JniUtil Class Reference

Static utility methods for dealing with JNI. More...

#include <JniUtil.h>

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static void initDebug (char const *envVarName)
 Initializes JNI debugging.
static jint init (JavaVM *pVm)
 Initializes our JNI support.
static void configure (const JniUtilParams &params)
 Configure run-time JNI features, such as whether or not JNI handles are traced.
static void shutdown ()
 Shutdown run-time JNI features, such as JNI handle tracking.
static std::string getClassName (jclass jClass)
 Calls java.lang.Class.getName().
static std::string getFirstPublicInterfaceName (jclass jClass)
 Calls java.lang.Class.getInterfaces() and returns result of java.lang.Class.getClassName() for the first public interface returned.
static std::string toStdString (JniEnvRef pEnv, jstring jString)
 Converts a Java string to a C++ string.
static jstring toString (JniEnvRef pEnv, jobject jObject)
 Calls toString() on a Java object.
static jobject getIter (JniEnvRef pEnv, jobject jCollection)
 Calls java.util.Collection.iterator().
static jobject getNextFromIter (JniEnvRef pEnv, jobject jIter)
 Calls java.util.Iterator.hasNext/next().
static uint lookUpEnum (std::string *pSymbols, std::string const &symbol)
 Looks up an enum value.
static void detachJavaEnv ()
 Detaches the JNIEnv for the current thread (undoes effect of getAttachedJavaEnv in the case where needDetach received true).
static void incrementHandleCount (const char *pType, const void *pHandle)
 Increment the handle count.
static void decrementHandleCount (const char *pType, const void *pHandle)
 Decrement the handle count.
static int getHandleCount ()
 Retrieve the current handle count.
static std::string getXmi (const TupleDescriptor &tupleDesc)
 Constructs a FemTupleDescriptor xmi string.
static ThreadTrackergetThreadTracker ()
the tracker for JNI thread attach/detach

Static Public Attributes

static const jint jniVersion = JNI_VERSION_1_2
 Required JNI version.
static jmethodID methGetJavaStreamHandle
 Java method FennelJavaStreamMap.getJavaStreamHandle.
static jmethodID methGetIndexRoot
 Java method FennelJavaStreamMap.getIndexRoot.
static jmethodID methBase64Decode
 Java method RhBase64.decode.
static jclass classRhBase64
static jmethodID methRandomUUID
 Java method UUID.randomUUID.
static jclass classUUID
static jmethodID methFarragoTransformInit
 Java method FarragoTransform.init.
static jmethodID methFarragoTransformExecute
 Java method FarragoTransform.execute.
static jmethodID methFarragoTransformSetInputFetchTimeout
 Java method FarragoTransform.setInputFetchTimeout.
static jmethodID methFarragoTransformRestart
 Java method FarragoTransform.restart.
static jclass classFarragoTransformInputBinding
 Java class FarragoTransform.InputBinding.
static jmethodID methFarragoTransformInputBindingCons
 Java constructor FarragoTransform.InputBinding.InputBinding.
static jmethodID methFarragoRuntimeContextStatementClassForName
 Java method FarragoRuntimeContext.statementClassForName.
static jmethodID methFarragoRuntimeContextFindFarragoTransform
 Java method FarragoRuntimeContext.findFarragoTransform.
static jclass classUtil
 Java class org.eigenbase.util.Util.
static jmethodID methUtilGetStackTrace
 Java method org.eigenbase.util.Util.getStackTrace(Throwable).
static jclass classLong
static jclass classInteger
static jclass classShort
static jclass classDouble
static jclass classFloat
static jclass classBoolean
static jmethodID methLongValueOf
static jmethodID methIntegerValueOf
static jmethodID methShortValueOf
static jmethodID methDoubleValueOf
static jmethodID methFloatValueOf
static jmethodID methBooleanValueOf
static jmethodID methLongValue
static jmethodID methIntValue
static jmethodID methShortValue
static jmethodID methDoubleValue
static jmethodID methFloatValue
static jmethodID methBooleanValue

Static Private Member Functions

static JNIEnv * getAttachedJavaEnv (bool &needDetach)
 Attaches a JNIEnv for the current thread.
static void traceHandleCount (const char *pAction, const char *pType, const void *pHandle)
 JNI handle tracing method.

Static Private Attributes

static JavaVM * pVm
 Loaded JavaVM instance.
static jmethodID methGetClassName
static jmethodID methGetInterfaces
static jmethodID methGetModifiers
static jclass classModifier
 class java.lang.Modifier
static jmethodID methIsPublic
static jmethodID methIterator
static jmethodID methHasNext
static jmethodID methNext
static jmethodID methToString
static AtomicCounter handleCount
 Counter for all handles opened by Farrago.
static bool traceHandleCountEnabled
 Flag indicating whether tracing of handles is enabled.
static bool closeHandleCountTraceOnZero
 Flag indicating that the JNI handle trace stream should be closed when the handle count reaches 0.
static std::ofstream handleCountTraceStream
 Stream for tracing handles opened by Farrago.
static JavaThreadTracker threadTracker
 Tracker for JNI thread attach/detach.


class JniEnvAutoRef

Detailed Description

Static utility methods for dealing with JNI.

Definition at line 196 of file JniUtil.h.

Member Function Documentation

JNIEnv * JniUtil::getAttachedJavaEnv ( bool &  needDetach  )  [static, private]

Attaches a JNIEnv for the current thread.

Can be used in contexts where the JNIEnv hasn't been passed down from the native entry point.

needDetach receives true if thread needs to be detached; false if it was already attached on entry
current thread's JNIEnv

Definition at line 340 of file JniUtil.cpp.

References jniVersion, and pVm.

00341 {
00342     void *pEnv = NULL;
00343     jint rc = pVm->GetEnv(&pEnv,jniVersion);
00344     if (rc == JNI_OK) {
00345         // previously attached, so it would be wrong to detach in destructor
00346         needDetach = false;
00347         return static_cast<JNIEnv *>(pEnv);
00348     }
00349     needDetach = true;
00350     rc = pVm->AttachCurrentThread(&pEnv,NULL);
00351     assert(rc == 0);
00352     assert(pEnv);
00353     return static_cast<JNIEnv *>(pEnv);
00354 }

void JniUtil::traceHandleCount ( const char *  pAction,
const char *  pType,
const void *  pHandle 
) [static, private]

JNI handle tracing method.

Definition at line 455 of file JniUtil.cpp.

References closeHandleCountTraceOnZero, handleCount, handleCountTraceStream, and traceHandleCountEnabled.

Referenced by decrementHandleCount(), and incrementHandleCount().

00457 {
00458     if (traceHandleCountEnabled) {
00459         handleCountTraceStream
00460             << pAction << " " << pType << ": " << pHandle << std::endl;
00462         if (handleCount == 0 && closeHandleCountTraceOnZero &&
00463             strcmp(pAction, "DEC") == 0) {
00464             traceHandleCountEnabled = false;
00465             closeHandleCountTraceOnZero = false;
00467             handleCountTraceStream.flush();
00468             handleCountTraceStream.close();
00469         }
00470     }
00471 }

void JniUtil::initDebug ( char const *  envVarName  )  [static]

Initializes JNI debugging.

envVarName name of environment variable used to trigger debugging

Definition at line 115 of file JniUtil.cpp.

References debugger_signalHandler().

Referenced by JNI_OnLoad().

00116 {
00117     char *pDebug = getenv(envVarName);
00118     if (pDebug && (atoi(pDebug) >= 1)) {
00119         char pidstr[32];
00120         snprintf(pidstr, 32, "%d", getpid());
00121         std::cout << "Waiting for debugger; pid=" << pidstr << std::endl;
00122         std::cout.flush();
00123 #ifdef __MSVC__
00124         // A "cont" in gdb will wake this sleep up immediately, which
00125         // is disturbing but useful.
00126         _sleep(600000);
00127 #else
00128         // On older versions of Linux, a "cont" in gdb will wake this
00129         // sleep up immediately, which is disturbing but useful.
00130         // On newer versions, the continue command resumes
00131         // the sleep().  So, if $envVarName > 1, wait for SIGHUP.
00132         // Use the "signal 1" command to wake the pause up.
00133         if (atoi(pDebug) == 1) {
00134             sleep(60000);
00135         } else {
00136             struct sigaction act;
00137             struct sigaction oldact;
00139             act.sa_handler = debugger_signalHandler;
00140             sigemptyset(&act.sa_mask);
00141             act.sa_flags = 0;
00143             if (!sigaction(SIGHUP, &act, &oldact)) {
00144                 // Signal handler installed properly.  Wait for signal.
00145                 pause();
00147                 // Restore the old signal handler.
00148                 sigaction(SIGHUP, &oldact, NULL);
00149             } else {
00150                 // Fall back on sleeping.
00151                 sleep(60000);
00152             }
00153         }
00154 #endif
00155     }
00156 }

jint JniUtil::init ( JavaVM *  pVm  )  [static]

Initializes our JNI support.

pVm the VM in which we're loaded

Definition at line 200 of file JniUtil.cpp.

References classBoolean, classDouble, classFarragoTransformInputBinding, classFloat, classInteger, classLong, classModifier, classRhBase64, classShort, classUtil, classUUID, AutoBacktrace::install(), jniVersion, methBase64Decode, methBooleanValue, methBooleanValueOf, methDoubleValue, methDoubleValueOf, methFarragoRuntimeContextFindFarragoTransform, methFarragoRuntimeContextStatementClassForName, methFarragoTransformExecute, methFarragoTransformInit, methFarragoTransformInputBindingCons, methFarragoTransformRestart, methFarragoTransformSetInputFetchTimeout, methFloatValue, methFloatValueOf, methGetClassName, methGetIndexRoot, methGetInterfaces, methGetJavaStreamHandle, methGetModifiers, methHasNext, methIntegerValueOf, methIntValue, methIsPublic, methIterator, methLongValue, methLongValueOf, methNext, methRandomUUID, methShortValue, methShortValueOf, methToString, methUtilGetStackTrace, and pVm.

Referenced by JNI_OnLoad().

00201 {
00202     // Install handler to print backtrace on fatal error.  Note that
00203     // we pass false to suppress handling of SIGSEGV, because Java
00204     // raises this spuriously.  Instead, if a real SIGSEGV occurs
00205     // in native code, Java will abort, raising SIGABRT from the same
00206     // stack frame, so we'll catch that and backtrace it instead.
00207     AutoBacktrace::install(false);
00208     pVm = pVmInit;
00209     JniEnvAutoRef pEnv;
00210     jclass classClass = pEnv->FindClass("java/lang/Class");
00211     jclass classObject = pEnv->FindClass("java/lang/Object");
00212     jclass classCollection = pEnv->FindClass("java/util/Collection");
00213     jclass classIterator = pEnv->FindClass("java/util/Iterator");
00215     // Make sure this jclass is a global ref or the JVM might move it on us.
00216     // This is only required for classes on which we need to invoke
00217     // static methods.
00218     classRhBase64 = pEnv->FindClass("org/eigenbase/util/RhBase64");
00219     classRhBase64 = (jclass) pEnv->NewGlobalRef(classRhBase64);
00220     classUUID = pEnv->FindClass("java/util/UUID");
00221     classUUID = (jclass) pEnv->NewGlobalRef(classUUID);
00223     jclass classFennelJavaStreamMap = pEnv->FindClass(
00224         "net/sf/farrago/fennel/FennelJavaStreamMap");
00225     jclass classFarragoTransform = pEnv->FindClass(
00226         "net/sf/farrago/runtime/FarragoTransform");
00228     // Make sure this jclass is a global ref of the JVM might move it on us.
00229     jclass tempInputBinding =
00230         pEnv->FindClass(
00231             "net/sf/farrago/runtime/FarragoTransform$InputBinding");
00232     classFarragoTransformInputBinding =
00233         (jclass)pEnv->NewGlobalRef(tempInputBinding);
00235     jclass classFarragoRuntimeContext = pEnv->FindClass(
00236         "net/sf/farrago/runtime/FarragoRuntimeContext");
00237     methGetClassName = pEnv->GetMethodID(
00238         classClass,"getName","()Ljava/lang/String;");
00239     methGetInterfaces = pEnv->GetMethodID(
00240         classClass,"getInterfaces","()[Ljava/lang/Class;");
00241     methGetModifiers = pEnv->GetMethodID(
00242         classClass,"getModifiers","()I");
00244     jclass tempClassModifier = pEnv->FindClass("java/lang/reflect/Modifier");
00245     classModifier = (jclass)pEnv->NewGlobalRef(tempClassModifier);
00246     methIsPublic = pEnv->GetStaticMethodID(classModifier, "isPublic", "(I)Z");
00248     methIterator = pEnv->GetMethodID(
00249         classCollection,"iterator","()Ljava/util/Iterator;");
00250     methHasNext = pEnv->GetMethodID(
00251         classIterator,"hasNext","()Z");
00252     methNext = pEnv->GetMethodID(
00253         classIterator,"next","()Ljava/lang/Object;");
00254     methGetJavaStreamHandle = pEnv->GetMethodID(
00255         classFennelJavaStreamMap,"getJavaStreamHandle",
00256         "(I)J");
00257     methGetIndexRoot = pEnv->GetMethodID(
00258         classFennelJavaStreamMap,"getIndexRoot",
00259         "(J)J");
00260     methToString = pEnv->GetMethodID(
00261         classObject,"toString","()Ljava/lang/String;");
00263     jclass tempClassLong = pEnv->FindClass("java/lang/Long");
00264     classLong = (jclass)pEnv->NewGlobalRef(tempClassLong);
00265     methLongValueOf =
00266         pEnv->GetStaticMethodID(classLong, "valueOf", "(J)Ljava/lang/Long;");
00267     methLongValue = pEnv->GetMethodID(classLong, "longValue", "()J");
00269     jclass tempClassInteger = pEnv->FindClass("java/lang/Integer");
00270     classInteger = (jclass)pEnv->NewGlobalRef(tempClassInteger);
00271     methIntegerValueOf =
00272         pEnv->GetStaticMethodID(
00273             classInteger, "valueOf", "(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;");
00274     methIntValue = pEnv->GetMethodID(classInteger, "intValue", "()I");
00276     jclass tempClassShort = pEnv->FindClass("java/lang/Short");
00277     classShort = (jclass)pEnv->NewGlobalRef(tempClassShort);
00278     methShortValueOf =
00279         pEnv->GetStaticMethodID(classShort, "valueOf", "(S)Ljava/lang/Short;");
00280     methShortValue = pEnv->GetMethodID(classShort, "shortValue", "()S");
00282     jclass tempClassDouble = pEnv->FindClass("java/lang/Double");
00283     classDouble = (jclass)pEnv->NewGlobalRef(tempClassDouble);
00284     methDoubleValueOf =
00285         pEnv->GetStaticMethodID(
00286             classDouble, "valueOf", "(D)Ljava/lang/Double;");
00287     methDoubleValue = pEnv->GetMethodID(classDouble, "doubleValue", "()D");
00289     jclass tempClassFloat = pEnv->FindClass("java/lang/Float");
00290     classFloat = (jclass)pEnv->NewGlobalRef(tempClassFloat);
00291     methFloatValueOf =
00292         pEnv->GetStaticMethodID(classFloat, "valueOf", "(F)Ljava/lang/Float;");
00293     methFloatValue = pEnv->GetMethodID(classFloat, "floatValue", "()F");
00295     jclass tempClassBoolean = pEnv->FindClass("java/lang/Boolean");
00296     classBoolean = (jclass)pEnv->NewGlobalRef(tempClassBoolean);
00297     methBooleanValueOf =
00298         pEnv->GetStaticMethodID(
00299             classBoolean, "valueOf", "(Z)Ljava/lang/Boolean;");
00300     methBooleanValue = pEnv->GetMethodID(classBoolean, "booleanValue", "()Z");
00302     methBase64Decode = pEnv->GetStaticMethodID(
00303         classRhBase64,"decode","(Ljava/lang/String;)[B");
00304     methRandomUUID = pEnv->GetStaticMethodID(
00305         classUUID,"randomUUID","()Ljava/util/UUID;");
00307     methFarragoTransformInit = pEnv->GetMethodID(
00308         classFarragoTransform, "init",
00309         "(Lnet/sf/farrago/runtime/FarragoRuntimeContext;Ljava/lang/String;[Lnet/sf/farrago/runtime/FarragoTransform$InputBinding;)V");
00310     methFarragoTransformExecute = pEnv->GetMethodID(
00311         classFarragoTransform, "execute", "(Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;J)I");
00312     methFarragoTransformRestart = pEnv->GetMethodID(
00313         classFarragoTransform, "restart", "()V");
00314     methFarragoTransformSetInputFetchTimeout = pEnv->GetMethodID(
00315         classFarragoTransform, "setInputFetchTimeout", "(J)V");
00316     methFarragoTransformInputBindingCons =
00317         pEnv->GetMethodID(
00318             classFarragoTransformInputBinding, "<init>",
00319             "(Ljava/lang/String;I)V");
00320     methFarragoRuntimeContextStatementClassForName =
00321         pEnv->GetMethodID(
00322             classFarragoRuntimeContext,
00323             "statementClassForName",
00324             "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;");
00325     methFarragoRuntimeContextFindFarragoTransform =
00326         pEnv->GetMethodID(
00327             classFarragoRuntimeContext,
00328             "findFarragoTransform",
00329             "(Ljava/lang/String;)Lnet/sf/farrago/runtime/FarragoTransform;");
00331     jclass tempClassUtil = pEnv->FindClass("org/eigenbase/util/Util");
00332     classUtil = (jclass) pEnv->NewGlobalRef(tempClassUtil);
00333     methUtilGetStackTrace = pEnv->GetStaticMethodID(
00334         classUtil, "getStackTrace",
00335         "(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/String;");
00337     return jniVersion;
00338 }

void JniUtil::configure ( const JniUtilParams params  )  [static]

Configure run-time JNI features, such as whether or not JNI handles are traced.

JniUtil configuration parameters

Definition at line 158 of file JniUtil.cpp.

References closeHandleCountTraceOnZero, handleCountTraceStream, JniUtilParams::jniHandleTraceFile, and traceHandleCountEnabled.

Referenced by CmdInterpreter::visit().

00159 {
00160     // Check if the stream is already open.  During unit tests Fennel is
00161     // sometimes stopped and restarted in a single process.  Flag an error
00162     // if this happens, it means the previous shutdown failed.
00163     if (handleCountTraceStream.is_open()) {
00164         assert(false);
00166         // Non-debug builds: clean up
00167         handleCountTraceStream
00168             << "ERROR: trace stream already open" << std::endl;
00169         handleCountTraceStream.flush();
00170         handleCountTraceStream.close();
00171         traceHandleCountEnabled = false;
00172         closeHandleCountTraceOnZero = false;
00173     }
00175     if (params.jniHandleTraceFile.length() > 0) {
00176         handleCountTraceStream.open(
00177             params.jniHandleTraceFile.c_str(), std::ios::app);
00179         handleCountTraceStream
00180             << "# Fennel JNI Handle Trace (see //open/util/bin/checkJniHandleTrace.pl)"
00181             << std::endl;
00183         assert(handleCountTraceStream.good());
00185         traceHandleCountEnabled = true;
00186         closeHandleCountTraceOnZero = false;
00187     }
00188 }

void JniUtil::shutdown (  )  [static]

Shutdown run-time JNI features, such as JNI handle tracking.

Definition at line 190 of file JniUtil.cpp.

References closeHandleCountTraceOnZero, and traceHandleCountEnabled.

Referenced by CmdInterpreter::DbHandle::~DbHandle().

00191 {
00192     // JavaTraceTarget decrements after DbHandle.  Set a flag to close the
00193     // trace stream when the counter hits zero.
00194     if (traceHandleCountEnabled) {
00195         closeHandleCountTraceOnZero = true;
00196     }
00197 }

std::string JniUtil::getClassName ( jclass  jClass  )  [static]

Calls java.lang.Class.getName().

jClass the Class of interest
the fully-qualified class name

Definition at line 362 of file JniUtil.cpp.

References methGetClassName, and toStdString().

Referenced by JniProxyVisitTableBase::addMethod(), and getFirstPublicInterfaceName().

00363 {
00364     JniEnvAutoRef pEnv;
00365     jstring jString = reinterpret_cast<jstring>(
00366         pEnv->CallObjectMethod(jClass,methGetClassName));
00367     assert(jString);
00368     return toStdString(pEnv,jString);
00369 }

std::string JniUtil::getFirstPublicInterfaceName ( jclass  jClass  )  [static]

Calls java.lang.Class.getInterfaces() and returns result of java.lang.Class.getClassName() for the first public interface returned.

jClass the Class of interest
the fully-qualified class name of the Class's first public interface

Definition at line 371 of file JniUtil.cpp.

References classModifier, getClassName(), methGetInterfaces, methGetModifiers, and methIsPublic.

Referenced by JniProxy::getInterfaceName().

00372 {
00373     JniEnvAutoRef pEnv;
00375     jobjectArray ifaces =
00376         reinterpret_cast<jobjectArray>(
00377             pEnv->CallObjectMethod(jClass, methGetInterfaces));
00378     assert(ifaces);
00380     for (jsize i = 0, len = pEnv->GetArrayLength(ifaces); i < len; i++) {
00381         jclass iface =
00382             reinterpret_cast<jclass>(
00383                 pEnv->GetObjectArrayElement(ifaces, i));
00384         assert(iface);
00386         jint modifiers =
00387             pEnv->CallIntMethod(iface, methGetModifiers);
00389         jboolean isPublic =
00390             pEnv->CallStaticBooleanMethod(
00391                 classModifier, methIsPublic, modifiers);
00393         if (isPublic) {
00394             return getClassName(iface);
00395         }
00396     }
00398     return std::string("(none)");
00399 }

std::string JniUtil::toStdString ( JniEnvRef  pEnv,
jstring  jString 
) [static]

Converts a Java string to a C++ string.

pEnv the current thread's JniEnvRef
jString the Java string
the converted C++ string

Definition at line 401 of file JniUtil.cpp.

Referenced by JniProxy::constructString(), JniPseudoUuidGenerator::generateUuid(), getClassName(), Java_net_sf_farrago_fennel_FennelStorage_tupleStreamGraphGetInputStreams(), and JavaExcn::JavaExcn().

00402 {
00403     const char *pChars = pEnv->GetStringUTFChars(jString,NULL);
00404     assert(pChars);
00405     std::string str(pChars,pEnv->GetStringUTFLength(jString));
00406     pEnv->ReleaseStringUTFChars(jString,pChars);
00407     return str;
00408 }

jstring JniUtil::toString ( JniEnvRef  pEnv,
jobject  jObject 
) [static]

Calls toString() on a Java object.

pEnv the current thread's JniEnvRef
jObject object on which to call toString()
result of toString()

Definition at line 410 of file JniUtil.cpp.

References methToString.

Referenced by JniPseudoUuidGenerator::generateUuid(), ProxyReshapeStreamDef::getCompareOp(), ProxySortingStreamDef::getDistinctness(), ProxyIndexWriterDef::getDistinctness(), ProxyIndexLoaderDef::getDistinctness(), ProxyAggInvocation::getFunction(), ProxyBarrierStreamDef::getReturnMode(), and ProxyLcsRowScanStreamDef::getSamplingMode().

00411 {
00412     return reinterpret_cast<jstring>(
00413         pEnv->CallObjectMethod(jObject,methToString));
00414 }

jobject JniUtil::getIter ( JniEnvRef  pEnv,
jobject  jCollection 
) [static]

Calls java.util.Collection.iterator().

pEnv the JniEnvRef for the current thread
jCollection the Java collection
the new Java iterator

Definition at line 426 of file JniUtil.cpp.

References methIterator.

Referenced by ProxyAggStreamDef::getAggInvocation(), ProxyTupleAccessor::getAttrAccessor(), ProxyTupleDescriptor::getAttrDescriptor(), ProxyTupleProjection::getAttrProjection(), ProxyLcsRowScanStreamDef::getClusterScan(), ProxyFlatFileTupleStreamDef::getColumn(), ProxyCorrelationJoinStreamDef::getCorrelations(), ProxyBarrierStreamDef::getDynamicParameter(), ProxyExecutionStreamDef::getDynamicParamUse(), ProxyLbmSplicerStreamDef::getIndexAccessor(), ProxyTableWriterDef::getIndexWriter(), ProxyExecutionStreamDef::getInputFlow(), ProxyNestedLoopJoinStreamDef::getLeftJoinKey(), ProxyExecutionStreamDef::getOutputFlow(), ProxyCmdOpenDatabase::getParams(), ProxyWindowDef::getPartition(), ProxyReshapeStreamDef::getReshapeParameter(), ProxyIndexSearchDef::getSearchKeyParameter(), ProxyCmdPrepareExecutionStreamGraph::getStreamDefs(), and ProxyWindowStreamDef::getWindow().

00427 {
00428     return pEnv->CallObjectMethod(jCollection,methIterator);
00429 }

jobject JniUtil::getNextFromIter ( JniEnvRef  pEnv,
jobject  jIter 
) [static]

Calls java.util.Iterator.hasNext/next().

pEnv the JniEnvRef for the current thread
jIter the iterator to advance
next object from iterator, or NULL if !hasNext()

Definition at line 431 of file JniUtil.cpp.

References methHasNext, and methNext.

Referenced by JniProxyIter< T >::operator++().

00432 {
00433     if (!pEnv->CallBooleanMethod(jIter,methHasNext)) {
00434         return NULL;
00435     }
00436     return pEnv->CallObjectMethod(jIter,methNext);
00437 }

uint JniUtil::lookUpEnum ( std::string *  pSymbols,
std::string const &  symbol 
) [static]

Looks up an enum value.

pSymbols array of enum symbols, terminated by empty string
symbol symbol to look up
position in array (assert if not found)

Definition at line 416 of file JniUtil.cpp.

Referenced by ProxyReshapeStreamDef::getCompareOp(), ProxySortingStreamDef::getDistinctness(), ProxyIndexWriterDef::getDistinctness(), ProxyIndexLoaderDef::getDistinctness(), ProxyAggInvocation::getFunction(), ProxyBarrierStreamDef::getReturnMode(), and ProxyLcsRowScanStreamDef::getSamplingMode().

00417 {
00418     for (uint i = 0; ; ++i) {
00419         assert(pSymbols[i].size());
00420         if (pSymbols[i] == symbol) {
00421             return i;
00422         }
00423     }
00424 }

void JniUtil::detachJavaEnv (  )  [static]

Detaches the JNIEnv for the current thread (undoes effect of getAttachedJavaEnv in the case where needDetach received true).

Definition at line 356 of file JniUtil.cpp.

References pVm.

Referenced by JavaTraceTarget::onThreadEnd(), JavaThreadTracker::onThreadEnd(), and JniEnvAutoRef::~JniEnvAutoRef().

00357 {
00358     jint rc = pVm->DetachCurrentThread();
00359     assert(rc == 0);
00360 }

void JniUtil::incrementHandleCount ( const char *  pType,
const void *  pHandle 
) [static]

Increment the handle count.

The handle type is used for JNI handle tracing. It indicates the type of handle that was created and must match the corresponding call to decrementHandleCount. Use a string constant whenever possible to avoid degrading performance.

pType handle type description
pHandle handle's memory location

Definition at line 439 of file JniUtil.cpp.

References handleCount, and traceHandleCount().

Referenced by CmdInterpreter::beginTxn(), Java_net_sf_farrago_fennel_FennelStorage_newExecutionHandle(), Java_net_sf_farrago_fennel_FennelStorage_newObjectHandle(), JavaErrorTarget::JavaErrorTarget(), JavaTraceTarget::JavaTraceTarget(), and CmdInterpreter::visit().

00440 {
00441     ++handleCount;
00443     traceHandleCount("INC", pType, pHandle);
00444 }

void JniUtil::decrementHandleCount ( const char *  pType,
const void *  pHandle 
) [static]

Decrement the handle count.

The handle type is used for JNI handle tracing. It indicates the type of handle that was destroyed and must match the value used in the corresponding call to incrementHandleCount. Use a string constant for the type whenever possible to avoid degrading performance.

pType handle type description
pHandle handle's memory location

Definition at line 446 of file JniUtil.cpp.

References handleCount, and traceHandleCount().

Referenced by Java_net_sf_farrago_fennel_FennelStorage_deleteExecutionHandle(), Java_net_sf_farrago_fennel_FennelStorage_deleteObjectHandle(), CmdInterpreter::DbHandle::~DbHandle(), JavaErrorTarget::~JavaErrorTarget(), JavaTraceTarget::~JavaTraceTarget(), CmdInterpreter::StreamGraphHandle::~StreamGraphHandle(), and CmdInterpreter::TxnHandle::~TxnHandle().

00447 {
00448     --handleCount;
00450     assert(handleCount >= 0);
00452     traceHandleCount("DEC", pType, pHandle);
00453 }

static int JniUtil::getHandleCount (  )  [inline, static]

Retrieve the current handle count.

current handle count

Definition at line 565 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by Java_net_sf_farrago_fennel_FennelStorage_getHandleCount().

00566     {
00567         return handleCount;
00568     }

std::string JniUtil::getXmi ( const TupleDescriptor tupleDesc  )  [static]

Constructs a FemTupleDescriptor xmi string.

Definition at line 473 of file JniUtil.cpp.

00474 {
00475     std::ostringstream oss;
00476     oss << "<XMI xmi.version = '1.2' "
00477         << "xmlns:FEMFennel = 'org.omg.xmi.namespace.FEMFennel'>" << std::endl;
00478     oss << "<XMI.content>" << std::endl;
00479     oss << "<FEMFennel:TupleDescriptor>" << std::endl;
00480     for (uint i = 0; i < tupleDescriptor.size(); ++i) {
00481         TupleAttributeDescriptor const &attrDescriptor =
00482             tupleDescriptor[i];
00483         oss << "<FEMFennel:TupleDescriptor.AttrDescriptor>";
00484         oss << "<FEMFennel:TupleAttrDescriptor ";
00485         oss << "typeOrdinal='";
00486         oss << attrDescriptor.pTypeDescriptor->getOrdinal();
00487         oss << "' ";
00488         oss << "isNullable='";
00489         oss << (attrDescriptor.isNullable ? "true" : "false");
00490         oss << "' ";
00491         oss << "byteLength='";
00492         oss << attrDescriptor.cbStorage;
00493         oss << "' ";
00494         oss << "/>" << std::endl;
00495         oss << "</FEMFennel:TupleDescriptor.AttrDescriptor>";
00496     }
00497     oss << "</FEMFennel:TupleDescriptor>" << std::endl;
00498     oss << "</XMI.content>" << std::endl;
00499     oss << "</XMI>" << std::endl;
00500     std::string s = oss.str();
00501     return s;
00502 }

ThreadTracker & JniUtil::getThreadTracker (  )  [static]

the tracker for JNI thread attach/detach

Definition at line 504 of file JniUtil.cpp.

References threadTracker.

Referenced by CmdInterpreter::visit().

00505 {
00506     return threadTracker;
00507 }

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class JniEnvAutoRef [friend]

Definition at line 198 of file JniUtil.h.

Member Data Documentation

JavaVM * JniUtil::pVm [static, private]

Loaded JavaVM instance.

For now we can only deal with one at a time.

Definition at line 203 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by detachJavaEnv(), getAttachedJavaEnv(), and init().

jmethodID JniUtil::methGetClassName [static, private]


Definition at line 208 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by getClassName(), and init().

jmethodID JniUtil::methGetInterfaces [static, private]


Definition at line 213 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by getFirstPublicInterfaceName(), and init().

jmethodID JniUtil::methGetModifiers [static, private]


Definition at line 218 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by getFirstPublicInterfaceName(), and init().

jclass JniUtil::classModifier [static, private]

class java.lang.Modifier

Definition at line 223 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by getFirstPublicInterfaceName(), and init().

jmethodID JniUtil::methIsPublic [static, private]


Definition at line 228 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by getFirstPublicInterfaceName(), and init().

jmethodID JniUtil::methIterator [static, private]


Definition at line 233 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by getIter(), and init().

jmethodID JniUtil::methHasNext [static, private]


Definition at line 238 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by getNextFromIter(), and init().

jmethodID JniUtil::methNext [static, private]


Definition at line 243 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by getNextFromIter(), and init().

jmethodID JniUtil::methToString [static, private]


Definition at line 248 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by init(), and toString().

AtomicCounter JniUtil::handleCount [static, private]

Counter for all handles opened by Farrago.

Definition at line 264 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by decrementHandleCount(), incrementHandleCount(), and traceHandleCount().

bool JniUtil::traceHandleCountEnabled [static, private]

Flag indicating whether tracing of handles is enabled.

Should only be set as JniUtil is being initialized.

Definition at line 270 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by configure(), shutdown(), and traceHandleCount().

bool JniUtil::closeHandleCountTraceOnZero [static, private]

Flag indicating that the JNI handle trace stream should be closed when the handle count reaches 0.

Definition at line 276 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by configure(), shutdown(), and traceHandleCount().

std::ofstream JniUtil::handleCountTraceStream [static, private]

Stream for tracing handles opened by Farrago.

Definition at line 281 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by configure(), and traceHandleCount().

JavaThreadTracker JniUtil::threadTracker [static, private]

Tracker for JNI thread attach/detach.

Definition at line 286 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by getThreadTracker().

const jint JniUtil::jniVersion = JNI_VERSION_1_2 [static]

Required JNI version.

Definition at line 298 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by getAttachedJavaEnv(), init(), and JNI_OnLoad().

jmethodID JniUtil::methGetJavaStreamHandle [static]

Java method FennelJavaStreamMap.getJavaStreamHandle.

Definition at line 303 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by init(), and JavaSinkExecStream::open().

jmethodID JniUtil::methGetIndexRoot [static]

Java method FennelJavaStreamMap.getIndexRoot.

Definition at line 308 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by CmdInterpreter::StreamGraphHandle::getRoot(), and init().

jmethodID JniUtil::methBase64Decode [static]

Java method RhBase64.decode.

Definition at line 313 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by init(), and ExecStreamFactory::visit().

jclass JniUtil::classRhBase64 [static]

Definition at line 314 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by init(), and ExecStreamFactory::visit().

jmethodID JniUtil::methRandomUUID [static]

Java method UUID.randomUUID.

Definition at line 319 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by JniPseudoUuidGenerator::generateUuid(), and init().

jclass JniUtil::classUUID [static]

Definition at line 320 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by JniPseudoUuidGenerator::generateUuid(), and init().

jmethodID JniUtil::methFarragoTransformInit [static]

Java method FarragoTransform.init.

Definition at line 325 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by init().

jmethodID JniUtil::methFarragoTransformExecute [static]

Java method FarragoTransform.execute.

Definition at line 330 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by JavaTransformExecStream::execute(), and init().

jmethodID JniUtil::methFarragoTransformSetInputFetchTimeout [static]

Java method FarragoTransform.setInputFetchTimeout.

Definition at line 335 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by init().

jmethodID JniUtil::methFarragoTransformRestart [static]

Java method FarragoTransform.restart.

Definition at line 340 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by init(), and JavaTransformExecStream::open().

jclass JniUtil::classFarragoTransformInputBinding [static]

Java class FarragoTransform.InputBinding.

Definition at line 345 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by init().

jmethodID JniUtil::methFarragoTransformInputBindingCons [static]

Java constructor FarragoTransform.InputBinding.InputBinding.

Definition at line 350 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by init().

jmethodID JniUtil::methFarragoRuntimeContextStatementClassForName [static]

Java method FarragoRuntimeContext.statementClassForName.

Definition at line 355 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by init().

jmethodID JniUtil::methFarragoRuntimeContextFindFarragoTransform [static]

Java method FarragoRuntimeContext.findFarragoTransform.

Definition at line 360 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by init(), and JavaTransformExecStream::open().

jclass JniUtil::classUtil [static]

Java class org.eigenbase.util.Util.

Definition at line 365 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by init(), and JavaExcn::JavaExcn().

jmethodID JniUtil::methUtilGetStackTrace [static]

Java method org.eigenbase.util.Util.getStackTrace(Throwable).

Definition at line 370 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by init(), and JavaExcn::JavaExcn().

jclass JniUtil::classLong [static]


Definition at line 373 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by JniProxy::constructJavaLong(), and init().

jclass JniUtil::classInteger [static]


Definition at line 376 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by JniProxy::constructJavaInteger(), and init().

jclass JniUtil::classShort [static]


Definition at line 379 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by JniProxy::constructJavaShort(), and init().

jclass JniUtil::classDouble [static]


Definition at line 382 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by JniProxy::constructJavaDouble(), and init().

jclass JniUtil::classFloat [static]


Definition at line 385 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by JniProxy::constructJavaFloat(), and init().

jclass JniUtil::classBoolean [static]


Definition at line 388 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by JniProxy::constructJavaBoolean(), and init().

jmethodID JniUtil::methLongValueOf [static]


Definition at line 391 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by JniProxy::constructJavaLong(), and init().

jmethodID JniUtil::methIntegerValueOf [static]


Definition at line 394 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by JniProxy::constructJavaInteger(), and init().

jmethodID JniUtil::methShortValueOf [static]


Definition at line 397 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by JniProxy::constructJavaShort(), and init().

jmethodID JniUtil::methDoubleValueOf [static]


Definition at line 400 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by JniProxy::constructJavaDouble(), and init().

jmethodID JniUtil::methFloatValueOf [static]


Definition at line 403 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by JniProxy::constructJavaFloat(), and init().

jmethodID JniUtil::methBooleanValueOf [static]


Definition at line 406 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by JniProxy::constructJavaBoolean(), and init().

jmethodID JniUtil::methLongValue [static]


Definition at line 409 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by init(), and JniProxy::int64Value().

jmethodID JniUtil::methIntValue [static]


Definition at line 412 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by init(), and JniProxy::int32Value().

jmethodID JniUtil::methShortValue [static]


Definition at line 415 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by init(), and JniProxy::int16Value().

jmethodID JniUtil::methDoubleValue [static]


Definition at line 418 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by JniProxy::doubleValue(), and init().

jmethodID JniUtil::methFloatValue [static]


Definition at line 421 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by JniProxy::floatValue(), and init().

jmethodID JniUtil::methBooleanValue [static]


Definition at line 424 of file JniUtil.h.

Referenced by JniProxy::boolValue(), and init().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:
Generated on Mon Jun 22 04:00:33 2009 for Fennel by  doxygen 1.5.1