char > | |
NativeInstruction_NotANativeType< unsigned int > | |
NativeInstruction_NotANativeType< unsigned long > | |
NativeInstruction_NotANativeType< unsigned long long > | |
NativeInstruction_NotANativeType< unsigned short > | |
NativeMove< TMPLT > | |
NativeMul< TMPLT > | |
NativeNativeInstruction< TMPLT > | |
NativeNativeInstructionRegister | |
NativeNeg< TMPLT > | |
NativeRef< TMPLT > | |
NativeRound< TMPLT > | |
NativeRoundHelp< TMPLT > | |
NativeRoundHelp< double > | |
NativeRoundHelp< float > | |
NativeSub< TMPLT > | |
NativeToNull< TMPLT > | |
NestedLoopJoinExecStream | NestedLoopJoinExecStream performs a nested loop join between two inputs by iterating over the first input once and opening and re-iterating over the second input for each tuple from the first |
NestedLoopJoinExecStreamParams | NestedLoopJoinExecStream defines parameters for instantiating a NestedLoopJoinExecStream |
NestedLoopJoinKey | Dynamic parameter used to pass a join key value from the left input to the right input |
Noisy< TMPL > | |
Noisy_no_error | |
NormalizerExecStreamGenerator | |
NullableAccessor< Accessor > | |
NullMutex | A NullMutex is a dummy class for use in cases where the need for synchronization is parameterized |
NullMutexGuard | Guard class for acquisition of an NullMutex |
NumberStream | Interface for defining a stream of numbers |
NumberStreamExecStreamGenerator | |
NumericType< T, typeOrdinal > | |
OpaqueInteger< T, Dummy > | OpaqueInteger is a wrapper for a primitive integer type |
PageBucket< PageT > | PageBucket represents a bucket of Pages which share something in common |
PageBucketListNode | Embedded link class for PageBucket lists |
PageEntry | Allocation status for a single data page |
PagePredicate | Callback class for Cache::checkpointPages |
PagingTestBase | PagingTestBase is a common base for multi-threaded tests which exercise cache paging |
ParallelExecResult | ParallelExecResult represents the result of a task submitted to ParallelExecStreamScheduler's thread pool |
ParallelExecStreamScheduler | ParallelExecStreamScheduler is a parallel implementation of the ExecStreamScheduler interface |
ParallelExecStreamScheduler::StreamStateMapEntry | |
ParallelExecStreamSchedulerTest | ParallelExecStreamSchedulerTest repeats the tests from ExecStreamTestSuite, but using a parallel scheduler |
ParallelExecTask | ParallelExecTask represents a task submitted to ParallelExecStreamScheduler's thread pool |
PermutationGenerator | - Author:
- John V
PointerAdd< PTR_TYPE > | Decreases length by op2, which may be completely invalid |
PointerGetMaxSize< PTR_TYPE > | |
PointerGetSize< PTR_TYPE > | |
PointerInstruction | |
PointerInstruction_NotAPointerType< char * > | |
PointerInstruction_NotAPointerType< double * > | |
PointerInstruction_NotAPointerType< float * > | |
PointerInstruction_NotAPointerType< int * > | |
PointerInstruction_NotAPointerType< long * > | |
PointerInstruction_NotAPointerType< long long * > | |
PointerInstruction_NotAPointerType< short * > | |
PointerInstruction_NotAPointerType< signed char * > | |
PointerInstruction_NotAPointerType< unsigned char * > | |
PointerInstruction_NotAPointerType< unsigned int * > | |
PointerInstruction_NotAPointerType< unsigned long * > | |
PointerInstruction_NotAPointerType< unsigned long long * > | |
PointerInstruction_NotAPointerType< unsigned short * > | |
PointerIntegralInstruction< PTR_TYPE > | |
PointerIntegralInstructionRegister | Note: There cannot be a PointerIntegralPutStorage() as cbStorage, the maximum size, is always read-only |
PointerMove< PTR_TYPE > | |
PointerPointerInstruction< PTR_TYPE, OP2T > | |
PointerPointerInstructionRegister | |
PointerPutSize< PTR_TYPE > | |
PointerRef< PTR_TYPE > | |
PointerSub< PTR_TYPE > | Increases length by op2, which may be completely invalid |
PointerToNull< PTR_TYPE > | |
PoissonColumnGenerator< T > | Column generator which generates values with a Poisson distribution |
PooledThread | PooledThread is a Thread working for a ThreadPool |
ProxyAggInvocation | |
ProxyAggStreamDef | |
ProxyBarrierStreamDef | |
ProxyBeginTxnCmd | |
ProxyBernoulliSamplingStreamDef | |
ProxyBufferingTupleStreamDef | |
ProxyBufferReaderStreamDef | |
ProxyBufferWriterStreamDef | |
ProxyCalcTupleStreamDef | |
ProxyCartesianProductStreamDef | |
ProxyCmd | |
ProxyCmdAbandonBackup | |
ProxyCmdAlterSystemDeallocate | |
ProxyCmdBeginTxn | |
ProxyCmdBeginTxnWithCsn | |
ProxyCmdCheckpoint | |
ProxyCmdCloseDatabase | |
ProxyCmdCommit | |
ProxyCmdCompleteBackup | |
ProxyCmdCreateExecutionStreamGraph | |
ProxyCmdCreateIndex | |
ProxyCmdCreateStreamHandle | |
ProxyCmdDropIndex | |
ProxyCmdGetLastCommittedTxnId | |
ProxyCmdGetTxnCsn | |
ProxyCmdInitiateBackup | |
ProxyCmdOpenDatabase | |
ProxyCmdPrepareExecutionStreamGraph | |
ProxyCmdRestoreFromBackup | |
ProxyCmdRollback | |
ProxyCmdSavepoint | |
ProxyCmdSetParam | |
ProxyCmdTruncateIndex | |
ProxyCmdVerifyIndex | |
ProxyCmdVersionIndexRoot | |
ProxyCollectTupleStreamDef | |
ProxyColumnName | |
ProxyCorrelation | |
ProxyCorrelationJoinStreamDef | |
ProxyCsnHandle | |
ProxyCsnHandleReturningCmd | |
ProxyDatabaseCmd | |
ProxyDatabaseParam | |
ProxyDbHandle | |
ProxyDynamicParameter | |
ProxyDynamicParamUse | |
ProxyEndTxnCmd | |
ProxyExecStreamDataFlow | |
ProxyExecutionStreamDef | |
ProxyFlatFileTupleStreamDef | |
ProxyGenericStreamDef | |
ProxyHandle | |
ProxyIndexAccessCmd | |
ProxyIndexAccessorDef | |
ProxyIndexCmd | |
ProxyIndexLoaderDef | |
ProxyIndexScanDef | |
ProxyIndexSearchDef | |
ProxyIndexStreamDef | |
ProxyIndexWriterDef | |
ProxyJavaSinkStreamDef | |
ProxyJavaTransformStreamDef | |
ProxyKeyAccessorDef | |
ProxyLbmBitOpStreamDef | |
ProxyLbmChopperStreamDef | |
ProxyLbmGeneratorStreamDef | |
ProxyLbmIntersectStreamDef | |
ProxyLbmMinusStreamDef | |
ProxyLbmNormalizerStreamDef | |
ProxyLbmSearchStreamDef | |
ProxyLbmSortedAggStreamDef | |
ProxyLbmSplicerStreamDef | |
ProxyLbmUnionStreamDef | |
ProxyLcsClusterAppendStreamDef | |
ProxyLcsClusterReplaceStreamDef | |
ProxyLcsClusterScanDef | |
ProxyLcsRowScanStreamDef | |
ProxyLhxAggStreamDef | |
ProxyLhxJoinStreamDef | |
ProxyMergeStreamDef | |
ProxyMockTupleStreamDef | |
ProxyMultiUseBufferingStreamDef | |
ProxyNestedLoopJoinStreamDef | |
ProxyReshapeParameter | |
ProxyReshapeStreamDef | |
ProxySortedAggStreamDef | |
ProxySortingStreamDef | |
ProxySplicerIndexAccessorDef | |
ProxySplitterStreamDef | |
ProxyStreamGraphHandle | |
ProxyStreamHandle | |
ProxySvptHandle | |
ProxyTableDeleterDef | |
ProxyTableInserterDef | |
ProxyTableUpdaterDef | |
ProxyTableWriterDef | |
ProxyTupleAccessor | |
ProxyTupleAttrAccessor | |
ProxyTupleAttrDescriptor | |
ProxyTupleAttrProjection | |
ProxyTupleDescriptor | |
ProxyTupleProjection | |
ProxyTupleStreamDef | |
ProxyTupleStreamGraphCmd | |
ProxyTxnCmd | |
ProxyTxnHandle | |
ProxyUncollectTupleStreamDef | |
ProxyValuesStreamDef | |
ProxyWindowDef | |
ProxyWindowPartitionDef | |
ProxyWindowStreamDef | |
PseudoUuid | Wrapper for a UUID |
PseudoUuidGenerator | Generator for values of PseudoUuid |
PseudoUuidTest | Tests the common PseudoUuid class |
QuotaCacheAccessor | QuotaCacheAccessor is an implementation of CacheAccessor which keeps track of the number of locked pages and asserts that this never exceeds a given quota |
RaiseInstruction | Add a warning/exception to the message queue |
RampDuplicateExecStreamGenerator | Duplicate stream generator |
RampExecStreamGenerator | Test data generators, usually for a 45-degree ramp (output value equals input row number) |
RandomAccessDevice | RandomAccessDevice is an interface representing any Device whose stored bytes can be accessed at random in constant time |
RandomAccessFileDevice | RandomAccessFileDevice is an implementation of RandomAccessDevice in terms of a FileDevice |
RandomAccessFileDeviceTest | |
RandomAccessFileDeviceTest::Binding | |
RandomAccessFileDeviceTest::Listener | |
RandomAccessNullDevice | RandomAccessNullDevice is an implementation of RandomAccessDevice which acts something like /dev/null, except that it does not allow any transfers at all |
RandomAccessRequest | RandomAccessRequest represents one logical unit of I/O against a RandomAccessDevice |
RandomAccessRequestBinding | RandomAccessRequestBinding binds a RandomAccessRequest to a particular memory location being read from or written to |
RandomAllocationSegment | RandomAllocationSegment refines RandomAllocationSegmentBase, defining an ExtentAllocationNode where each page entry within the segment is unversioned |
RandomAllocationSegmentBase | RandomAllocationSegmentBase is an abstract base class that implements RANDOM_ALLOCATION in terms of an underlying segment supporting LINEAR_ALLOCATION |
RandomAllocationSegmentTest | |
RandomColumnGenerator | Column generator which produces values which are uniformly distributed between 0 and N - 1 |
RandomVictimPolicy< PageT > | RandomVictimPolicy implements the random policy for cache victimization |
RandomVictimPolicy< PageT >::PageIterator | |
RawIntrusiveList | RawIntrusiveList is the type-unsafe implementation for the type-safe IntrusiveList template |
RawIntrusiveListIter | RawIntrusiveListIter is the type-unsafe implementation for the type-safe IntrusiveListIter template |
RawIntrusiveListMutator | RawIntrusiveListMutator is the type-unsafe implementation for the type-safe IntrusiveListMutator template |
RegDesc | A StandardTypeDescriptorOrdinal that allows a level of wildcarding |
RegisterRef< TMPLT > | A typed group of accessor functions to a register |
RegisterReference | A reference to a register |
RegisterSetBinding | How a register set is bound to data |
RegisterTestInfo< T > | |
RepeatingSeqColumnGenerator | A repeating column sequence generator |
ReshapeExecStream | ReshapeExecStream takes its input stream, applies optional filtering on the input, projects specified columns from the input stream, and performs some very simple casting |
ReshapeExecStreamParams | ReshapeExecStreamParams defines parameters for ReshapeExecStream |
ReshapeParameter | Structure used to store information about dynamic parameters used by the ReshapeExecStream |
ResourceBundle | |
ResourceDefinition | |
ResourceGovernorDesign | |
ResourceTest | |
ResourceThread | |
RestartingMinusExecStreamGenerator | Generates repeating tuples resulting from minus such as |
ReturnInstruction | |
ReturnInstructionRegister | |
SchedulerDesign | |
ScratchBufferExecStream | ScratchBufferExecStream is an adapter for converting the output of an upstream BUFPROV_CONSUMER producer for use by a downstream BUFPROV_PRODUCER consumer |
ScratchBufferExecStreamParams | ScratchBufferExecStreamParams defines parameters for ScratchBufferExecStream |
ScratchMemExcn | Exception class for scratch memory allocation errors |
ScratchSegment | ScratchSegment is an implementation of Segment which allocates scratch pages from the cache |
SegBufferExecStream | SegBufferExecStream fully buffers its input (using segment storage as specified in its parameters) |
SegBufferExecStreamParams | SegBufferExecStreamParams defines parameters for instantiating a SegBufferExecStream |
SegBufferReader | SegBufferReader is a helper class that reads data that has previously been buffered, and writes the data to its output stream |
SegBufferReaderExecStream | SegBufferReaderExecStream reads the buffered input written by a SegBufferWriterExecStream |
SegBufferReaderExecStreamParams | SegBufferReaderExecStreamParams defines parameters for instantiating a SegBufferReaderExecStream |
SegBufferWriter | SegBufferWriter is a helper class that reads an input stream and writes the data into a buffer |
SegBufferWriterExecStream | SegBufferWriterExecStream reads its input stream and writes the data to a buffer so it can be read by one or more SegBufferReaderExecStreams |
SegBufferWriterExecStreamParams | SegBufferWriterExecStreamParams defines parameters for instantiating a SegBufferWriterExecStream |
SegInputStream | SegInputStream implements the ByteInputStream interface by reading data previously written via a SegOutputStream |
Segment | Segment is a virtualization layer for allocating and accessing pages of device storage via the cache |
SegmentAccessor | A SegmentAccessor combines a Segment with a CacheAccessor |
SegmentAllocationNode | SegmentAllocationNode is the allocation map for a run of extents in a RandomAllocationSegmentBase |
SegmentAllocationNode::ExtentEntry | Allocation status for a single extent mapped by this node |
SegmentDesign | |
SegmentFactory | SegmentFactory is a factory class for creating instances of the Segment interface |
SegmentMap | SegmentMap defines an interface for mapping a SegmentId to a loaded Segment instance |
SegmentTestBase | SegmentTestBase is a common base for any test of an implementation of the Segment interface |
SegNodeLock< Node > | SegNodeLock refines SegPageLock to allow typecasting to be hidden |
SegOutputStream | SegOutputStream implements the ByteOutputStream interface by writing data to pages allocated from a Segment |
SegPageBackupRestoreDevice | Device used to backup and restore pages from a data segment |
SegPageEntryIter< EntryT > | SegPageEntryIter extends SegPageIter |
SegPageEntryIterSource< EntryT > | SegPageEntryIterSource provides the callback method that supplies pre-fetch pageIds for SegPageEntryIter |
SegPageEntryIterTest | |
SegPageIter | When visiting a chain of pages via Segment.getPageSuccessor, SegPageIter can be used to automatically initiate prefetches |
SegPageIterTest | |
SegPageLock | A SegPageLock is associated with a single segment, and starts out in the unlocked state |
SegStorageTestBase | SegStorageTestBase is a common base for any test which depends on the Segment interface |
SegStream | SegStream is a common base for SegInputStream and SegOutputStream |
SegStreamAllocation | SegStreamAllocation is a helper for managing the allocation state of storage created by SegOutputStream when it is used as temp workspace |
SegStreamCrc | Additional header information stored on each page of SegStreams for which CRC's are requested |
SegStreamMarker | SegStreamMarker refines ByteStreamMarker with a physical stream position, allowing for random-access mark/reset |
SegStreamNode | Header stored on each page of a SegStream |
SegStreamPosition | Memento for a position within a SegStream |
SegStreamTest | |
SeqColumnGenerator | Column generator which produces values in sequence, starting at start, optionally with a fixed offset between each value |
SequentialByteStreamMarker | SequentialByteStreamMarker is a default implementation of ByteStreamMarker based on sequential byte position |
SimpleExecStreamGovernor | SimpleExecStreamGovernor is a reference implementation of ExecStreamGovernor |
SingleInputExecStream | SingleInputExecStream is an abstract base for all implementations of ExecStream which have exactly one input |
SingleInputExecStreamParams | SingleInputExecStreamParams defines parameters for SingleInputExecStream |
SingleOutputExecStream | SingleOutputExecStream is an abstract base for all implementations of ExecStream which have exactly one output |
SingleOutputExecStreamParams | SingleOutputExecStreamParams defines parameters for SingleOutputExecStream |
SizeBuffer | Contains a buffer, its maximum length and current length |
SkipNumberStream | From (first |
SnapshotRandomAllocationSegment | SnapshotRandomAllocationSegment implements a random allocation segment that provides a consistent view of the data in the segment based on a specified point in time |
SnapshotSegmentTest | |
SnapshotSegmentTestBase | SnapshotSegmentTestBase is a common base for any test that uses a SnapshotRandomAllocationSegment for storage |
SortedAggExecStream | SortedAggExecStream aggregates its input, producing tuples of aggregate function computations as output |
SortedAggExecStreamGenerator | Generates sorted (key, value count) tuples like: |
SortedAggExecStreamParams | SortedAggExecStreamParams defines parameters for SortedAggExecStream |
SparseBitmap | SparseBitmap is an example of how to create a page-based persistent data structure using Fennel |
SparseBitmapDirectory | Page header data structure for a sparse bitmap directory node |
SparseBitmapDirEntry | Entry in a sparse bitmap directory |
SparseBitmapLeaf | Page header data structure for a sparse bitmap leaf node |
SparseBitmapTest | Unit tests for SparseBitmap |
SpillOutputStream | SpillOutputStream implements the ByteOutputStream interface by starting with writes to a cache scratch page |
SplitterExecStream | SplitterExecStream is an adapter for aliasing the output of an upstream producer for use by several downstream consumers |
SplitterExecStreamParams | SplitterExecStreamParams defines parameters for SplitterExecStream |
SQL2003 | The official SQL:2003 standard (ISO/IEC 9075:2003), which is broken up into numerous parts |
SQL92 | The official SQL-92 standard (ISO/IEC 9075:1992) |
SQL99 | The official SQL:1999 standard (ISO/IEC 9075:1999), which is broken up into five parts |
SqlDateTest | |
SqlRegExpTest | |
SqlStringAsciiTest | |
SqlStringBuffer | |
SqlStringBufferUCS2 | |
SqlStringTest | |
SqlStringTestGen | |
StairCaseColumnGenerator | Same as StairCaseExecStreamGenerator except for columns |
StairCaseExecStreamGenerator | A Staircase Generator |
StandardTypeDescriptor | StandardTypeDescriptor provides convenience functions to StandardTypeDescriptorOrdinal enum |
StandardTypeDescriptorFactory | StandardTypeDescriptorFactory is an implementation of the StoredTypeDescriptorFactory interface capable of constructing all of the types enumerated in StandardTypeDescriptorOrdinal |
StandardTypeTest | |
StatsSource | StatsSource defines an interface implemented by classes which produce performance/activity statistics |
StatsTarget | StatsTarget defines an interface implemented by classes which consume performance/activity statistics |
StatsTimer | StatsTimer publishes stats snapshots from StatsSources to a StatsTarget |
StoredNode | StoredNode is the base class for all structures used as headers for pages of stored objects |
StoredTypeDescriptor | StoredTypeDescriptor is an abstract class defining the datatypes which characterize values stored in tuples, as described in the design docs |
StoredTypeDescriptorFactory | StoredTypeDescriptorFactory is an abstract factory defining how StoredTypeDescriptors are instantiated, as described in the design docs |
StringDesc | Support structure for calculating various windowed aggregation functions (COUNT, SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX, FIRST_VALUE, LAST_VALUE) against character data |
StringExecStreamGenerator | StringExecStreamGenerator defines an interface for generating a data stream of strings |
StringExecStreamGeneratorImpl | |
SumAggComputer< T > | SumAggComputer computes SUM(x), ignoring null values but returning null if the input is empty |
SXMutex | An SXMutex implements a standard readers/writers exclusion scheme: any number of shared-lock threads may hold the lock at one time, during which time exclusive-lock threads are blocked; only one exclusive-lock thread may hold the lock at a time, during which all other lock-requesting threads are blocked |
SXMutexGuard< lockMode > | Guard class for acquisition of an SXMutex |
SynchMonitoredObject | SynchMonitoredObject is the base for any object needing to use the monitor synchronization pattern |
SysCallExcn | Exception class for failed system calls |
SystemSamplingExecStreamGenerator | |
TempSegDestructor | |
TestBase | TestBase is the common base for all Fennel tests |
TestBase::TestCaseGroup | Collects a group of named test-case definitions |
TestBase::TestCaseGroup::Item | |
TestCalculator | Subclass of Calculator specialized for testing extended instructions |
TestOptionsTest | Tests the command-line options features of TestBase |
TestThread | |
TestWrapperTemplate< UserTestClass > | TestWrapperTemplate wraps a test class with setUp/tearDown hooks around each test case method invocation |
TExceptionCBData | |
Thread | Thread is a wrapper around boost::thread which allows for the thread object to be created before it is actually started |
ThreadedTestBase | ThreadedTestBase is a common base for tests which execute multiple threads with various operations over a configurable duration |
ThreadedTestBaseTask | |
ThreadPool< Task > | ThreadPool is a very simple thread-pooling implementation |
ThreadPoolBase | ThreadPoolBase defines the non-templated portion of ThreadPool |
ThreadPoolScheduler | ThreadPoolScheduler implements DeviceAccessScheduler by combining a thread pool with synchronous I/O calls |
ThreadTracker | ThreadTracker defines an interface for receiving callbacks before and after a thread runs |
TimerThread | TimerThread implements a timer callback via a dedicated thread |
TimerThreadClient | TimerThreadClient receives callbacks from a TimerThread |
TOp | |
TraceSource | TraceSource is a common base for all classes which write messages to a TraceTarget |
TraceTarget | TraceTarget defines a tracing interface to be implemented by callers to Fennel |
TracingSegment | TracingSegment implements tracing for the Segment interface |
TransactionalCacheAccessor | TransactionalCacheAccessor implements the CacheAccessor::setTxnId method, allowing it to be used to lock pages on behalf of a particular transaction without the caller being aware of the association |
TSuper | |
TType | |
TupleAccessor | TupleAccessor defines how to efficiently marshal and unmarshal values in a stored tuple |
TupleAttributeDescriptor | A TupleAttributeDescriptor is a component of a TupleDescriptor, as explained in the design docs |
TupleData | TupleData is an in-memory collection of independent data values, as explained in the design docs |
TupleDataWithBuffer | TupleDataWithBuffer is a convenience that creates a TupleData, and a supporting buffer from a TupleDescriptor |
TupleDatum | A TupleDatum is a component of TupleData; see the design docs for more details |
TupleDescriptor | A TupleDescriptor specifies a vector of stored attributes, as explained in the design docs |
TupleDesign | |
TupleOverflowExcn | Exception class to be thrown when an oversized tuple is encountered |
TuplePrinter | |
TupleProjection | A TupleProjection specifies a projection of a tuple, as explained in the design docs |
TupleProjectionAccessor | A TupleProjectionAccessor provides a way to efficiently unmarshal selected attributes of a tuple, as explained in the design docs |
TupleTest | |
TwoQDirtyPage | TwoQDirtyPage is the attribute class that contains information about dirty pages |
TwoQDirtyPageListIter< PageT > | TwoQDirtyPageListIter iterates over queues containing dirty nodes, returning the parent pages corresponding to the dirty nodes |
TwoQPage | |
TwoQPageListIter< PageT > | TwoQPageListIter iterates over queues containing pages |
TwoQPageQueue | TwoQPageQueue is used to implement the page queues used by the TwoQVictimPolicy |
TwoQVictim | TwoQVictim is the attributes class which must be a base for any CachePage type which will be cached using a TwoQVictimPolicy |
TwoQVictimPolicy< PageT > | TwoQVictimPolicy implements the 2Q page victimization policy as described in the VLDB '94 paper "2Q: A Low Overhead High Performance Buffer Management Replacement Algorithm" by Johnson and Shasha |
UnalignedAttributeAccessor | UnalignedAttributeAccessor is similar to AttributeAccessor, except that it provides a by-value access model intended for storing individual data values with maximum compression (hence unaligned), as opposed to the tuple-valued by-reference model of AttributeAccessor |
UncollectExecStream | Ouputs all tuples that previously has been collected by CollectExecStream |
UncollectExecStreamParams | UncollectExecStreamParams defines parameters for instantiating a UncollectExecStream |
UnicodeCharType | |
UnicodeVarCharType | |
UnionNumberStream | Unions multiple number streams from 1 |
UnreferencedCacheStructs | |
UnreferencedCommonStructs | |
UnreferencedHashexeStructs | |
UnreferencedSegmentStructs | |
UnreferencedSynchStructs | |
ValuesExecStream | ValuesExecStream passes a buffer of tuples passed in as a parameter into the stream on to its consumer to process |
ValuesExecStreamParams | ValuesExecStreamParams defines parameters for ValuesExecStream |
VarBinaryType | |
VarCharType | |
VariableBuildLevel | |
VarOffsetAccessor< network > | VarOffsetAccessor accesses subsequent variable-width attributes that are NOT NULL |
VectorOfUint | |
VersionedExtentAllocationNode | VersionedExtentAllocationNode is the allocation map for one extent in a VersionedRandomAllocationSegment |
VersionedPageEntry | Allocation status for a single data page in this extent |
VersionedPageFooter | Information stored in the footer of each page of a VersionedSegment |
VersionedRandomAllocationSegment | VersionedRandomAllocationSegment refines RandomAllocationSegmentBase, defining a VersionedExtentAllocationNode where each page entry within the segment is versioned |
VersionedSegment | VersionedSegment provides versioned updates to an underlying data segment by keeping before-images of modified pages in a separate write-ahead log segment |
VersionedSegmentTest | |
VMAllocator | VMAllocator is an implementation of the CacheAllocator interface in terms of OS page allocation calls |
VoidPtrHash | VoidPtrHash can be used to create a hash_map or hash_set with pointers as keys |
WALSegment | WALSegment is an implementation of Segment which keeps track of pages as they are dirtied and flushed |
WinAggHistogram< STDTYPE > | Support structure for calculating various windowed aggregation functions (COUNT, SUM, AVG, MIN, MAX, FIRST_VALUE, LAST_VALUE) |
WinAggHistogramStrA | |
WinAggHistogramStrA::_StringDescCompare | |
yy_buffer_state | |
yy_trans_info | |
yyalloc | |