RandomAllocationSegmentBase Class Reference

RandomAllocationSegmentBase is an abstract base class that implements RANDOM_ALLOCATION in terms of an underlying segment supporting LINEAR_ALLOCATION. More...

#include <RandomAllocationSegmentBase.h>

Inheritance diagram for RandomAllocationSegmentBase:

DelegatingSegment Segment MappedPageListener ClosableObject RandomAllocationSegment VersionedRandomAllocationSegment List of all members.

Public Types

 Enumeration of the possible orderings of PageIds returned from allocatePageId. More...

Public Member Functions

virtual ~RandomAllocationSegmentBase ()
virtual BlockId translatePageId (PageId)
 Maps from a PageId in this segment to a BlockId.
virtual bool isPageIdAllocated (PageId pageId)
 Tests whether a PageId is allocated.
virtual AllocationOrder getAllocationOrder () const
the AllocationOrder for this segment

virtual BlockNum getAllocatedSizeInPages ()
number of pages allocated from this segment

virtual BlockNum getNumPagesOccupiedHighWater ()
 Returns the max number of pages occupied by this segment instance.
virtual void deallocatePageRange (PageId startPageId, PageId endPageId)
 Deallocates a range of pages allocated from this segment.
virtual void initForUse ()
 Performs additional initialization required on the segment after it has been properly formatted.
SharedSegment const & getDelegateSegment () const
virtual BlockNum getNumPagesExtended ()
the number of incremental pages added to this instance of the segment

virtual PageId getPageSuccessor (PageId pageId)
 Determines the successor of a given PageId.
virtual void setPageSuccessor (PageId pageId, PageId successorId)
 Sets the successor of a given PageId.
virtual PageId translateBlockId (BlockId)
 Maps from a BlockId to a PageId in this segment.
virtual PageId allocatePageId (PageOwnerId ownerId=ANON_PAGE_OWNER_ID)
 Allocates a page without locking it into memory.
virtual bool ensureAllocatedSize (BlockNum nPages)
 Allocates pages as needed to make getAllocatedSizeInPages() meet a lower bound.
virtual void delegatedCheckpoint (Segment &delegatingSegment, CheckpointType checkpointType)
 Helper for DelegatingSegment.
virtual PageId updatePage (PageId pageId, bool needsTranslation=false)
 Determines whether a page can be updated in-place, and if so, prepares the page for update.
virtual void notifyPageMap (CachePage &page)
 Receives notification from CacheImpl as soon as a page is mapped, before any I/O is initiated to retrieve the page contents.
virtual void notifyPageUnmap (CachePage &page)
 Receives notification from CacheImpl just before a page is unmapped.
virtual void notifyAfterPageRead (CachePage &page)
 Receives notification from CacheImpl after a page read completes.
virtual void notifyPageDirty (CachePage &page, bool bDataValid)
 Receives notification from CacheImpl the first time a page becomes dirty after it has been mapped (but before the contents have changed).
virtual void notifyBeforePageFlush (CachePage &page)
 Receives notification from CacheImpl just before a dirty page is flushed to disk.
virtual void notifyAfterPageFlush (CachePage &page)
 Receives notification from CacheImpl when a page flush completes successfully.
virtual bool canFlushPage (CachePage &page)
 Informs CacheImpl whether a dirty page can safely be flushed to disk.
SharedCache getCache () const
the Cache for this Segment

uint getFullPageSize () const
the full size of pages stored in this segment; this is the same as the size of underlying cache pages

uint getUsablePageSize () const
the full size of pages stored in this segment minus the size for any footer information stored at the end of each page

SharedSegment getTracingSegment ()
tracing segment associated with this segment if tracing is turned on; otherwise, returns the segment itself

void setTracingSegment (WeakSegment pTracingSegmentInit)
 Sets the tracing segment associated with this segment.
void checkpoint (CheckpointType checkpointType=CHECKPOINT_FLUSH_ALL)
 Checkpoints this segment.
virtual MappedPageListenergetMappedPageListener (BlockId blockId)
 Returns the mapped page listener corresponding to a page.
virtual bool isWriteVersioned ()
true if the segment supports versioning

virtual MappedPageListenergetTracingListener ()
 Retrieves the tracing wrapper corresponding to this listener if tracing is turned on.
virtual MappedPageListenernotifyAfterPageCheckpointFlush (CachePage &page)
 Receives notification that a page has been flushed during a checkpoint.
bool isClosed () const
whether the object has been closed

void close ()
 Closes this object, releasing any unallocated resources.

Static Public Member Functions

static PageId getLinearPageId (BlockNum iPage)
 Constructs a linear PageId based on a linear page number.
static BlockNum getLinearBlockNum (PageId pageId)
 Obtains the linear page number from a linear PageId.

Protected Types

typedef std::hash_map< PageId,
PageId > 
typedef PageMap::const_iterator PageMapConstIter

Protected Member Functions

 RandomAllocationSegmentBase (SharedSegment delegateSegment)
PageId getSegAllocPageId (uint iSegPage) const
 Calculates the PageId of a particular SegmentAllocationNode.
virtual PageId getSegAllocPageIdForWrite (PageId origSegAllocPageId)=0
 Retrieves the pageId of the SegmentAllocationNode that should be updated when updates are made to that node.
virtual void undoSegAllocPageWrite (PageId segAllocPageId)=0
 Indicates that no new pages were allocated from extents within a SegmentAllocationNode.
PageId getExtentAllocPageId (ExtentNum extentNum) const
 Calculates the PageId of a particular extent allocation node.
virtual PageId getExtAllocPageIdForWrite (ExtentNum extentNum)=0
 Retrieves the pageId of the extent allocation node that should be updated when updates are made to that node.
BlockNum makePageNum (ExtentNum extentNum, BlockNum iPageInExtent) const
 Calculates a linear page number.
void splitPageId (PageId pageId, uint &iSegAlloc, ExtentNum &extentNum, BlockNum &iPageInExtent) const
 Maps a linear PageId from this segment into the corresponding SegmentAllocationNode, extent allocation node, and extent-relative page index.
virtual bool isPageIdValid (PageId pageId)
 Tests whether the given PageId has valid contents (either an allocated data page or an allocation map page).
bool testPageId (PageId pageId, bool testAllocation, bool thisSegment)
 Common implementation for isPageIdValid and isPageIdAllocated.
virtual PageOwnerId getPageOwnerId (PageId pageId, bool thisSegment)=0
 Retrieves the ownerId corresponding to a page entry.
template<class PageEntryT>
PageOwnerId getPageOwnerIdTemplate (PageId pageId, bool thisSegment)
 Retrieves the ownerId corresponding to a page entry.
virtual void freePageEntry (ExtentNum extentNum, BlockNum iPageInExtent)=0
 Marks the page entry corresponding to a deallocated page as unallocated.
template<class ExtentAllocationNodeT, class ExtentAllocLockT, class PageEntryT>
void freePageEntryTemplate (ExtentNum extentNum, BlockNum iPageInExtent)
 Marks the page entry corresponding to a deallocated page as unallocated.
virtual void markPageEntryUnused (PageEntry &pageEntry)
 Marks a page entry as unused.
PageId getFirstSegAllocPageId () const
the PageId of the first SegmentAllocationNode

uint inferSegAllocCount ()
 Infers the number of SegmentAllocationNodes from the size of the underlying segment.
void format ()
 Formats allocation pages based on current size of underlying segment, marking all pages as deallocated.
virtual void formatPageExtents (SegmentAllocationNode &segAllocNode, ExtentNum &extentNum)=0
 Formats each of the extents within a segment allocation node.
template<class ExtentAllocationNodeT, class ExtentAllocLockT, class PageEntryT>
void formatPageExtentsTemplate (SegmentAllocationNode &segAllocNode, ExtentNum &extentNum)
 Formats each of the extents within a segment allocation node.
template<class ExtentAllocationNodeT, class ExtentAllocLockT, class PageEntryT>
void formatExtentTemplate (ExtentAllocationNodeT &extentNode)
 Formats one extent allocation.
PageId allocatePageIdFromSegment (PageOwnerId ownerId, SharedSegment allocNodeSegment)
 Allocates a page without locking it into memory.
virtual PageId allocateFromExtent (ExtentNum extentNum, PageOwnerId ownerId)=0
 Allocates a new page from an extent known to have space.
template<class ExtentAllocationNodeT, class ExtentAllocLockT, class PageEntryT>
PageId allocateFromExtentTemplate (ExtentNum extentNum, PageOwnerId ownerId, SharedSegment allocNodeSegment)
 Allocates a new page from an extent known to have space.
virtual PageId allocateFromNewExtent (ExtentNum extentNum, PageOwnerId ownerId)=0
 Allocates a page from a new extent allocation node.
template<class ExtentAllocationNodeT, class ExtentAllocLockT, class PageEntryT>
PageId allocateFromNewExtentTemplate (ExtentNum extentNum, PageOwnerId ownerId, SharedSegment allocNodeSegment)
 Allocates a page from a new extent allocation node.
template<class ExtentAllocationNodeT, class PageEntryT>
PageId allocateFromLockedExtentTemplate (ExtentAllocationNodeT &extentNode, ExtentNum extentNum, PageOwnerId ownerId)
 Allocates a new page from an extent known to have space, with the extent allocation node already locked.
template<class ExtentAllocationNodeT, class ExtentAllocLockT>
void setPageSuccessorTemplate (PageId pageId, PageId successorId, SharedSegment allocNodeSegment)
 Sets the successor pageId for a page.
virtual PageId getSegAllocPageIdForRead (PageId origSegAllocPageId, SharedSegment &allocNodeSegment)=0
 Retrieves the actual pageId corresponding to the SegmentAllocationNode that should be accessed when reading from the node.
virtual PageId getExtAllocPageIdForRead (ExtentNum extentNum, SharedSegment &allocNodeSegment)=0
 Retrieves the actual pageId corresponding to the extent allocation node that should be accessed when reading from the node.
virtual void getPageEntryCopy (PageId pageId, PageEntry &pageEntryCopy, bool isAllocated, bool thisSegment)=0
 Retrieves a copy of the page entry for a specified page.
template<class ExtentAllocationNodeT, class ExtentAllocLockT, class PageEntryT>
void getPageEntryCopyTemplate (PageId pageId, PageEntryT &pageEntryCopy, bool isAllocated, bool thisSegment)
 Retrieves a copy of the page entry for a specified page.
void setUsablePageSize (uint)
PConstBuffer getReadableFooter (CachePage &page)
PBuffer getWritableFooter (CachePage &page)
PageId getLinearPageSuccessor (PageId pageId)
 An implementation of getPageSuccessor suitable for LINEAR_ALLOCATION.
void setLinearPageSuccessor (PageId pageId, PageId successorId)
 An implementation of setPageSuccessor suitable for LINEAR_ALLOCATION.
bool isLinearPageIdAllocated (PageId pageId)
 An implementation of isPageIdAllocated suitable for LINEAR_ALLOCATION when deallocation holes are disallowed.

Protected Attributes

BlockNum nPagesPerExtent
 Number of pages in one extent, including the extent allocation node itself (so actual data capacity per extent is one less).
BlockNum nPagesPerSegAlloc
 Number of pages mapped by one SegmentAllocationNode, including the SegmentAllocationNode itself.
ExtentNum nExtentsPerSegAlloc
 Number of extents mapped by a full SegmentAllocationNode.
SharedCache pCache
 Cache managing pages of this segment.
WeakSegment pTracingSegment
 The tracing segment associated with this segment, if tracing is turned on.
bool needsClose

Private Member Functions

void incrementPageCounters ()
 Increments the page counters for this segment instance, corresponding to some page allocation.
void incrementPagesOccupiedCounter ()
 Increments the pages occupied counter.
void decrementPageCounters ()
 Decrements the page counters for this segment instance, corresponding to some page deallocation.
void countAllocatedPages ()
 Counts the total number of allocated data pages as well as the total number of allocated pages, which includes used allocation node pages.
void tallySegAllocNodePages (PageId segAllocPageId, SharedSegment allocNodeSegment, PageId &nextSegAllocPageId)
 Counts the number of allocated pages recorded in a SegmentAllocationNode.
void deallocatePageId (PageId pageId)
 Deallocates a single page.

Private Attributes

BlockNum nPagesOccupiedHighWater
 The maximum number of pages occupied by this segment instance.
BlockNum nPagesAllocated
 The number of data pages allocated for this segment.
BlockNum netDeallocations
 The net number of deallocations on this segment.
StrictMutex pageCounterMutex
 Mutex used to ensure that only one thread is incrementing the page counters.


class SegmentFactory

Detailed Description

RandomAllocationSegmentBase is an abstract base class that implements RANDOM_ALLOCATION in terms of an underlying segment supporting LINEAR_ALLOCATION.

See the design docs for more detail.

The segment tracks space allocation using segment allocation nodes and extent allocation nodes. This base class defines the structure of the segment allocation node and a base page entry. It is left to each deriving class to define its own extent allocation node, and further refine the page entry, if necessary.

The allocation nodes may be stored in a separate segment.

Definition at line 68 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBase.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef std::hash_map<PageId,PageId> Segment::PageMap [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 56 of file Segment.h.

typedef PageMap::const_iterator Segment::PageMapConstIter [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 57 of file Segment.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum Segment::AllocationOrder [inherited]

Enumeration of the possible orderings of PageIds returned from allocatePageId.

The enumeration is from weakest to strongest ordering, and should not be changed.

ASCENDING_ALLOCATION  Later calls always return greater PageIds, but not necessarily consecutively.
CONSECUTIVE_ALLOCATION  PageIds are returned in consecutive ascending order of BlockNum; the DeviceId is always the same.
LINEAR_ALLOCATION  PageIds are returned in consecutive ascending order starting with 0; all bytes of the PageId are used (no division into DeviceId/BlockNum), yielding maximum range.

Definition at line 105 of file Segment.h.

00105                          {
00109         RANDOM_ALLOCATION,
00129     };

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

RandomAllocationSegmentBase::RandomAllocationSegmentBase ( SharedSegment  delegateSegment  )  [explicit, protected]

Definition at line 41 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBase.cpp.

References DelegatingSegment::getAllocationOrder(), Segment::getUsablePageSize(), Segment::LINEAR_ALLOCATION, netDeallocations, nExtentsPerSegAlloc, nPagesAllocated, and nPagesOccupiedHighWater.

00043     : DelegatingSegment(delegateSegment)
00044 {
00045     permAssert(DelegatingSegment::getAllocationOrder() == LINEAR_ALLOCATION);
00047     // calculate immutable segment parameters based on page size
00049     nExtentsPerSegAlloc =
00050         (getUsablePageSize() - sizeof(SegmentAllocationNode))
00051         / sizeof(SegmentAllocationNode::ExtentEntry);
00053     nPagesOccupiedHighWater = 0;
00054     nPagesAllocated = 0;
00055     netDeallocations = 0;
00056 }

RandomAllocationSegmentBase::~RandomAllocationSegmentBase (  )  [virtual]

Definition at line 58 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBase.cpp.

00059 {
00060 }

Member Function Documentation

void RandomAllocationSegmentBase::incrementPageCounters (  )  [private]

Increments the page counters for this segment instance, corresponding to some page allocation.

The pages occupied counter takes into account deallocated pages.

Definition at line 299 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBase.cpp.

References netDeallocations, nPagesAllocated, nPagesOccupiedHighWater, and pageCounterMutex.

Referenced by allocatePageIdFromSegment().

00300 {
00301     StrictMutexGuard mutexGuard(pageCounterMutex);
00303     // If there are excess deallocations, don't increment the pages occupied
00304     // counter
00305     if (netDeallocations > 0) {
00306         --netDeallocations;
00307     } else {
00308         ++nPagesOccupiedHighWater;
00309     }
00310     ++nPagesAllocated;
00311 }

void RandomAllocationSegmentBase::incrementPagesOccupiedCounter (  )  [private]

Increments the pages occupied counter.

Definition at line 313 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBase.cpp.

References nPagesOccupiedHighWater, and pageCounterMutex.

Referenced by allocatePageIdFromSegment().

00314 {
00315     StrictMutexGuard mutexGuard(pageCounterMutex);
00316     ++nPagesOccupiedHighWater;
00317 }

void RandomAllocationSegmentBase::decrementPageCounters (  )  [private]

Decrements the page counters for this segment instance, corresponding to some page deallocation.

Definition at line 319 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBase.cpp.

References netDeallocations, nPagesAllocated, and pageCounterMutex.

Referenced by deallocatePageId().

00320 {
00321     StrictMutexGuard mutexGuard(pageCounterMutex);
00322     ++netDeallocations;
00323     --nPagesAllocated;
00324 }

void RandomAllocationSegmentBase::countAllocatedPages (  )  [private]

Counts the total number of allocated data pages as well as the total number of allocated pages, which includes used allocation node pages.

Definition at line 427 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBase.cpp.

References getFirstSegAllocPageId(), getSegAllocPageIdForRead(), nPagesOccupiedHighWater, NULL_PAGE_ID, pageCounterMutex, and tallySegAllocNodePages().

Referenced by initForUse().

00428 {
00429     StrictMutexGuard mutexGuard(pageCounterMutex);
00430     PageId origSegAllocPageId = getFirstSegAllocPageId();
00431     do {
00432         SharedSegment allocNodeSegment;
00433         PageId segAllocPageId =
00434             getSegAllocPageIdForRead(origSegAllocPageId, allocNodeSegment);
00436         PageId nextSegAllocPageId;
00437         tallySegAllocNodePages(
00438             segAllocPageId,
00439             allocNodeSegment,
00440             nextSegAllocPageId);
00441         // count the segment allocation node page
00442         ++nPagesOccupiedHighWater;
00444         origSegAllocPageId = nextSegAllocPageId;
00445     } while (origSegAllocPageId != NULL_PAGE_ID);
00446 }

void RandomAllocationSegmentBase::tallySegAllocNodePages ( PageId  segAllocPageId,
SharedSegment  allocNodeSegment,
PageId &  nextSegAllocPageId 
) [private]

Counts the number of allocated pages recorded in a SegmentAllocationNode.

segAllocPageId the pageId of the SegmentAllocationNode
allocNodeSegment the segment corresponding to the node
[out] nextSegAllocPageId the pageId of the next SegmentAllocationNode following this one

Definition at line 453 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBase.cpp.

References SegmentAllocationNode::getExtentEntry(), SegNodeLock< Node >::getNodeForRead(), SegPageLock::lockExclusive(), SegmentAllocationNode::nExtents, SegmentAllocationNode::nextSegAllocPageId, nPagesAllocated, nPagesOccupiedHighWater, nPagesPerExtent, and Segment::pCache.

Referenced by countAllocatedPages().

00457 {
00458     SegmentAccessor segAccessor(allocNodeSegment, pCache);
00459     SegAllocLock segAllocLock(segAccessor);
00461     // REVIEW zfong 2/5/07 - Do we really need to exclusively lock this page?
00462     // Isn't a share lock sufficient?
00463     segAllocLock.lockExclusive(segAllocPageId);
00464     SegmentAllocationNode const &node = segAllocLock.getNodeForRead();
00465     uint i;
00466     for (i = 0; i < node.nExtents; i++) {
00467         // assume no partial extents; the -1 is for the extent page
00468         BlockNum numPages =
00469             nPagesPerExtent
00470             - node.getExtentEntry(i).nUnallocatedPages;
00471         nPagesAllocated += (numPages - 1);
00472         nPagesOccupiedHighWater += numPages;
00473     }
00474     nextSegAllocPageId = node.nextSegAllocPageId;
00475 }

void RandomAllocationSegmentBase::deallocatePageId ( PageId  pageId  )  [private]

Deallocates a single page.

pageId PageId of page to deallocate

Definition at line 338 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBase.cpp.

References decrementPageCounters(), freePageEntry(), SegmentAllocationNode::getExtentEntry(), SegNodeLock< Node >::getNodeForWrite(), getSegAllocPageId(), Segment::getTracingSegment(), isPageIdAllocated(), SegPageLock::lockExclusive(), nExtentsPerSegAlloc, nPagesPerExtent, NULL_PAGE_ID, Segment::pCache, splitPageId(), and DelegatingSegment::translatePageId().

Referenced by deallocatePageRange().

00339 {
00340     permAssert(pageId != NULL_PAGE_ID);
00341     assert(isPageIdAllocated(pageId));
00343     // Discard the page from the cache
00344     BlockId blockId = DelegatingSegment::translatePageId(pageId);
00345     pCache->discardPage(blockId);
00347     ExtentNum extentNum;
00348     BlockNum iPageInExtent;
00349     uint iSegAlloc;
00350     splitPageId(pageId,iSegAlloc,extentNum,iPageInExtent);
00351     permAssert(iPageInExtent);
00353     // note that we mark the free PageId on the extent page BEFORE
00354     // increasing the corresponding free page count on the segment page;
00355     // otherwise someone calling allocatePageId at the same time could fail
00356     freePageEntry(extentNum, iPageInExtent);
00358     SegmentAccessor selfAccessor(getTracingSegment(), pCache);
00359     SegAllocLock segAllocLock(selfAccessor);
00360     PageId segAllocPageId = getSegAllocPageId(iSegAlloc);
00361     segAllocLock.lockExclusive(segAllocPageId);
00362     SegmentAllocationNode &segAllocNode = segAllocLock.getNodeForWrite();
00363     ExtentNum relativeExtentNum = extentNum % nExtentsPerSegAlloc;
00364     segAllocNode.getExtentEntry(relativeExtentNum).nUnallocatedPages++;
00365     permAssert(
00366         segAllocNode.getExtentEntry(relativeExtentNum).nUnallocatedPages
00367         <= nPagesPerExtent);
00369     decrementPageCounters();
00370 }

PageId RandomAllocationSegmentBase::getSegAllocPageId ( uint  iSegPage  )  const [inline, protected]

Calculates the PageId of a particular SegmentAllocationNode.

iSegPage 0-based index of desired SegmentAllocationNode
corresponding PageId

Definition at line 104 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBaseImpl.h.

References Segment::getLinearPageId(), and nPagesPerSegAlloc.

Referenced by VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::allocateAllocNodes(), allocatePageIdFromSegment(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::backupAllocationNodes(), deallocatePageId(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::deallocateSinglePage(), format(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::getOldPageIds(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::locateDataPages(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::restoreFromBackup(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::updateExtentEntry(), and VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::validateFreePageCount().

00106 {
00107     return getLinearPageId(nPagesPerSegAlloc*iSegPage);
00108 }

virtual PageId RandomAllocationSegmentBase::getSegAllocPageIdForWrite ( PageId  origSegAllocPageId  )  [protected, pure virtual]

Retrieves the pageId of the SegmentAllocationNode that should be updated when updates are made to that node.

origSegAllocPageId original SegmentAllocationNode pageId
pageId of the SegmentAllocationNode to be updated

Implemented in RandomAllocationSegment, and VersionedRandomAllocationSegment.

Referenced by allocatePageIdFromSegment().

virtual void RandomAllocationSegmentBase::undoSegAllocPageWrite ( PageId  segAllocPageId  )  [protected, pure virtual]

Indicates that no new pages were allocated from extents within a SegmentAllocationNode.

segAllocPageId SegmentAllocationNode pageId

Implemented in RandomAllocationSegment, and VersionedRandomAllocationSegment.

Referenced by allocatePageIdFromSegment().

PageId RandomAllocationSegmentBase::getExtentAllocPageId ( ExtentNum  extentNum  )  const [inline, protected]

Calculates the PageId of a particular extent allocation node.

extentNum absolute 0-based extent number
corresponding PageId

Definition at line 118 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBaseImpl.h.

References Segment::getLinearPageId(), and makePageNum().

Referenced by VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::backupAllocationNodes(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::chainPageEntries(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::deallocateSinglePage(), formatPageExtentsTemplate(), freePageEntryTemplate(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::getExtAllocPageIdForRead(), RandomAllocationSegment::getExtAllocPageIdForRead(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::getExtAllocPageIdForWrite(), RandomAllocationSegment::getExtAllocPageIdForWrite(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::getOldestTxnId(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::getOldPageIds(), getPageEntryCopyTemplate(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::locateDataPages(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::restoreFromBackup(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::uncommittedDeallocation(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::updatePageEntry(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::updateTempPageEntry(), and VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::validateFreePageCount().

00120 {
00121     return getLinearPageId(makePageNum(extentNum,0));
00122 }

virtual PageId RandomAllocationSegmentBase::getExtAllocPageIdForWrite ( ExtentNum  extentNum  )  [protected, pure virtual]

Retrieves the pageId of the extent allocation node that should be updated when updates are made to that node.

extentNum absolute 0-based extent number
pageId of the extent allocation to be updated

Implemented in RandomAllocationSegment, and VersionedRandomAllocationSegment.

Referenced by allocateFromExtentTemplate(), allocateFromNewExtentTemplate(), and setPageSuccessorTemplate().

BlockNum RandomAllocationSegmentBase::makePageNum ( ExtentNum  extentNum,
BlockNum  iPageInExtent 
) const [inline, protected]

Calculates a linear page number.

extentNum absolute 0-based extent number of extent containing desired page
iPageInExtent 0-based index of page in extent
BlockNum corresponding to a linear PageId in this segment

Definition at line 110 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBaseImpl.h.

References nExtentsPerSegAlloc, and nPagesPerExtent.

Referenced by allocateFromLockedExtentTemplate(), allocatePageIdFromSegment(), getExtentAllocPageId(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::getOldPageIds(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::locateDataPages(), and VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::restoreFromBackup().

00112 {
00113     // weird calculation to take into account interspersal of SegAllocNodes
00114     uint nSegPages = extentNum / nExtentsPerSegAlloc + 1;
00115     return iPageInExtent + extentNum*nPagesPerExtent + nSegPages;
00116 }

void RandomAllocationSegmentBase::splitPageId ( PageId  pageId,
uint iSegAlloc,
ExtentNum extentNum,
BlockNum iPageInExtent 
) const [protected]

Maps a linear PageId from this segment into the corresponding SegmentAllocationNode, extent allocation node, and extent-relative page index.

pageId input PageId
[out] iSegAlloc 0-based index of containing SegmentAllocationNode
[out] extentNum absolute 0-based extent number of containing extent allocation node
[out] iPageInExtent 0-based index of page in extent

Definition at line 279 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBase.cpp.

References Segment::getLinearBlockNum(), MAXU, nExtentsPerSegAlloc, nPagesPerExtent, and nPagesPerSegAlloc.

Referenced by VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::chainPageEntries(), deallocatePageId(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::deallocateSinglePage(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::deferDeallocation(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::getOldestTxnId(), getPageEntryCopyTemplate(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::initPageEntry(), setPageSuccessorTemplate(), testPageId(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::uncommittedDeallocation(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::updateAllocNodes(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::updateTempPageEntry(), and VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::validateFreePageCount().

00282 {
00283     // calculate block number relative to containing SegAllocNode
00284     BlockNum iPageInSegAlloc = getLinearBlockNum(pageId) % nPagesPerSegAlloc;
00285     iSegAlloc = getLinearBlockNum(pageId) / nPagesPerSegAlloc;
00286     if (!iPageInSegAlloc) {
00287         // this is the SegAllocNode itself!
00288         extentNum = MAXU;
00289         iPageInExtent = 0;
00290     } else {
00291         // account for the SegAllocNode
00292         --iPageInSegAlloc;
00293         extentNum =
00294             iPageInSegAlloc / nPagesPerExtent + nExtentsPerSegAlloc * iSegAlloc;
00295         iPageInExtent = iPageInSegAlloc % nPagesPerExtent;
00296     }
00297 }

bool RandomAllocationSegmentBase::isPageIdValid ( PageId  pageId  )  [protected, virtual]

Tests whether the given PageId has valid contents (either an allocated data page or an allocation map page).

pageId the PageId to test
true iff pageId is valid

Reimplemented in VersionedRandomAllocationSegment.

Definition at line 412 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBase.cpp.

References testPageId().

Referenced by translatePageId().

00413 {
00414     return testPageId(pageId,false,true);
00415 }

bool RandomAllocationSegmentBase::testPageId ( PageId  pageId,
bool  testAllocation,
bool  thisSegment 
) [protected]

Common implementation for isPageIdValid and isPageIdAllocated.

Definition at line 385 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBase.cpp.

References getPageOwnerId(), DelegatingSegment::isPageIdAllocated(), splitPageId(), and UNALLOCATED_PAGE_OWNER_ID.

Referenced by getPageEntryCopyTemplate(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::isPageIdAllocateCommitted(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::isPageIdAllocated(), isPageIdAllocated(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::isPageIdValid(), and isPageIdValid().

00389 {
00390     if (!DelegatingSegment::isPageIdAllocated(pageId)) {
00391         return false;
00392     }
00394     uint iSegAlloc;
00395     ExtentNum extentNum;
00396     BlockNum iPageInExtent;
00397     splitPageId(pageId,iSegAlloc,extentNum,iPageInExtent);
00398     if (!iPageInExtent) {
00399         // header pages are valid but not allocated (from the
00400         // perspective of the RandomAllocationSegment, not the
00401         // underlying linear segment)
00402         if (testAllocation) {
00403             return false;
00404         } else {
00405             return true;
00406         }
00407     }
00408     PageOwnerId ownerId = getPageOwnerId(pageId, thisSegment);
00409     return (ownerId != UNALLOCATED_PAGE_OWNER_ID);
00410 }

virtual PageOwnerId RandomAllocationSegmentBase::getPageOwnerId ( PageId  pageId,
bool  thisSegment 
) [protected, pure virtual]

Retrieves the ownerId corresponding to a page entry.

See also:
pageId PageId of the page whose owner we are retrieving
thisSegment if true, retrieve page entry from this segment; otherwise, retrieve it from an alternative segment

Implemented in RandomAllocationSegment, and VersionedRandomAllocationSegment.

Referenced by testPageId().

template<class PageEntryT>
PageOwnerId RandomAllocationSegmentBase::getPageOwnerIdTemplate ( PageId  pageId,
bool  thisSegment 
) [protected]

Retrieves the ownerId corresponding to a page entry.

This template method allows the caller to specify different page entry types.

pageId PageId of the page whose owner we are retrieving
thisSegment if true, retrieve page entry from this segment; otherwise, retrieve it from an alternative segment

Definition at line 262 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBaseImpl.h.

References getPageEntryCopy().

00265 {
00266     PageEntryT pageEntry;
00268     getPageEntryCopy(pageId, pageEntry, false, thisSegment);
00269     return pageEntry.ownerId;
00270 }

virtual void RandomAllocationSegmentBase::freePageEntry ( ExtentNum  extentNum,
BlockNum  iPageInExtent 
) [protected, pure virtual]

Marks the page entry corresponding to a deallocated page as unallocated.

See also:
extentNum absolute 0-based extent number
iPageInExtent 0-based index of page in extent

Implemented in RandomAllocationSegment, and VersionedRandomAllocationSegment.

Referenced by deallocatePageId().

template<class ExtentAllocationNodeT, class ExtentAllocLockT, class PageEntryT>
void RandomAllocationSegmentBase::freePageEntryTemplate ( ExtentNum  extentNum,
BlockNum  iPageInExtent 
) [protected]

Marks the page entry corresponding to a deallocated page as unallocated.

The extent is specified by the the extentNum, the index of the page in the extent, and the segment where the extent allocation node originates from.

This template method allows the caller to specify different extent allocation node types.

extentNum absolute 0-based extent number
iPageInExtent 0-based index of deallocated page in extent

Definition at line 225 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBaseImpl.h.

References getExtentAllocPageId(), Segment::getTracingSegment(), markPageEntryUnused(), Segment::pCache, and UNALLOCATED_PAGE_OWNER_ID.

Referenced by VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::freePageEntry(), and RandomAllocationSegment::freePageEntry().

00228 {
00229     SegmentAccessor segAccessor(getTracingSegment(), pCache);
00230     ExtentAllocLockT extentAllocLock(segAccessor);
00232     extentAllocLock.lockExclusive(getExtentAllocPageId(extentNum));
00233     ExtentAllocationNodeT &extentNode = extentAllocLock.getNodeForWrite();
00234     PageEntryT &pageEntry = extentNode.getPageEntry(iPageInExtent);
00235     permAssert(pageEntry.ownerId != UNALLOCATED_PAGE_OWNER_ID);
00236     markPageEntryUnused(pageEntry);
00237 }

void RandomAllocationSegmentBase::markPageEntryUnused ( PageEntry pageEntry  )  [protected, virtual]

Marks a page entry as unused.

[in,out] pageEntry entry to be marked

Reimplemented in VersionedRandomAllocationSegment.

Definition at line 136 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBase.cpp.

References NULL_PAGE_ID, PageEntry::ownerId, PageEntry::successorId, and UNALLOCATED_PAGE_OWNER_ID.

Referenced by formatExtentTemplate(), freePageEntryTemplate(), and VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::markPageEntryUnused().

00138 {
00139     pageEntry.ownerId = UNALLOCATED_PAGE_OWNER_ID;
00140     pageEntry.successorId = NULL_PAGE_ID;
00141 }

PageId RandomAllocationSegmentBase::getFirstSegAllocPageId (  )  const [inline, protected]

the PageId of the first SegmentAllocationNode

Definition at line 99 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBaseImpl.h.


Referenced by allocatePageIdFromSegment(), and countAllocatedPages().

00100 {
00101     return FIRST_LINEAR_PAGE_ID;
00102 }

uint RandomAllocationSegmentBase::inferSegAllocCount (  )  [protected]

Infers the number of SegmentAllocationNodes from the size of the underlying segment.

Definition at line 143 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBase.cpp.

References DelegatingSegment::getAllocatedSizeInPages(), and nPagesPerSegAlloc.

Referenced by format().

00144 {
00145     BlockNum nPages = DelegatingSegment::getAllocatedSizeInPages();
00146     // round up
00147     return nPages / nPagesPerSegAlloc +
00148         (nPages % nPagesPerSegAlloc ? 1 : 0);
00149 }

void RandomAllocationSegmentBase::format (  )  [protected]

Formats allocation pages based on current size of underlying segment, marking all pages as deallocated.

Definition at line 67 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBase.cpp.

References DelegatingSegment::ensureAllocatedSize(), formatPageExtents(), DelegatingSegment::getAllocatedSizeInPages(), SegNodeLock< Node >::getNodeForWrite(), getSegAllocPageId(), Segment::getTracingSegment(), inferSegAllocCount(), SegPageLock::lockExclusive(), min(), SegmentAllocationNode::nExtents, nExtentsPerSegAlloc, SegmentAllocationNode::nextSegAllocPageId, SegmentAllocationNode::nPagesPerExtent, nPagesPerExtent, NULL_PAGE_ID, Segment::pCache, and SegNodeLock< Node >::setMagicNumber().

Referenced by VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::deallocatePageRange(), and deallocatePageRange().

00068 {
00069     // calculate number of SegAllocNodes based on current segment size
00070     uint nSegAllocPages = inferSegAllocCount();
00072     // calculate number of extents in all but last SegAllocNode
00073     ExtentNum nExtents = (nSegAllocPages-1)*nExtentsPerSegAlloc;
00075     // calculate number of pages in last SegAllocNode
00076     BlockNum nRemainderPages = DelegatingSegment::getAllocatedSizeInPages();
00077     nRemainderPages -= (nExtents*nPagesPerExtent+nSegAllocPages);
00079     if (nRemainderPages) {
00080         // last SegAllocNode is not full; add number of remainder extents,
00081         // rounding down
00082         nExtents += nRemainderPages / nPagesPerExtent;
00083     } else {
00084         // last SegAllocNode is full
00085         nExtents += nExtentsPerSegAlloc;
00086     }
00088     // always format at least one extent; this is somewhat arbitrary, but helps
00089     // to avoid spurious problems with tiny segments in test cases
00090     if (!nExtents) {
00091         nSegAllocPages = 1;
00092         nExtents = 1;
00093     }
00095     // make sure underlying segment is big enough
00096     bool bigEnough = DelegatingSegment::ensureAllocatedSize(
00097         nExtents*nPagesPerExtent + nSegAllocPages);
00098     permAssert(bigEnough);
00100     // format each SegAllocNode
00102     ExtentNum extentNum = 0;
00103     SegmentAccessor selfAccessor(getTracingSegment(), pCache);
00104     SegAllocLock segAllocLock(selfAccessor);
00105     for (uint iSegAlloc = 0; iSegAlloc < nSegAllocPages; iSegAlloc++) {
00106         PageId segAllocPageId = getSegAllocPageId(iSegAlloc);
00107         segAllocLock.lockExclusive(segAllocPageId);
00109         // REVIEW: have to do setMagicNumber() explicitly since we skipped
00110         // allocation.  Should figure out a way to indicate allocation of a
00111         // specific PageId.
00112         segAllocLock.setMagicNumber();
00113         SegmentAllocationNode &segAllocNode = segAllocLock.getNodeForWrite();
00115         uint iNextSegAlloc = iSegAlloc + 1;
00116         if (iNextSegAlloc < nSegAllocPages) {
00117             // set up SegAllocNode chain
00118             segAllocNode.nextSegAllocPageId = getSegAllocPageId(iNextSegAlloc);
00119         } else {
00120             // terminate SegAllocNode chain at last node
00121             segAllocNode.nextSegAllocPageId = NULL_PAGE_ID;
00122         }
00124         // format extent array
00125         segAllocNode.nPagesPerExtent = nPagesPerExtent;
00126         segAllocNode.nExtents = std::min(nExtents,nExtentsPerSegAlloc);
00127         nExtents -= segAllocNode.nExtents;
00129         // format each extent node within the page
00130         formatPageExtents(segAllocNode, extentNum);
00131     }
00133     permAssert(!nExtents);
00134 }

virtual void RandomAllocationSegmentBase::formatPageExtents ( SegmentAllocationNode segAllocNode,
ExtentNum extentNum 
) [protected, pure virtual]

Formats each of the extents within a segment allocation node.

See also:
[in] segAllocNode locked segment allocation node
[in,out] extentNum on input, the initial absolute 0-based extent number that needs to be formatted; on output, the last extent number formatted + 1

Implemented in RandomAllocationSegment, and VersionedRandomAllocationSegment.

Referenced by format().

template<class ExtentAllocationNodeT, class ExtentAllocLockT, class PageEntryT>
void RandomAllocationSegmentBase::formatPageExtentsTemplate ( SegmentAllocationNode segAllocNode,
ExtentNum extentNum 
) [protected]

Formats each of the extents within a segment allocation node.

This template method allows the caller to specify different extent allocation node types.

[in] segAllocNode locked segment allocation node
[in,out] extentNum on input, the initial absolute 0-based extent number that needs to be formatted; on output, the last extent number formatted + 1

Definition at line 146 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBaseImpl.h.

References formatExtentTemplate(), getExtentAllocPageId(), SegmentAllocationNode::getExtentEntry(), Segment::getTracingSegment(), SegmentAllocationNode::nExtents, nExtentsPerSegAlloc, nPagesPerExtent, and Segment::pCache.

Referenced by VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::allocateExtAllocNodes(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::formatPageExtents(), and RandomAllocationSegment::formatPageExtents().

00149 {
00150     SegmentAccessor selfAccessor(getTracingSegment(), pCache);
00151     ExtentAllocLockT extentAllocLock(selfAccessor);
00152     uint startOffset = extentNum % nExtentsPerSegAlloc;
00153     for (uint i = startOffset; i < segAllocNode.nExtents; ++i, ++extentNum) {
00154         // -1 for the extent allocation node itself
00155         segAllocNode.getExtentEntry(i).nUnallocatedPages =
00156             nPagesPerExtent - 1;
00157         extentAllocLock.lockExclusive(getExtentAllocPageId(extentNum));
00158         extentAllocLock.setMagicNumber();
00159         formatExtentTemplate<
00160                 ExtentAllocationNodeT,
00161                 ExtentAllocLockT,
00162                 PageEntryT>(
00163             extentAllocLock.getNodeForWrite());
00164     }
00165 }

template<class ExtentAllocationNodeT, class ExtentAllocLockT, class PageEntryT>
void RandomAllocationSegmentBase::formatExtentTemplate ( ExtentAllocationNodeT &  extentNode  )  [protected]

Formats one extent allocation.

This template method allows the caller to specify different extent allocation node types.

[in] extentNode locked extent allocation node

Definition at line 168 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBaseImpl.h.

References ANON_PAGE_OWNER_ID, markPageEntryUnused(), and nPagesPerExtent.

Referenced by formatPageExtentsTemplate().

00170 {
00171     // mark all pages as free
00172     for (uint i = 0; i < nPagesPerExtent; i++) {
00173         PageEntryT &pageEntry = extentNode.getPageEntry(i);
00174         markPageEntryUnused(pageEntry);
00175     }
00177     // mark the first entry representing the extent allocation node itself
00178     // as permanently allocated
00179     extentNode.getPageEntry(0).ownerId = ANON_PAGE_OWNER_ID;
00180 }

PageId RandomAllocationSegmentBase::allocatePageIdFromSegment ( PageOwnerId  ownerId,
SharedSegment  allocNodeSegment 
) [protected]

Allocates a page without locking it into memory.

The allocation nodes originate from a specified segment.

ownerId the PageOwnerId of the object which will own this page, or ANON_PAGE_OWNER_ID for pages unassociated with an owner
allocNodeSegment segment from which the allocation nodes originate
the PageId of the allocated page, or NULL_PAGE_ID if none could be allocated

Definition at line 151 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBase.cpp.

References allocateFromExtent(), allocateFromNewExtent(), DelegatingSegment::ensureAllocatedSize(), SegmentAllocationNode::getExtentEntry(), getFirstSegAllocPageId(), SegNodeLock< Node >::getNodeForRead(), SegNodeLock< Node >::getNodeForWrite(), getSegAllocPageId(), getSegAllocPageIdForWrite(), incrementPageCounters(), incrementPagesOccupiedCounter(), SegPageLock::lockExclusive(), makePageNum(), SegmentAllocationNode::nExtents, nExtentsPerSegAlloc, SegmentAllocationNode::nextSegAllocPageId, SegmentAllocationNode::nPagesPerExtent, nPagesPerExtent, NULL_PAGE_ID, SegmentAllocationNode::ExtentEntry::nUnallocatedPages, Segment::pCache, SegNodeLock< Node >::setMagicNumber(), undoSegAllocPageWrite(), and SegPageLock::unlock().

Referenced by VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::allocatePageId(), and RandomAllocationSegment::allocatePageId().

00154 {
00155     ExtentNum extentNum = 0;
00156     SegmentAccessor segAccessor(allocNodeSegment, pCache);
00157     SegAllocLock segAllocLock(segAccessor);
00159     // find a SegAllocNode with free space
00160     PageId origSegAllocPageId = getFirstSegAllocPageId();
00161     PageId segAllocPageId = getSegAllocPageIdForWrite(origSegAllocPageId);
00162     for (uint iSegAlloc = 0; ; ++iSegAlloc) {
00163         // Initially access the node for read because we may not actually
00164         // update it if all extents in the node are full.  Once we need
00165         // to update the node, we'll acquire a writable node.
00166         segAllocLock.lockExclusive(segAllocPageId);
00167         SegmentAllocationNode const &readOnlySegAllocNode =
00168             segAllocLock.getNodeForRead();
00170         // check each extent
00171         for (uint i = 0; i < readOnlySegAllocNode.nExtents; ++i, ++extentNum) {
00172             SegmentAllocationNode::ExtentEntry const &readOnlyExtentEntry =
00173                 readOnlySegAllocNode.getExtentEntry(i);
00174             if (readOnlyExtentEntry.nUnallocatedPages) {
00175                 // found one, so get a writable node
00176                 SegmentAllocationNode &writableSegAllocNode =
00177                     segAllocLock.getNodeForWrite();
00178                 SegmentAllocationNode::ExtentEntry &writableExtentEntry =
00179                     writableSegAllocNode.getExtentEntry(i);
00180                 writableExtentEntry.nUnallocatedPages--;
00181                 // explicit unlock to minimize contention window and avoid
00182                 // deadlock with deallocatePageId; this is like a Southwest
00183                 // airlines reservation: we've got a flight reserved, not a
00184                 // particular seat on that flight, but we're guaranteed to find
00185                 // a seat when we get on
00186                 segAllocLock.unlock();
00187                 incrementPageCounters();
00188                 return allocateFromExtent(extentNum,ownerId);
00189             }
00190         }
00192         if (readOnlySegAllocNode.nextSegAllocPageId != NULL_PAGE_ID) {
00193             // since there's no space on the current SegAllocNode, indicate
00194             // that we haven't allocated any new pages from it
00195             undoSegAllocPageWrite(origSegAllocPageId);
00197             // try next SegAllocNode
00198             origSegAllocPageId = readOnlySegAllocNode.nextSegAllocPageId;
00199             segAllocPageId = getSegAllocPageIdForWrite(origSegAllocPageId);
00200             continue;
00201         }
00203         // We have to extend the underlying segment, so we need to prevent
00204         // anyone else from trying to do the same thing at the same time.  So
00205         // hold onto segAllocLock during this process.
00207         if (readOnlySegAllocNode.nExtents < nExtentsPerSegAlloc) {
00208             // Try to allocate a new extent.  The parameters to makePageNum
00209             // request just enough space to fit one more extent within the
00210             // current SegAllocNode.
00211             try {
00212                 if (!DelegatingSegment::ensureAllocatedSize(
00213                         makePageNum(extentNum,nPagesPerExtent)))
00214                 {
00215                     // couldn't grow
00216                     undoSegAllocPageWrite(origSegAllocPageId);
00217                     return NULL_PAGE_ID;
00218                 }
00219             } catch (...) {
00220                 undoSegAllocPageWrite(origSegAllocPageId);
00221                 throw;
00222             }
00224             // acquire a writable node now that we're actually updating it
00225             SegmentAllocationNode &writableSegAllocNode =
00226                 segAllocLock.getNodeForWrite();
00227             writableSegAllocNode.nExtents++;
00228             SegmentAllocationNode::ExtentEntry &writableExtentEntry =
00229                 writableSegAllocNode.getExtentEntry(
00230                     writableSegAllocNode.nExtents - 1);
00232             // -2 = -1 for extent allocation node, -1 for page we're
00233             // about to allocate
00234             writableExtentEntry.nUnallocatedPages = nPagesPerExtent - 2;
00236             incrementPageCounters();
00237             // another increment for the extent page
00238             incrementPagesOccupiedCounter();
00239             return allocateFromNewExtent(extentNum, ownerId);
00240         }
00242         // since there's no space on the current SegAllocNode, indicate
00243         // that we haven't allocated any pages from its extents
00244         undoSegAllocPageWrite(origSegAllocPageId);
00246         // Have to allocate a whole new SegAllocNode.  The parameters to
00247         // makePageNum request enough space to fit the first extent of a new
00248         // SegAllocNode.
00249         if (!DelegatingSegment::ensureAllocatedSize(
00250                 makePageNum(extentNum + 1,0)))
00251         {
00252             // couldn't grow
00253             return NULL_PAGE_ID;
00254         }
00256         SegAllocLock newSegAllocLock(segAccessor);
00257         origSegAllocPageId = getSegAllocPageId(iSegAlloc + 1);
00258         segAllocPageId = getSegAllocPageIdForWrite(origSegAllocPageId);
00259         newSegAllocLock.lockExclusive(segAllocPageId);
00260         newSegAllocLock.setMagicNumber();
00261         SegmentAllocationNode &newNode = newSegAllocLock.getNodeForWrite();
00262         newNode.nPagesPerExtent = nPagesPerExtent;
00263         newNode.nExtents = 0;
00264         newNode.nextSegAllocPageId = NULL_PAGE_ID;
00265         // increment for the segment allocation node
00266         incrementPagesOccupiedCounter();
00268         // acquire a writable node to update the next page pointer
00269         SegmentAllocationNode &writableSegAllocNode =
00270             segAllocLock.getNodeForWrite();
00271         writableSegAllocNode.nextSegAllocPageId = origSegAllocPageId;
00273         // Carry on with the loop.  We'll unlock and relock the node just
00274         // allocated, but that's not a big deal since allocating a new
00275         // SegAllocNode is very rare.
00276     }
00277 }

virtual PageId RandomAllocationSegmentBase::allocateFromExtent ( ExtentNum  extentNum,
PageOwnerId  ownerId 
) [protected, pure virtual]

Allocates a new page from an extent known to have space.

See also:
extentNum absolute 0-based extent number from which to allocate
ownerId PageOwnerId of owning object
allocated PageId

Implemented in RandomAllocationSegment, and VersionedRandomAllocationSegment.

Referenced by allocatePageIdFromSegment().

template<class ExtentAllocationNodeT, class ExtentAllocLockT, class PageEntryT>
PageId RandomAllocationSegmentBase::allocateFromExtentTemplate ( ExtentNum  extentNum,
PageOwnerId  ownerId,
SharedSegment  allocNodeSegment 
) [protected]

Allocates a new page from an extent known to have space.

The extent is specified by the absolute extent number and the segment where the extent allocation node originates from.

This template method allows the caller to specify different extent allocation node types.

extentNum absolute 0-based extent number from which to allocate
ownerId PageOwnerId of owning object
allocNodeSegment segment that the allocation node page originates from
allocated PageId

Definition at line 127 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBaseImpl.h.

References getExtAllocPageIdForWrite(), Segment::pCache, and UNALLOCATED_PAGE_OWNER_ID.

Referenced by VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::allocateFromExtent(), and RandomAllocationSegment::allocateFromExtent().

00131 {
00132     permAssert(ownerId != UNALLOCATED_PAGE_OWNER_ID);
00134     SegmentAccessor segAccessor(allocNodeSegment, pCache);
00135     ExtentAllocLockT extentAllocLock(segAccessor);
00136     extentAllocLock.lockExclusive(getExtAllocPageIdForWrite(extentNum));
00137     ExtentAllocationNodeT &node = extentAllocLock.getNodeForWrite();
00138     return
00139         allocateFromLockedExtentTemplate<ExtentAllocationNodeT, PageEntryT>(
00140             node,
00141             extentNum,
00142             ownerId);
00143 }

virtual PageId RandomAllocationSegmentBase::allocateFromNewExtent ( ExtentNum  extentNum,
PageOwnerId  ownerId 
) [protected, pure virtual]

Allocates a page from a new extent allocation node.

See also:
extentNum absolute extent number from which to allocate
ownerId PageOwnerId of owning object
allocated PageId

Implemented in RandomAllocationSegment, and VersionedRandomAllocationSegment.

Referenced by allocatePageIdFromSegment().

template<class ExtentAllocationNodeT, class ExtentAllocLockT, class PageEntryT>
PageId RandomAllocationSegmentBase::allocateFromNewExtentTemplate ( ExtentNum  extentNum,
PageOwnerId  ownerId,
SharedSegment  allocNodeSegment 
) [protected]

Allocates a page from a new extent allocation node.

The extent is specified by the absolute extent number and the segment where the extent allocation node originates from.

This template method allows the caller to specify different extent allocation node types.

extentNum absolute 0-based extent number from which to allocate
ownerId PageOwnerId of owning object
allocNodeSegment segment that the allocation node page originates from
allocated PageId

Definition at line 183 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBaseImpl.h.

References getExtAllocPageIdForWrite(), and Segment::pCache.

Referenced by VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::allocateFromNewExtent(), and RandomAllocationSegment::allocateFromNewExtent().

00187 {
00188     SegmentAccessor segAccessor(allocNodeSegment, pCache);
00189     ExtentAllocLockT extentAllocLock(segAccessor);
00190     extentAllocLock.lockExclusive(getExtAllocPageIdForWrite(extentNum));
00191     extentAllocLock.setMagicNumber();
00192     ExtentAllocationNodeT &extentNode = extentAllocLock.getNodeForWrite();
00193     formatExtentTemplate<ExtentAllocationNodeT, ExtentAllocLockT, PageEntryT>(
00194         extentNode);
00195     return
00196         allocateFromLockedExtentTemplate<ExtentAllocationNodeT, PageEntryT>(
00197             extentNode,
00198             extentNum,
00199             ownerId);
00200 }

template<class ExtentAllocationNodeT, class PageEntryT>
PageId RandomAllocationSegmentBase::allocateFromLockedExtentTemplate ( ExtentAllocationNodeT &  extentNode,
ExtentNum  extentNum,
PageOwnerId  ownerId 
) [protected]

Allocates a new page from an extent known to have space, with the extent allocation node already locked.

This template method allows the caller to specify different extent allocation node types.

[in] extentNode locked extent allocation node corresponding to extentNum
extentNum absolute extent number from which to allocate
ownerId PageOwnerId of owning object
allocated PageId

Definition at line 203 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBaseImpl.h.

References Segment::getLinearPageId(), makePageNum(), nPagesPerExtent, and UNALLOCATED_PAGE_OWNER_ID.

00205 {
00206     // find a free page
00207     for (uint i = 0; i < nPagesPerExtent; i++) {
00208         PageEntryT &pageEntry = node.getPageEntry(i);
00209         if (pageEntry.ownerId == UNALLOCATED_PAGE_OWNER_ID) {
00210             if (i == 0) {
00211                 // entry 0 is the extent allocation node itself so it
00212                 // should never be marked as unallocated
00213                 permAssert(false);
00214             }
00215             pageEntry.ownerId = ownerId;
00216             PageId pageId = getLinearPageId(makePageNum(extentNum,i));
00217             return pageId;
00218         }
00219     }
00221     permAssert(false);
00222 }

template<class ExtentAllocationNodeT, class ExtentAllocLockT>
void RandomAllocationSegmentBase::setPageSuccessorTemplate ( PageId  pageId,
PageId  successorId,
SharedSegment  allocNodeSegment 
) [protected]

Sets the successor pageId for a page.

This template method allows the caller to specify different extent allocation node types.

pageId pageId of the page whose successor will be set
successorId successor pageId
allocNodeSegment segment that the allocation node page originates from

Definition at line 240 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBaseImpl.h.

References getExtAllocPageIdForWrite(), isPageIdAllocated(), NULL_PAGE_ID, Segment::pCache, and splitPageId().

Referenced by VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::setPageSuccessor().

00244 {
00245     assert(isPageIdAllocated(pageId));
00246     assert((successorId == NULL_PAGE_ID) || isPageIdAllocated(successorId));
00248     uint iSegAlloc;
00249     ExtentNum extentNum;
00250     BlockNum iPageInExtent;
00251     splitPageId(pageId, iSegAlloc, extentNum, iPageInExtent);
00252     permAssert(iPageInExtent);
00254     SegmentAccessor segAccessor(allocNodeSegment, pCache);
00255     ExtentAllocLockT extentAllocLock(segAccessor);
00256     extentAllocLock.lockExclusive(getExtAllocPageIdForWrite(extentNum));
00257     ExtentAllocationNodeT &node = extentAllocLock.getNodeForWrite();
00258     node.getPageEntry(iPageInExtent).successorId = successorId;
00259 }

virtual PageId RandomAllocationSegmentBase::getSegAllocPageIdForRead ( PageId  origSegAllocPageId,
SharedSegment allocNodeSegment 
) [protected, pure virtual]

Retrieves the actual pageId corresponding to the SegmentAllocationNode that should be accessed when reading from the node.

origSegAllocPageId original SegmentAllocationNode pageId
[out] allocNodeSegment segment from which the allocation node to be read originates
pageId to be read

Implemented in RandomAllocationSegment, and VersionedRandomAllocationSegment.

Referenced by countAllocatedPages().

virtual PageId RandomAllocationSegmentBase::getExtAllocPageIdForRead ( ExtentNum  extentNum,
SharedSegment allocNodeSegment 
) [protected, pure virtual]

Retrieves the actual pageId corresponding to the extent allocation node that should be accessed when reading from the node.

extentNum absolute 0-based extent number
[out] allocNodeSegment segment from which the allocation node to be read originates
pageId to be read

Implemented in RandomAllocationSegment, and VersionedRandomAllocationSegment.

Referenced by getPageEntryCopyTemplate().

virtual void RandomAllocationSegmentBase::getPageEntryCopy ( PageId  pageId,
PageEntry pageEntryCopy,
bool  isAllocated,
bool  thisSegment 
) [protected, pure virtual]

Retrieves a copy of the page entry for a specified page.

See also:
pageId pageId of the page whose page entry data we are retrieving
[out] pageEntryCopy copy of page entry retrieved
isAllocated if true, assert that the page is allocated
thisSegment if true, retrieve page entry from this segment; otherwise, retrieve it from an alternative segment

Implemented in RandomAllocationSegment, and VersionedRandomAllocationSegment.

Referenced by getPageOwnerIdTemplate().

template<class ExtentAllocationNodeT, class ExtentAllocLockT, class PageEntryT>
void RandomAllocationSegmentBase::getPageEntryCopyTemplate ( PageId  pageId,
PageEntryT &  pageEntryCopy,
bool  isAllocated,
bool  thisSegment 
) [protected]

Retrieves a copy of the page entry for a specified page.

This template method allows the caller to specify different extent allocation node and page entry types.

pageId pageId of the page whose page entry data we are retrieving
[out] pageEntryCopy copy of page entry retrieved
isAllocated if true, assert that the page is allocated
thisSegment if true, retrieve page entry from this segment; otherwise, retrieve it from an alternative segment

Definition at line 273 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBaseImpl.h.

References getExtAllocPageIdForRead(), getExtentAllocPageId(), Segment::getTracingSegment(), Segment::pCache, splitPageId(), and testPageId().

Referenced by VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::getPageEntryCopy().

00278 {
00279     if (isAllocated) {
00280         assert(testPageId(pageId, true, thisSegment));
00281     }
00283     ExtentNum extentNum;
00284     BlockNum iPageInExtent;
00285     uint iSegAlloc;
00286     splitPageId(pageId, iSegAlloc, extentNum, iPageInExtent);
00287     assert(iPageInExtent);
00289     SharedSegment allocNodeSegment;
00290     PageId extentPageId;
00291     if (thisSegment) {
00292         allocNodeSegment = getTracingSegment();
00293         extentPageId = getExtentAllocPageId(extentNum);
00294     } else {
00295         extentPageId = getExtAllocPageIdForRead(extentNum, allocNodeSegment);
00296     }
00298     SegmentAccessor segAccessor(allocNodeSegment, pCache);
00299     ExtentAllocLockT extentAllocLock(segAccessor);
00300     extentAllocLock.lockShared(extentPageId);
00301     ExtentAllocationNodeT const &extentNode =
00302         extentAllocLock.getNodeForRead();
00304     PageEntryT const &pageEntry =
00305         extentNode.getPageEntry(iPageInExtent);
00307     pageEntryCopy = pageEntry;
00308 }

BlockId RandomAllocationSegmentBase::translatePageId ( PageId   )  [virtual]

Maps from a PageId in this segment to a BlockId.

Reimplemented from DelegatingSegment.

Definition at line 377 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBase.cpp.

References isPageIdValid(), and DelegatingSegment::translatePageId().

Referenced by VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::locateDataPages(), and VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::restoreFromBackup().

00378 {
00379     assert(
00380         const_cast<RandomAllocationSegmentBase *>(this)->isPageIdValid(pageId));
00382     return DelegatingSegment::translatePageId(pageId);
00383 }

bool RandomAllocationSegmentBase::isPageIdAllocated ( PageId  pageId  )  [virtual]

Tests whether a PageId is allocated.

pageId the PageId of interest
true iff the PageId is currently allocated in this segment

Reimplemented from DelegatingSegment.

Reimplemented in VersionedRandomAllocationSegment.

Definition at line 417 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBase.cpp.

References testPageId().

Referenced by deallocatePageId(), and setPageSuccessorTemplate().

00418 {
00419     return testPageId(pageId,true,true);
00420 }

Segment::AllocationOrder RandomAllocationSegmentBase::getAllocationOrder (  )  const [virtual]

the AllocationOrder for this segment

Reimplemented from DelegatingSegment.

Definition at line 372 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBase.cpp.

References Segment::RANDOM_ALLOCATION.

00373 {
00374     return RANDOM_ALLOCATION;
00375 }

BlockNum RandomAllocationSegmentBase::getAllocatedSizeInPages (  )  [virtual]

number of pages allocated from this segment

Reimplemented from DelegatingSegment.

Definition at line 422 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBase.cpp.

References nPagesAllocated.

Referenced by SnapshotSegmentTest::deallocateOldPages().

00423 {
00424     return nPagesAllocated;
00425 }

BlockNum RandomAllocationSegmentBase::getNumPagesOccupiedHighWater (  )  [virtual]

Returns the max number of pages occupied by this segment instance.

In other words, pages that are allocated but subsequently deallocated, are included in this count. Also, the count includes all pages used by the segment, including metadata pages.

the max number of pages occupied by a segment

Reimplemented from DelegatingSegment.

Definition at line 448 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBase.cpp.

References nPagesOccupiedHighWater.

00449 {
00450     return nPagesOccupiedHighWater;
00451 }

void RandomAllocationSegmentBase::deallocatePageRange ( PageId  startPageId,
PageId  endPageId 
) [virtual]

Deallocates a range of pages allocated from this segment.

Some segment implementations may impose restrictions on the range (e.g. individual pages only, entire segment truncation only, start-ranges, or end-ranges). The interpretation of the range may also vary by segment (e.g. for a LINEAR_ALLOCATION segment, it's a simple linear PageId range, while for a RANDOM_ALLOCATION segment, successors could be used).

Depending on the circumstances, it may be the responsibility of the segment to discard the corresponding blocks from the cache. The details vary by segment implementation.

startPageId inclusive start of PageId range to deallocate, or default NULL_PAGE_ID for beginning of segment
endPageId inclusive end of PageId range to deallocate, or default NULL_PAGE_ID for end of segment

Reimplemented from DelegatingSegment.

Reimplemented in VersionedRandomAllocationSegment.

Definition at line 326 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBase.cpp.

References deallocatePageId(), format(), and NULL_PAGE_ID.

Referenced by VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::deallocateSinglePage().

00329 {
00330     permAssert(startPageId == endPageId);
00331     if (startPageId != NULL_PAGE_ID) {
00332         deallocatePageId(startPageId);
00333     } else {
00334         format();
00335     }
00336 }

void RandomAllocationSegmentBase::initForUse (  )  [virtual]

Performs additional initialization required on the segment after it has been properly formatted.

Reimplemented from Segment.

Reimplemented in VersionedRandomAllocationSegment.

Definition at line 62 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBase.cpp.

References countAllocatedPages().

Referenced by VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::initForUse().

00063 {
00064     countAllocatedPages();
00065 }

SharedSegment const& DelegatingSegment::getDelegateSegment (  )  const [inline, inherited]

Definition at line 53 of file DelegatingSegment.h.

Referenced by SegmentFactory::dynamicCast(), TracingSegment::getMappedPageListener(), TracingSegment::isWriteVersioned(), and TracingSegment::notifyAfterPageCheckpointFlush().

00054     {
00055         return pDelegateSegment;
00056     }

BlockNum DelegatingSegment::getNumPagesExtended (  )  [virtual, inherited]

the number of incremental pages added to this instance of the segment

Implements Segment.

Definition at line 57 of file DelegatingSegment.cpp.

References DelegatingSegment::pDelegateSegment.

00058 {
00059     return pDelegateSegment->getNumPagesExtended();
00060 }

PageId DelegatingSegment::getPageSuccessor ( PageId  pageId  )  [virtual, inherited]

Determines the successor of a given PageId.

This is an optional interface only supported by segments with some concept of page ordering.

pageId PageId for which the successor is to be found
successor PageId

Implements Segment.

Reimplemented in CircularSegment, LinearViewSegment, RandomAllocationSegment, SnapshotRandomAllocationSegment, and VersionedRandomAllocationSegment.

Definition at line 62 of file DelegatingSegment.cpp.

References DelegatingSegment::pDelegateSegment.

Referenced by SnapshotRandomAllocationSegment::getPageSuccessor(), and LinearViewSegment::LinearViewSegment().

00063 {
00064     return pDelegateSegment->getPageSuccessor(pageId);
00065 }

void DelegatingSegment::setPageSuccessor ( PageId  pageId,
PageId  successorId 
) [virtual, inherited]

Sets the successor of a given PageId.

This is an optional interface only supported by segments with some concept of modifiable ordering.

pageId PageId for which the successor is to be set
successorId PageId of successor

Implements Segment.

Reimplemented in CircularSegment, LinearViewSegment, RandomAllocationSegment, SnapshotRandomAllocationSegment, TracingSegment, and VersionedRandomAllocationSegment.

Definition at line 67 of file DelegatingSegment.cpp.

References DelegatingSegment::pDelegateSegment.

Referenced by LinearViewSegment::allocatePageId(), TracingSegment::setPageSuccessor(), and SnapshotRandomAllocationSegment::setPageSuccessor().

00068 {
00069     pDelegateSegment->setPageSuccessor(pageId,successorId);
00070 }

PageId DelegatingSegment::translateBlockId ( BlockId   )  [virtual, inherited]

Maps from a BlockId to a PageId in this segment.

Implements Segment.

Reimplemented in CircularSegment, LinearViewSegment, and TracingSegment.

Definition at line 77 of file DelegatingSegment.cpp.

References DelegatingSegment::pDelegateSegment.

Referenced by VersionedSegment::canFlushPage(), SnapshotRandomAllocationSegment::getMappedPageListener(), WALSegment::notifyAfterPageFlush(), WALSegment::notifyPageDirty(), VersionedSegment::notifyPageDirty(), TracingSegment::translateBlockId(), LinearViewSegment::translateBlockId(), and CircularSegment::translateBlockId().

00078 {
00079     return pDelegateSegment->translateBlockId(blockId);
00080 }

PageId DelegatingSegment::allocatePageId ( PageOwnerId  ownerId = ANON_PAGE_OWNER_ID  )  [virtual, inherited]

Allocates a page without locking it into memory.

ownerId the PageOwnerId of the object which will own this page, or ANON_PAGE_OWNER_ID for pages unassociated with an owner
the PageId of the allocated page, or NULL_PAGE_ID if none could be allocated

Implements Segment.

Reimplemented in CircularSegment, LinearViewSegment, RandomAllocationSegment, SnapshotRandomAllocationSegment, TracingSegment, and VersionedRandomAllocationSegment.

Definition at line 82 of file DelegatingSegment.cpp.

References DelegatingSegment::pDelegateSegment.

Referenced by TracingSegment::allocatePageId(), SnapshotRandomAllocationSegment::allocatePageId(), and LinearViewSegment::allocatePageId().

00083 {
00084     return pDelegateSegment->allocatePageId(ownerId);
00085 }

bool DelegatingSegment::ensureAllocatedSize ( BlockNum  nPages  )  [virtual, inherited]

Allocates pages as needed to make getAllocatedSizeInPages() meet a lower bound.

The PageId's of the allocated pages are not returned, so this is mostly only meaningful for linear segments.

nPages lower bound for getAllocatedSizeInPages()
true if enough pages could be allocated; false if not

Reimplemented from Segment.

Reimplemented in TracingSegment.

Definition at line 87 of file DelegatingSegment.cpp.

References DelegatingSegment::pDelegateSegment.

Referenced by allocatePageIdFromSegment(), TracingSegment::ensureAllocatedSize(), format(), and VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::restoreFromBackup().

00088 {
00089     return pDelegateSegment->ensureAllocatedSize(nPages);
00090 }

void DelegatingSegment::delegatedCheckpoint ( Segment delegatingSegment,
CheckpointType  checkpointType 
) [virtual, inherited]

Helper for DelegatingSegment.

delegatingSegment the Segment on which checkpoint was originally called
checkpointType type of checkpoint requested

Reimplemented from Segment.

Reimplemented in SnapshotRandomAllocationSegment, TracingSegment, and VersionedSegment.

Definition at line 142 of file DelegatingSegment.cpp.

References DelegatingSegment::pDelegateSegment.

Referenced by VersionedSegment::delegatedCheckpoint(), and TracingSegment::delegatedCheckpoint().

00144 {
00145     pDelegateSegment->delegatedCheckpoint(delegatingSegment,checkpointType);
00146 }

PageId DelegatingSegment::updatePage ( PageId  pageId,
bool  needsTranslation = false 
) [virtual, inherited]

Determines whether a page can be updated in-place, and if so, prepares the page for update.

pageId pageId of the page being modified
needsTranslation true if the pageId needs to be mapped to the appropriate update page; defaults to false
NULL_PAGE_ID if the page can be updated in place; otherwise, the pageId of the page that should be used when updates are made to the page

Reimplemented from Segment.

Reimplemented in LinearViewSegment, and SnapshotRandomAllocationSegment.

Definition at line 148 of file DelegatingSegment.cpp.

References DelegatingSegment::pDelegateSegment.

Referenced by LinearViewSegment::updatePage().

00149 {
00150     return pDelegateSegment->updatePage(pageId, needsTranslation);
00151 }

void DelegatingSegment::notifyPageMap ( CachePage page  )  [virtual, inherited]

Receives notification from CacheImpl as soon as a page is mapped, before any I/O is initiated to retrieve the page contents.

Called with the page mutex held, so the implementation must take care to avoid deadlock.

page the page being mapped

Reimplemented from MappedPageListener.

Reimplemented in TracingSegment.

Definition at line 107 of file DelegatingSegment.cpp.

References DelegatingSegment::pDelegateSegment.

Referenced by TracingSegment::notifyPageMap().

00108 {
00109     pDelegateSegment->notifyPageMap(page);
00110 }

void DelegatingSegment::notifyPageUnmap ( CachePage page  )  [virtual, inherited]

Receives notification from CacheImpl just before a page is unmapped.

Called with the page mutex held, so the implementation must take care to avoid deadlock.

page the page being unmapped

Reimplemented from MappedPageListener.

Reimplemented in TracingSegment, and WALSegment.

Definition at line 112 of file DelegatingSegment.cpp.

References DelegatingSegment::pDelegateSegment.

Referenced by TracingSegment::notifyPageUnmap().

00113 {
00114     pDelegateSegment->notifyPageUnmap(page);
00115 }

void DelegatingSegment::notifyAfterPageRead ( CachePage page  )  [virtual, inherited]

Receives notification from CacheImpl after a page read completes.

Called with the page mutex held, so the implementation must take care to avoid deadlock.

page the page read

Reimplemented from MappedPageListener.

Reimplemented in TracingSegment.

Definition at line 117 of file DelegatingSegment.cpp.

References DelegatingSegment::pDelegateSegment.

Referenced by TracingSegment::notifyAfterPageRead().

00118 {
00119     pDelegateSegment->notifyAfterPageRead(page);
00120 }

void DelegatingSegment::notifyPageDirty ( CachePage page,
bool  bDataValid 
) [virtual, inherited]

Receives notification from CacheImpl the first time a page becomes dirty after it has been mapped (but before the contents have changed).

Allows some logging action to be taken; for example, making a backup copy of the unmodified page contents. Note that when called for a newly allocated page, the page contents are invalid. Because it is implied that the calling thread already has an exclusive lock on the page, no cache locks are held when called.

page the page being modified
bDataValid if true, the page data was already valid; if false, the data was invalid, but has now been marked valid since it's about to be written

Reimplemented from MappedPageListener.

Reimplemented in SnapshotRandomAllocationSegment, TracingSegment, VersionedSegment, and WALSegment.

Definition at line 122 of file DelegatingSegment.cpp.

References DelegatingSegment::pDelegateSegment.

Referenced by WALSegment::notifyPageDirty(), VersionedSegment::notifyPageDirty(), TracingSegment::notifyPageDirty(), and SnapshotRandomAllocationSegment::notifyPageDirty().

00123 {
00124     pDelegateSegment->notifyPageDirty(page,bDataValid);
00125 }

void DelegatingSegment::notifyBeforePageFlush ( CachePage page  )  [virtual, inherited]

Receives notification from CacheImpl just before a dirty page is flushed to disk.

Allows some logging action to be taken; for example, flushing corresponding write-ahead log pages, or storing a checksum in the page header. Called with the page mutex held, so the implementation must take care to avoid deadlock.

page the page to be flushed

Reimplemented from MappedPageListener.

Reimplemented in TracingSegment.

Definition at line 127 of file DelegatingSegment.cpp.

References DelegatingSegment::pDelegateSegment.

Referenced by TracingSegment::notifyBeforePageFlush().

00128 {
00129     pDelegateSegment->notifyBeforePageFlush(page);
00130 }

void DelegatingSegment::notifyAfterPageFlush ( CachePage page  )  [virtual, inherited]

Receives notification from CacheImpl when a page flush completes successfully.

Called with the page mutex held, so the implementation must take care to avoid deadlock.

page the page that was flushed

Reimplemented from MappedPageListener.

Reimplemented in TracingSegment, and WALSegment.

Definition at line 132 of file DelegatingSegment.cpp.

References DelegatingSegment::pDelegateSegment.

Referenced by WALSegment::notifyAfterPageFlush(), and TracingSegment::notifyAfterPageFlush().

00133 {
00134     pDelegateSegment->notifyAfterPageFlush(page);
00135 }

bool DelegatingSegment::canFlushPage ( CachePage page  )  [virtual, inherited]

Informs CacheImpl whether a dirty page can safely be flushed to disk.

Called with the page mutex held, so the implementation must take care to avoid deadlock.

page the page to be flushed

Reimplemented from MappedPageListener.

Reimplemented in SnapshotRandomAllocationSegment, and VersionedSegment.

Definition at line 137 of file DelegatingSegment.cpp.

References DelegatingSegment::pDelegateSegment.

Referenced by VersionedSegment::canFlushPage().

00138 {
00139     return pDelegateSegment->canFlushPage(page);
00140 }

void Segment::setUsablePageSize ( uint   )  [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 70 of file Segment.cpp.

References Segment::cbUsablePerPage.

Referenced by DelegatingSegment::DelegatingSegment(), DynamicDelegatingSegment::DynamicDelegatingSegment(), Segment::Segment(), and VersionedSegment::VersionedSegment().

00071 {
00072     cbUsablePerPage = cb;
00073 }

PConstBuffer Segment::getReadableFooter ( CachePage page  )  [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 75 of file Segment.cpp.

References CachePage::getReadableData(), and Segment::getUsablePageSize().

Referenced by VersionedSegment::getPageVersion(), and VersionedSegment::recover().

00076 {
00077     return page.getReadableData() + getUsablePageSize();
00078 }

PBuffer Segment::getWritableFooter ( CachePage page  )  [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 80 of file Segment.cpp.

References Segment::getUsablePageSize(), and CachePage::getWritableData().

Referenced by VersionedSegment::notifyPageDirty().

00081 {
00082     return page.getWritableData() + getUsablePageSize();
00083 }

PageId Segment::getLinearPageSuccessor ( PageId  pageId  )  [protected, inherited]

An implementation of getPageSuccessor suitable for LINEAR_ALLOCATION.

Definition at line 85 of file Segment.cpp.

References Segment::isPageIdAllocated(), and NULL_PAGE_ID.

Referenced by ScratchSegment::getPageSuccessor(), LinearViewSegment::getPageSuccessor(), LinearDeviceSegment::getPageSuccessor(), and CircularSegment::getPageSuccessor().

00086 {
00087     assert(isPageIdAllocated(pageId));
00088     ++pageId;
00089     if (!isPageIdAllocated(pageId)) {
00090         return NULL_PAGE_ID;
00091     }
00092     return pageId;
00093 }

void Segment::setLinearPageSuccessor ( PageId  pageId,
PageId  successorId 
) [protected, inherited]

An implementation of setPageSuccessor suitable for LINEAR_ALLOCATION.

Definition at line 95 of file Segment.cpp.

References Segment::getLinearBlockNum(), and Segment::isPageIdAllocated().

Referenced by ScratchSegment::setPageSuccessor(), LinearViewSegment::setPageSuccessor(), LinearDeviceSegment::setPageSuccessor(), and CircularSegment::setPageSuccessor().

00096 {
00097     assert(isPageIdAllocated(pageId));
00098     assert(isPageIdAllocated(successorId));
00099     assert(getLinearBlockNum(successorId)
00100            == getLinearBlockNum(pageId) + 1);
00101 }

bool Segment::isLinearPageIdAllocated ( PageId  pageId  )  [protected, inherited]

An implementation of isPageIdAllocated suitable for LINEAR_ALLOCATION when deallocation holes are disallowed.

Definition at line 103 of file Segment.cpp.

References Segment::getAllocatedSizeInPages(), and Segment::getLinearBlockNum().

Referenced by ScratchSegment::isPageIdAllocated(), LinearViewSegment::isPageIdAllocated(), and LinearDeviceSegment::isPageIdAllocated().

00104 {
00105     if (getLinearBlockNum(pageId) >= getAllocatedSizeInPages()) {
00106         return false;
00107     }
00108     return true;
00109 }

SharedCache Segment::getCache (  )  const [inline, inherited]

the Cache for this Segment

Definition at line 358 of file Segment.h.

References Segment::pCache.

Referenced by ScratchSegment::getCache(), and TempSegDestructor::operator()().

00359 {
00360     return pCache;
00361 }

uint Segment::getFullPageSize (  )  const [inherited]

the full size of pages stored in this segment; this is the same as the size of underlying cache pages

Definition at line 133 of file Segment.cpp.

References Segment::pCache.

Referenced by LinearDeviceSegment::ensureAllocatedSize(), LinearDeviceSegment::getAvailableDevicePages(), LinearDeviceSegment::LinearDeviceSegment(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::locateDataPages(), VersionedSegment::recover(), Segment::Segment(), and SegPageLock::swapBuffers().

00134 {
00135     return pCache->getPageSize();
00136 }

uint Segment::getUsablePageSize (  )  const [inline, inherited]

the full size of pages stored in this segment minus the size for any footer information stored at the end of each page

Definition at line 363 of file Segment.h.

References Segment::cbUsablePerPage.

Referenced by VersionedSegment::computeChecksum(), DynamicDelegatingSegment::DynamicDelegatingSegment(), Segment::getReadableFooter(), Segment::getWritableFooter(), VersionedSegment::notifyPageDirty(), RandomAllocationSegment::RandomAllocationSegment(), RandomAllocationSegmentBase(), SegPageLock::swapBuffers(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::VersionedRandomAllocationSegment(), and VersionedSegment::VersionedSegment().

00364 {
00365     return cbUsablePerPage;
00366 }

SharedSegment Segment::getTracingSegment (  )  [inherited]

tracing segment associated with this segment if tracing is turned on; otherwise, returns the segment itself

Definition at line 50 of file Segment.cpp.

References Segment::pTracingSegment.

Referenced by VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::allocateAllocNodes(), RandomAllocationSegment::allocateFromExtent(), RandomAllocationSegment::allocateFromNewExtent(), RandomAllocationSegment::allocatePageId(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::backupAllocationNodes(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::chainPageEntries(), SnapshotRandomAllocationSegment::commitChanges(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::copyPageEntryFromTemp(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::copyPageEntryToTemp(), deallocatePageId(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::findAllocPageIdForRead(), format(), formatPageExtentsTemplate(), freePageEntryTemplate(), RandomAllocationSegment::getExtAllocPageIdForRead(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::getOldestTxnId(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::getOldPageIds(), getPageEntryCopyTemplate(), RandomAllocationSegment::getSegAllocPageIdForRead(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::getTempAllocNodePage(), Segment::getTracingListener(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::locateDataPages(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::restoreFromBackup(), SnapshotRandomAllocationSegment::rollbackChanges(), RandomAllocationSegment::setPageSuccessor(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::updateExtentEntry(), and VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::validateFreePageCount().

00051 {
00052     SharedSegment sharedPtr = pTracingSegment.lock();
00053     if (sharedPtr && sharedPtr.get()) {
00054         return sharedPtr;
00055     } else {
00056         return shared_from_this();
00057     }
00058 }

void Segment::setTracingSegment ( WeakSegment  pTracingSegmentInit  )  [inherited]

Sets the tracing segment associated with this segment.

pTracingSegmentInit the tracing segment

Definition at line 60 of file Segment.cpp.

References Segment::pTracingSegment.

00061 {
00062     pTracingSegment = pTracingSegmentInit;
00063 }

void Segment::checkpoint ( CheckpointType  checkpointType = CHECKPOINT_FLUSH_ALL  )  [inherited]

Checkpoints this segment.

checkpointType type of checkpoint to execute

Definition at line 111 of file Segment.cpp.

References Segment::delegatedCheckpoint(), and Segment::pTracingSegment.

Referenced by Segment::closeImpl(), BackupRestoreTest::createSnapshotData(), BackupRestoreTest::executeSnapshotTxn(), and LcsClusterReplaceExecStreamTest::testClusterReplace().

00112 {
00113     // Note that we can't use getTracingSegment() here because that method
00114     // references the shared ptr associated with this segment, and the
00115     // shared segment may have already been freed during shutdown by the
00116     // time this method is called.
00117     SharedSegment sharedPtr = pTracingSegment.lock();
00118     if (sharedPtr && sharedPtr.get()) {
00119         delegatedCheckpoint(*(sharedPtr.get()),checkpointType);
00120     } else {
00121         delegatedCheckpoint(*this,checkpointType);
00122     }
00123 }

MappedPageListener * Segment::getMappedPageListener ( BlockId  blockId  )  [virtual, inherited]

Returns the mapped page listener corresponding to a page.

blockId blockId of the page whose page listener we are returning
segment corresponding to mapped page listener

Reimplemented in DynamicDelegatingSegment, SnapshotRandomAllocationSegment, and TracingSegment.

Definition at line 153 of file Segment.cpp.

00154 {
00155     return this;
00156 }

bool Segment::isWriteVersioned (  )  [virtual, inherited]

true if the segment supports versioning

Reimplemented in DynamicDelegatingSegment, SnapshotRandomAllocationSegment, and TracingSegment.

Definition at line 158 of file Segment.cpp.

00159 {
00160     return false;
00161 }

PageId Segment::getLinearPageId ( BlockNum  iPage  )  [inline, static, inherited]

Constructs a linear PageId based on a linear page number.

Definition at line 348 of file Segment.h.

Referenced by allocateFromLockedExtentTemplate(), ScratchSegment::allocatePageId(), LinearViewSegment::allocatePageId(), LinearDeviceSegment::allocatePageId(), CircularSegment::allocatePageId(), getExtentAllocPageId(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::getOldPageIds(), getSegAllocPageId(), Database::init(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::locateDataPages(), SegmentTestBase::lockPage(), SegmentTestBase::prefetchPage(), SegPageIterTest::testBoundedIter(), SegPageEntryIterTest::testBoundedIter(), ScratchSegment::translateBlockId(), LinearViewSegment::translateBlockId(), LinearDeviceSegment::translateBlockId(), CircularSegment::translateBlockId(), and CircularSegment::translatePageId().

00349 {
00350     return PageId(iPage);
00351 }

BlockNum Segment::getLinearBlockNum ( PageId  pageId  )  [inline, static, inherited]

Obtains the linear page number from a linear PageId.

Definition at line 353 of file Segment.h.

References opaqueToInt().

Referenced by CircularSegment::CircularSegment(), LinearDeviceSegment::deallocatePageRange(), CircularSegment::deallocatePageRange(), Segment::isLinearPageIdAllocated(), CircularSegment::isPageIdAllocated(), SegmentTestBase::lockPage(), SegInputStream::readPrevBuffer(), Segment::setLinearPageSuccessor(), splitPageId(), CircularSegment::translateBlockId(), ScratchSegment::translatePageId(), LinearViewSegment::translatePageId(), LinearDeviceSegment::translatePageId(), CircularSegment::translatePageId(), and LinearViewSegment::updatePage().

00354 {
00355     return opaqueToInt(pageId);
00356 }

MappedPageListener * Segment::getTracingListener (  )  [virtual, inherited]

Retrieves the tracing wrapper corresponding to this listener if tracing is turned on.

Otherwise, returns this listener itself.

tracing segment corresponding to a listener

Implements MappedPageListener.

Definition at line 65 of file Segment.cpp.

References Segment::getTracingSegment().

00066 {
00067     return getTracingSegment().get();
00068 }

MappedPageListener * MappedPageListener::notifyAfterPageCheckpointFlush ( CachePage page  )  [virtual, inherited]

Receives notification that a page has been flushed during a checkpoint.

Also determines if the listener on the page needs to be reset.

Note that if the page listener is reset, that page may not be unmapped during a CHECKPOINT_FLUSH_AND_UNMAP checkpoint call.

This method should be called immediately after the page flush has completed while the checkpoint is still in progress.

page the page that was flushed
NULL if the listener on the page does not need to be reset; otherwise, returns the listener that the page should be reset to

Reimplemented in SnapshotRandomAllocationSegment, and TracingSegment.

Definition at line 62 of file MappedPageListener.cpp.

00064 {
00065     return NULL;
00066 }

bool ClosableObject::isClosed (  )  const [inline, inherited]

whether the object has been closed

Definition at line 58 of file ClosableObject.h.

00059     {
00060         return !needsClose;
00061     }

void ClosableObject::close (  )  [inherited]

Closes this object, releasing any unallocated resources.

Reimplemented in CollectExecStream, CorrelationJoinExecStream, LcsClusterAppendExecStream, and LcsClusterReplaceExecStream.

Definition at line 39 of file ClosableObject.cpp.

References ClosableObject::closeImpl(), and ClosableObject::needsClose.

Referenced by CacheImpl< PageT, VictimPolicyT >::allocatePages(), LcsRowScanBaseExecStream::closeImpl(), ExecStreamGraphImpl::closeImpl(), FlatFileBuffer::open(), ClosableObjectDestructor::operator()(), and Segment::~Segment().

00040 {
00041     if (!needsClose) {
00042         return;
00043     }
00044     needsClose = false;
00045     closeImpl();
00046 }

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class SegmentFactory [friend]

Definition at line 140 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBase.h.

Member Data Documentation

BlockNum RandomAllocationSegmentBase::nPagesOccupiedHighWater [private]

The maximum number of pages occupied by this segment instance.

Definition at line 74 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBase.h.

Referenced by countAllocatedPages(), getNumPagesOccupiedHighWater(), incrementPageCounters(), incrementPagesOccupiedCounter(), RandomAllocationSegmentBase(), and tallySegAllocNodePages().

BlockNum RandomAllocationSegmentBase::nPagesAllocated [private]

The number of data pages allocated for this segment.

Definition at line 79 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBase.h.

Referenced by decrementPageCounters(), getAllocatedSizeInPages(), incrementPageCounters(), RandomAllocationSegmentBase(), and tallySegAllocNodePages().

BlockNum RandomAllocationSegmentBase::netDeallocations [private]

The net number of deallocations on this segment.

New page allocations that occur after a deallocation offset this count.

Definition at line 85 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBase.h.

Referenced by decrementPageCounters(), incrementPageCounters(), and RandomAllocationSegmentBase().

StrictMutex RandomAllocationSegmentBase::pageCounterMutex [private]

Mutex used to ensure that only one thread is incrementing the page counters.

Definition at line 91 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBase.h.

Referenced by countAllocatedPages(), decrementPageCounters(), incrementPageCounters(), and incrementPagesOccupiedCounter().

BlockNum RandomAllocationSegmentBase::nPagesPerExtent [protected]

Number of pages in one extent, including the extent allocation node itself (so actual data capacity per extent is one less).

This is immutable.

Definition at line 147 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBase.h.

Referenced by VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::allocateAllocNodes(), allocateFromLockedExtentTemplate(), allocatePageIdFromSegment(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::backupAllocationNodes(), deallocatePageId(), format(), formatExtentTemplate(), formatPageExtentsTemplate(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::getOldPageIds(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::locateDataPages(), makePageNum(), RandomAllocationSegment::RandomAllocationSegment(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::restoreFromBackup(), splitPageId(), tallySegAllocNodePages(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::validateFreePageCount(), and VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::VersionedRandomAllocationSegment().

BlockNum RandomAllocationSegmentBase::nPagesPerSegAlloc [protected]

Number of pages mapped by one SegmentAllocationNode, including the SegmentAllocationNode itself.

This is immutable.

Definition at line 153 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBase.h.

Referenced by getSegAllocPageId(), inferSegAllocCount(), RandomAllocationSegment::RandomAllocationSegment(), splitPageId(), and VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::VersionedRandomAllocationSegment().

ExtentNum RandomAllocationSegmentBase::nExtentsPerSegAlloc [protected]

Number of extents mapped by a full SegmentAllocationNode.

This is immutable.

Definition at line 159 of file RandomAllocationSegmentBase.h.

Referenced by VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::allocateExtAllocNodes(), allocatePageIdFromSegment(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::backupAllocationNodes(), deallocatePageId(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::deallocateSinglePage(), format(), formatPageExtentsTemplate(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::getOldPageIds(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::locateDataPages(), makePageNum(), RandomAllocationSegment::RandomAllocationSegment(), RandomAllocationSegmentBase(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::restoreFromBackup(), splitPageId(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::updateExtentEntry(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::validateFreePageCount(), and VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::VersionedRandomAllocationSegment().

SharedCache Segment::pCache [protected, inherited]

Cache managing pages of this segment.

Definition at line 62 of file Segment.h.

Referenced by VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::allocateAllocNodes(), allocateFromExtentTemplate(), allocateFromNewExtentTemplate(), allocatePageIdFromSegment(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::backupAllocationNodes(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::chainPageEntries(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::copyPageEntryFromTemp(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::copyPageEntryToTemp(), deallocatePageId(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::deallocateSinglePage(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::deferDeallocation(), VersionedSegment::delegatedCheckpoint(), SnapshotRandomAllocationSegment::delegatedCheckpoint(), Segment::delegatedCheckpoint(), format(), formatPageExtentsTemplate(), freePageEntryTemplate(), Segment::getCache(), Segment::getFullPageSize(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::getOldestTxnId(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::getOldPageIds(), getPageEntryCopyTemplate(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::getTempAllocNodePage(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::initPageEntry(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::locateDataPages(), VersionedSegment::notifyPageDirty(), VersionedSegment::recover(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::restoreFromBackup(), setPageSuccessorTemplate(), tallySegAllocNodePages(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::uncommittedDeallocation(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::updateExtentEntry(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::updatePageEntry(), VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::updateTempPageEntry(), and VersionedRandomAllocationSegment::validateFreePageCount().

WeakSegment Segment::pTracingSegment [protected, inherited]

The tracing segment associated with this segment, if tracing is turned on.

A weak_ptr is used due to the circular shared pointers between this segment and its tracing segment.

Definition at line 69 of file Segment.h.

Referenced by Segment::checkpoint(), Segment::getTracingSegment(), and Segment::setTracingSegment().

bool ClosableObject::needsClose [protected, inherited]

Definition at line 44 of file ClosableObject.h.

Referenced by SegStreamAllocation::beginWrite(), ExecStreamGraphImpl::clear(), ClosableObject::ClosableObject(), ClosableObject::close(), FlatFileBuffer::open(), ExecStreamGraphImpl::open(), ExecStream::open(), and ClosableObject::~ClosableObject().

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