ExecStreamGraphEmbryo Class Reference

ExecStreamGraphEmbryo encapsulates the "embryonic" state of an ExecStreamGraph as its constituent embryonic streams are built up. More...

#include <ExecStreamGraphEmbryo.h>

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 ExecStreamGraphEmbryo (SharedExecStreamGraph pGraph, SharedExecStreamScheduler pScheduler, SharedCache pCache, SharedSegmentFactory pSegmentFactory)
virtual ~ExecStreamGraphEmbryo ()
void initStreamParams (ExecStreamParams &params)
 Initializes a stream's generic parameters.
ExecStreamGraphgetGraph ()
graph being built

SegmentAccessorgetScratchAccessor ()
accessor for graph's scratch segment

SharedExecStream addAdapterFor (const std::string &name, uint iOutput, ExecStreamBufProvision requiredDataFlow)
 Ensures that a producer is capable of the specified buffer provisioning requirements.
void saveStreamEmbryo (ExecStreamEmbryo &embryo)
 Registers a newly created, unprepared stream and adds it to the graph.
ExecStreamEmbryogetStreamEmbryo (const std::string &name)
 Looks up a registered stream.
void addDataflow (const std::string &source, const std::string &target, bool isImplicit=false)
 Adds dataflow to graph, from one stream's output, after adapters, to another stream.
void prepareGraph (SharedTraceTarget pTraceTarget, std::string const &tracePrefix)
 Prepares graph and all of its streams.

Private Types

typedef std::map< std::string,
typedef StreamMap::const_iterator StreamMapConstIter
typedef StreamMap::iterator StreamMapIter

Private Member Functions

void initializeAdapter (ExecStreamEmbryo &embryo, std::string const &streamName, uint iOutput, std::string const &adapterName)
 Initializes a new adapter stream.

Private Attributes

SharedExecStreamGraph pGraph
 Unprepared graph.
SharedExecStreamScheduler pScheduler
 Scheduler which will execute streams.
SharedCacheAccessor pCacheAccessor
 Default cache accessor to be used by streams.
SegmentAccessor scratchAccessor
 Default scratch segment accessor to be used by streams.
StreamMap allStreamEmbryos
 Streams to be linked and prepared, mapped by name.

Detailed Description

ExecStreamGraphEmbryo encapsulates the "embryonic" state of an ExecStreamGraph as its constituent embryonic streams are built up.

John V. Sichi

Definition at line 41 of file ExecStreamGraphEmbryo.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::map<std::string,ExecStreamEmbryo> ExecStreamGraphEmbryo::StreamMap [private]

Definition at line 44 of file ExecStreamGraphEmbryo.h.

typedef StreamMap::const_iterator ExecStreamGraphEmbryo::StreamMapConstIter [private]

Definition at line 45 of file ExecStreamGraphEmbryo.h.

typedef StreamMap::iterator ExecStreamGraphEmbryo::StreamMapIter [private]

Definition at line 46 of file ExecStreamGraphEmbryo.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ExecStreamGraphEmbryo::ExecStreamGraphEmbryo ( SharedExecStreamGraph  pGraph,
SharedExecStreamScheduler  pScheduler,
SharedCache  pCache,
SharedSegmentFactory  pSegmentFactory 
) [explicit]

Definition at line 39 of file ExecStreamGraphEmbryo.cpp.

References pCacheAccessor, pGraph, pScheduler, SegmentAccessor::pSegment, and scratchAccessor.

00044 {
00045     pGraph = pGraphInit;
00046     pScheduler = pSchedulerInit;
00047     pCacheAccessor = pCacheInit;
00048     scratchAccessor =
00049         pSegmentFactoryInit->newScratchSegment(pCacheInit);
00051     pGraph->setScratchSegment(scratchAccessor.pSegment);
00052 }

ExecStreamGraphEmbryo::~ExecStreamGraphEmbryo (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 54 of file ExecStreamGraphEmbryo.cpp.

00055 {
00056 }

Member Function Documentation

void ExecStreamGraphEmbryo::initializeAdapter ( ExecStreamEmbryo embryo,
std::string const &  streamName,
uint  iOutput,
std::string const &  adapterName 
) [private]

Initializes a new adapter stream.

embryo embryo for new adapter
streamName name of stream being adapted
iOutput ordinal of the output within the stream being adapted
adapterName name of adapter stream

Definition at line 106 of file ExecStreamGraphEmbryo.cpp.

References ExecStreamEmbryo::getParams(), ExecStreamEmbryo::getStream(), initStreamParams(), pGraph, and saveStreamEmbryo().

Referenced by addAdapterFor().

00111 {
00112     initStreamParams(*(embryo.getParams()));
00113     embryo.getStream()->setName(adapterName);
00114     saveStreamEmbryo(embryo);
00115     pGraph->interposeStream(
00116         streamName, iOutput, embryo.getStream()->getStreamId());
00117 }

void ExecStreamGraphEmbryo::initStreamParams ( ExecStreamParams params  ) 

Initializes a stream's generic parameters.

params parameters to be initialized

Definition at line 163 of file ExecStreamGraphEmbryo.cpp.

References SegmentAccessor::pCacheAccessor, pCacheAccessor, ExecStreamParams::pCacheAccessor, scratchAccessor, and ExecStreamParams::scratchAccessor.

Referenced by ExecStreamFactory::createQuotaAccessors(), and initializeAdapter().

00164 {
00165     params.pCacheAccessor = pCacheAccessor;
00166     params.scratchAccessor = scratchAccessor;
00168     // All cache access should be wrapped by quota checks.  Actual
00169     // quotas and TxnIds will be set per-execution.
00170     uint quota = 0;
00171     SharedQuotaCacheAccessor pQuotaAccessor(
00172         new QuotaCacheAccessor(
00173             SharedQuotaCacheAccessor(),
00174             params.pCacheAccessor,
00175             quota));
00176     params.pCacheAccessor = pQuotaAccessor;
00178     // scratch access has to go through a separate CacheAccessor, but
00179     // delegates quota checking to pQuotaAccessor
00180     params.scratchAccessor.pCacheAccessor.reset(
00181         new QuotaCacheAccessor(
00182             pQuotaAccessor,
00183             params.scratchAccessor.pCacheAccessor,
00184             quota));
00185 }

ExecStreamGraph & ExecStreamGraphEmbryo::getGraph (  ) 

graph being built

Definition at line 187 of file ExecStreamGraphEmbryo.cpp.

References pGraph.

Referenced by ExecStreamBuilder::buildStream(), and ExecStreamBuilder::buildStreamGraph().

00188 {
00189     return *pGraph;
00190 }

SegmentAccessor & ExecStreamGraphEmbryo::getScratchAccessor (  ) 

accessor for graph's scratch segment

Definition at line 192 of file ExecStreamGraphEmbryo.cpp.

References scratchAccessor.

Referenced by ExecStreamBuilder::buildStreamGraph().

00193 {
00194     return scratchAccessor;
00195 }

SharedExecStream ExecStreamGraphEmbryo::addAdapterFor ( const std::string &  name,
uint  iOutput,
ExecStreamBufProvision  requiredDataFlow 

Ensures that a producer is capable of the specified buffer provisioning requirements.

If producer is not capable, an adapter stream is appended to supply the required buffer provisioning.

The "producer" may be a single stream or may be a chain of streams. In either case, the adapter is appended to the end of the group under the name of the original stream. It is named according to the last stream: lastName#iOutput.provisioner

name name of original stream
iOutput ordinal of the output within the producer
requiredDataFlow buffer provisioning requirement
adapted stream

Definition at line 58 of file ExecStreamGraphEmbryo.cpp.

References BUFPROV_CONSUMER, BUFPROV_NONE, BUFPROV_PRODUCER, ExecStreamEmbryo::getStream(), initializeAdapter(), pGraph, and pScheduler.

Referenced by addDataflow(), and ExecStreamBuilder::buildStreamGraph().

00062 {
00063     // REVIEW jvs 18-Nov-2004:  in the case of multiple outputs from one
00064     // stream, with consumers having different provisioning, this
00065     // could result in chains of adapters, which would be less than optimal
00067     // Get available dataflow from last stream of group
00068     SharedExecStream pLastStream = pGraph->findLastStream(name, iOutput);
00069     ExecStreamBufProvision availableDataflow =
00070         pLastStream->getOutputBufProvision();
00071     assert(availableDataflow != BUFPROV_NONE);
00073     // Generate a name.
00074     std::string adapterName;
00075     {
00076         int id = pGraph->getOutputCount(pLastStream->getStreamId());
00077         std::ostringstream oss;
00078         oss << pLastStream->getName() << "#" << id << ".provisioner";
00079         adapterName = oss.str();
00080     }
00082     // If necessary, create an adapter based on the last stream
00083     switch (requiredDataflow) {
00084     case BUFPROV_CONSUMER:
00085         if (availableDataflow == BUFPROV_PRODUCER) {
00086             ExecStreamEmbryo embryo;
00087             pScheduler->createCopyProvisionAdapter(embryo);
00088             initializeAdapter(embryo, name, iOutput, adapterName);
00089             return embryo.getStream();
00090         }
00091         break;
00092     case BUFPROV_PRODUCER:
00093         if (availableDataflow == BUFPROV_CONSUMER) {
00094             ExecStreamEmbryo embryo;
00095             pScheduler->createBufferProvisionAdapter(embryo);
00096             initializeAdapter(embryo, name, iOutput, adapterName);
00097             return embryo.getStream();
00098         }
00099         break;
00100     default:
00101         permAssert(false);
00102     }
00103     return pLastStream;
00104 }

void ExecStreamGraphEmbryo::saveStreamEmbryo ( ExecStreamEmbryo embryo  ) 

Registers a newly created, unprepared stream and adds it to the graph.

embryo stream embryo

Definition at line 119 of file ExecStreamGraphEmbryo.cpp.

References allStreamEmbryos, ExecStreamEmbryo::getStream(), and pGraph.

Referenced by ExecStreamBuilder::buildStream(), and initializeAdapter().

00120 {
00121     allStreamEmbryos[embryo.getStream()->getName()] = embryo;
00122     pGraph->addStream(embryo.getStream());
00123 }

ExecStreamEmbryo & ExecStreamGraphEmbryo::getStreamEmbryo ( const std::string &  name  ) 

Looks up a registered stream.

The stream *must* already be registered.

name of stream to find
corresponding embryo

Definition at line 125 of file ExecStreamGraphEmbryo.cpp.

References allStreamEmbryos.

Referenced by prepareGraph().

00127 {
00128     StreamMapIter pPair = allStreamEmbryos.find(name);
00129     assert(pPair != allStreamEmbryos.end());
00130     return pPair->second;
00131 }

void ExecStreamGraphEmbryo::addDataflow ( const std::string &  source,
const std::string &  target,
bool  isImplicit = false 

Adds dataflow to graph, from one stream's output, after adapters, to another stream.

source name of source stream
target name of target stream
isImplicit false (the default) if the edge represents direct dataflow; true if the edge represents an implicit dataflow dependency

Definition at line 133 of file ExecStreamGraphEmbryo.cpp.

References addAdapterFor(), BUFPROV_NONE, and pGraph.

Referenced by ExecStreamBuilder::buildStreamInputs(), and ExecStreamBuilder::buildStreamOutputs().

00137 {
00138     SharedExecStream pSourceStream =
00139         pGraph->findStream(source);
00140     SharedExecStream pTargetStream =
00141         pGraph->findStream(target);
00142     SharedExecStream pInput;
00143     if (isImplicit) {
00144         pInput = pSourceStream;
00145     } else {
00146         uint iOutput = pGraph->getOutputCount(pSourceStream->getStreamId());
00147         ExecStreamBufProvision requiredConversion =
00148             pSourceStream->getOutputBufConversion();
00149         if (requiredConversion != BUFPROV_NONE) {
00150             addAdapterFor(source, iOutput, requiredConversion);
00151         }
00152         ExecStreamBufProvision requiredDataflow =
00153             pTargetStream->getInputBufProvision();
00154         addAdapterFor(source, iOutput, requiredDataflow);
00155         pInput = pGraph->findLastStream(source, iOutput);
00156     }
00157     pGraph->addDataflow(
00158         pInput->getStreamId(),
00159         pTargetStream->getStreamId(),
00160         isImplicit);
00161 }

void ExecStreamGraphEmbryo::prepareGraph ( SharedTraceTarget  pTraceTarget,
std::string const &  tracePrefix 

Prepares graph and all of its streams.

pTraceTarget trace target for stream execution
tracePrefix common prefix for stream trace names

Definition at line 197 of file ExecStreamGraphEmbryo.cpp.

References ExecStreamId, ExecStreamEmbryo::getStream(), getStreamEmbryo(), TraceSource::name, pGraph, ExecStreamEmbryo::prepareStream(), pScheduler, and traceName.

Referenced by ExecStreamBuilder::buildStreamGraph().

00200 {
00201     pGraph->prepare(*pScheduler);
00202     std::vector<SharedExecStream> sortedStreams =
00203         pGraph->getSortedStreams();
00204     std::vector<SharedExecStream>::iterator pos;
00205     for (pos = sortedStreams.begin(); pos != sortedStreams.end(); pos++) {
00206         std::string name = (*pos)->getName();
00207         ExecStreamEmbryo &embryo = getStreamEmbryo(name);
00208         // Give streams a source name with an XO prefix so that users can
00209         // choose to trace XOs as a group
00210         std::string traceName = tracePrefix + name;
00211         ExecStreamId streamId = embryo.getStream()->getStreamId();
00212         embryo.getStream()->initTraceSource(
00213             pTraceTarget,
00214             traceName);
00215         embryo.prepareStream();
00217         // Check that stream remembered to initialize its outputs.
00218         uint outputCount = pGraph->getOutputCount(streamId);
00219         for (uint i = 0; i < outputCount; ++i) {
00220             SharedExecStreamBufAccessor outAccessor =
00221                 pGraph->getStreamOutputAccessor(streamId, i);
00222             if (outAccessor->getTupleDesc().empty()) {
00223                 permFail("Forgot to initialize output #" << i << "of stream '"
00224                          << traceName << "'");
00225             }
00226         }
00227     }
00229     pScheduler->addGraph(pGraph);
00230 }

Member Data Documentation

SharedExecStreamGraph ExecStreamGraphEmbryo::pGraph [private]

Unprepared graph.

Definition at line 51 of file ExecStreamGraphEmbryo.h.

Referenced by addAdapterFor(), addDataflow(), ExecStreamGraphEmbryo(), getGraph(), initializeAdapter(), prepareGraph(), and saveStreamEmbryo().

SharedExecStreamScheduler ExecStreamGraphEmbryo::pScheduler [private]

Scheduler which will execute streams.

Definition at line 56 of file ExecStreamGraphEmbryo.h.

Referenced by addAdapterFor(), ExecStreamGraphEmbryo(), and prepareGraph().

SharedCacheAccessor ExecStreamGraphEmbryo::pCacheAccessor [private]

Default cache accessor to be used by streams.

Definition at line 61 of file ExecStreamGraphEmbryo.h.

Referenced by ExecStreamGraphEmbryo(), and initStreamParams().

SegmentAccessor ExecStreamGraphEmbryo::scratchAccessor [private]

Default scratch segment accessor to be used by streams.

Definition at line 66 of file ExecStreamGraphEmbryo.h.

Referenced by ExecStreamGraphEmbryo(), getScratchAccessor(), and initStreamParams().

StreamMap ExecStreamGraphEmbryo::allStreamEmbryos [private]

Streams to be linked and prepared, mapped by name.

Definition at line 71 of file ExecStreamGraphEmbryo.h.

Referenced by getStreamEmbryo(), and saveStreamEmbryo().

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